2020-11-30 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด P – populace & populous & population

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ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด P – populace & populous & population

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ออกเสียง populace & populous = ‘POP-yuh-luhs’

ออกเสียง population = ‘pop-yuh-LEY-shuhn’

Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree

Populace = the common people;

a population

Not to be confused with:

populous – having many people; numerous; crowded

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Did You Know?

Populace is usually used to refer toall the people of a country.

Thus, we're often told that an educated and informed

populace is essential for a healthy American democracy.

Franklin D. Roosevelt's famous radio "Fireside Chats"

informed and reassured the American populace in the 1930s

as we struggled through the Great Depression.

We often hear about what "the general populace" is thinking or doing,

but generalizingabout something so huge can be tricky.

Did You Know? populous

With a metropolitan area of more than 20 million people,

Mexico City could be called the world's second or third most populous city.

And the nearby Aztec city of Tenochtitlán was one of the largest cities in the world

even when Hernán Cortés arrived there in 1519.

But by the time Cortés conquered the city in 1521 it wasn't nearly so populous,

since European diseases had greatly reduced the population.

Avoid confusing populous and populace,

which are pronounced exactly the same.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Trend Watch


President Obama tries his hand at lexicography during a recent press conference.

Speaking at a conference in Canada, President Obama responded to the characterization of some of Donald Trump’s rhetoric as “populist.”

Without naming the Republican candidate,

Obama prefaced his remarks by saying

“maybe somebody can pull up in a dictionary quickly, the phrase populism.

He then went on to mention his desire to help children, the poor,

and workershave equal and fair access to opportunities,

saying: “I suppose that makes me a populist,” before taking aim at Donald Trump:

Somebody else who has never shown any regard for workers,

has never fought on behalf of social justice issues

in facthave worked against economic opportunity for workers and ordinary people, they don't suddenly become a populist

because they say something controversial in order to win votes.

That’s not the measure of populism.

Populist means“a believer in the rights, wisdom, and virtues of the common people.”

Appropriately enough in this context,

the term was coined as the name of a political party in the United States.

Known as the People’s Party or the Populist Party, it existed from 1892 until 1896, when it merged with the Democratic Party.

Populist comes from the Latin word for “the people,” populus.

Not only didPresident Obama mention “a dictionary,”

his explanation of the definition of a populist

helps explain why so many people looked this word up online.

So, I would just advise everybody to be careful about

suddenly attributing towhoever pops up at a time of economic anxiety

the label thatthey’re populist.

The initial data for this spike of populist

also showed spikes in populous and populace,

etymologically related words that have similar pronunciations,

indicating that many people heard or saw the president’s remarks

before reading news accounts.

Common Errors In English Usage Dictionary

The populationof a country may be referred to

as its populace,

but a crowded country is populous.

Dictionary of Problem Words and Expression

population & populace & populous

The populationof a country is the total number of persons inhabiting it:

“The estimate population of the United States in July 1972 was nearly 209 million.

Although populacecan be used to refer to all the inhabitants of a place

(town, city, country),

it is usually employed to designate the common people of a community or country

as distinguished from the so-called higher classes.

That is, the populace of a city bears some relationship to mob (See POPULAR).

Populace implies contempt or condescension; population is an adjective word without emotional implications.

Populous is an adjective meaning “full of residents,” “heavily populated”:

“California is the most populous state in the United States.”

คำสำคัญ (Tags): #English Word#Common Mistakes#Problem Words
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