

Triglyceride fats = good memory?

https://scitechdaily.com/new-study-links-higher-levels-of-a-certain-type-of-fat-to-a-decreased-risk-of-dementia/ –Triglycerides are fatty acids and are the most common type of fat in the blood. Triglycerides contribute up to 95% of dietary fats, which are the main energy source of the brain. (pathological tests consider <150 mg/dL as healthy or normal) this study says higher levels have decreased risk of developing dementia. But, a limitation of the study was researchers looked only at people 65 and older who had no cognitive issues initially, so the findings are not generalizable to other populations.

Triglycerides are a type of fat, called lipid , that circulate in your blood. They are the most common type of fat in your body. Triglycerides come from foods, especially butter, oils, and other fats you eat. Triglycerides also come from extra calories your body does not need right away. –
Triglycerides store unused calories and provide your body with energy
Cholesterol is used to build cells and certain hormones

Your doctor will usually check for high triglycerides as part of a cholesterol test, which is sometimes called a lipid panel or lipid profile. You’ll have to fast before blood can be drawn for an accurate triglyceride measurement. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-cholesterol/in-depth/triglycerides/art-20048186 –related Niacin, or vitamin B3 (alcohol=main depleter)


Medicane Daniel

Storm Daniel developed in Greece and was named by the Hellenic National Meteorological Service. As it moved towards Libya, Storm Daniel developed the characteristics of a Medicane - MEDI terranean hurri CANE .

Storms in the Mediterranean are rare, usually developed on the western regions of the Mediterranean. Medicanes are much rarer, expected only 1 or so a year. Daniel developed in Greece, the eastern region of the Mediterranean, caused heavy rains and fatal floods in Libya, now heading to Egypt.

September to December are storm seasons in many tropical countries, Thailand included. In Thailand there is a well known warning: เดือนสิบสอง น้ำนองเต็มตลิ่ง once in while a festive season would turn disastrously bad. With climate change in every corner of the globe, perhaps สนุกกันจริง วันลอยกระทง should be enjoyed with cautions.

And a double whammy (เด่งสอง) to follow in Summer (March-April-May) when the daytime temperature could rise by a few more degrees, accompanied by a prolonged El Niño – dry, no significant rains and hot. Water would evaporate fast, rivers and stream would dry up, ground moisture would drain away,…

It’s time to plan and make preparations for a difficult summer of 2567!


สภาพคล่องของ โรงพยาบาลกระทรวงสาธารณสุข

..ปัญหาขาดสภาพคล่องของ รพ.อุ้มผาง ถือว่าอยู่ในวิกฤติระดับ 7 เนื่องจากจะมีคนที่ไม่มีสัญชาติไทยมารับบริการด้วย อาทิ คนกะเหรี่ยงฝั่งประเทศไทย ผู้หนี้ภัยสงคราม ซึ่งเราก็ต้องช่วยตามหลักมนุษยธรรม ทั้งนี้ ต้องขอขอบคุณปลัดกระทรวงสาธารณสุข และสื่อมวลชนที่สนใจปัญหาชาวบ้านตามแนวชายแดน ซึ่งล่าสุดได้จัดสรรงบประมาณให้ รพ.อุ้งผาง 20 ล้านบาท และเป็นงบเหลือจ่ายให้ รพ.ได้ชำระหนี้อีกรวมเป็นเงิน 30 ล้านบาท อย่างไรก็ตาม ปัญหาสาธารณสุขชายแดน ไม่ใช่แค่ รพ.อุ้มผาง แต่ยังมีชายแดนอื่นๆ อีก.. https://www.dailynews.co.th/news/2617500/

For more details on assessment of financial viability [of hospitals in Thailand Health Ministry] see: http://healthkpi.moph.go.th/kpi/kpi-list/view/?id=1667

There are also Issues with Education (schools), Trade and Employment, Security,… at borders.


Climate Change - Human Activities

It should not be a surprise to see maps of areas affected by severe heatwaves (said to be caused by ‘hot’ high pressure weather cells at about 3-5 km above sea level) match well with air (passenger jets) traffic density. But passenger jets cruise (most of the time) at about 10km. Jets burn a lot of fuel and generate a lot of heat. (Internet search should supply the numbers for wasted heat, but how the heat from 10 km comes down to 3-5 km – air is less dense at higher altitude; heat transfers more to denser air –so heat sinks in atmosphere). ##a fair bit of work needed to clear questions here.

** Rockets are also very big heat engines.

And likewise the sea surface temperature maps match well with shipping traffic maps. Cargo ships burn a lot of oil and generate a lot heat. Most modern ship engines have 2 engine cooling systems (one is a closed system that cools the engine itself –like in cars; the other uses seawater to cool the closed system and releases the hot seawater back to the sea). ##Numbers can be estimated.

The big question is on heat generated by motorcars and other machinery on land. Can we get some data or bases for estimating ‘car heat maps’?

Can we take anymore of these heat engines?


Tree Body Temperature

[Earth is becoming more like Hell (hot and fiery) – human activities are the big contributor of heat energy. Heat energy is (said to be) very low grade and used to convert to higher form at very low efficiency. In a search for ‘Heat Eaters’ – to reduce Heat (or Hell) on Earth, we look at…]

Like humans, plants have an optimum personal temperature. In humans it is about 37°C, while many trees and plants have an internal temperature of about 21°C, as indicated by a study by the University of Pennsylvania. ..Tree leaves keep the same temperature from tundra to tropics (21C) – so plants use heat in the cold weather and releases heat (from photosynthesis) in the warmer weather. There are more plants in the tropics, so plants and forests only help shade heat from the Sun but not from Earth.

There is not enough data on insects body temperature. A range of 16C-46C(when flying) suggests that they may burn their own glucose rather than use external heat. ##More search is needed.

Are there living/growing things/systems in nature that can absorb heat happily? Earth surface, Sea surface, Earth atmosphere, both Earth poles and the Earth Interior (core) can be ruled out. They are not in the conditions to help now. It seems that mammals (with body temperature about 37C and numbers in billions) are a hope (but how do they eat heat?). But human have to stop making more heat. ##How to reduce Heat (and Hell) on Earth?
- Space is very cold (avg -270C/2.7K) and provides perfect insulation against conduction and convection (due lack of mass), but allows radiating heat (that why the Sun can warm up Earth). If no more heat is generated, the Earth will cool down via heat emission in space in X million years.


จรวดส่ง จันทรยาน-3

อินเดียปล่อยจรวดนำยานอวกาศลงจอดบนดวงจันทร์ https://www.thaipost.net/abroad-news/414264/
–India ISRO: Chandrayaan-3 on its way to Moon’s South Pole, with lander : Vikram & probe : Pragyan?

Chandrayaan 3 launch live updates: Launch successful, journey to moon begins https://indianexpress.com/article/technology/science/chandrayaan-3-launch-live-updates-8833802/

–The launch vehicle is powered by two S2000 solid rocket boosters that will provide the thrust required for takeoff. The L110 liquid stage will take over once the solid boosters separate from the launch vehicle. After the liquid stage is separated, the CE25 cryogenic stage will power the vehicle.


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