2021-05-14 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – A – avenge & revenge

Revision A


ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – A – avenge & revenge

แนะนำการใช้ ตามที่ส่วนใหญ่ใช้ แต่ละท้องถิ่น

ความหมาย อาจผันแปร ตาม ตำแหน่ง/หน้าที่ ในประโยค


ออกเสียง avenge = ‘uh-VENJ

ออกเสียง revenge = ‘ri-VENJ



Avenge, revenge

both imply toinflict pain or harm in return for

pain or harm inflictedon oneself or those

persons or causes to which one feels loyalty.

The two words were formerly interchangeable,

but have been differentiated

until they nowconvey widely diverse ideas.

Avenge isnow restricted to inflicting punishment

asan act of retributive justice or as a vindication of propriety:

to avenge a murder by bringing the criminal to trial.

Revenge impliesinflicting pain or harm

to retaliatefor real or fancied wrongs;

a reflexive pronoun is often used with this verb:

Iago wished to revenge himself upon Othello.


Revenge, reprisal, retribution, vengeance

suggest a punishment, or injury inflicted in return for one received.

Revenge is the carrying out of a bitter desire

toinjure another for a wrong done to oneself

or to those who are felt to be like oneself:

to plot revenge.

Reprisal, formerly any act of retaliation,

isused specifically in warfare

for retaliation uponthe enemy for its (usually unlawful) actions:

to make a raid in reprisal for one by the enemy.

Retribution suggests just or deserved punishment,

often withoutpersonal motives, for some evil done:

a just retribution for wickedness.

Vengeance is usually wrathful, vindictive, furious revenge:

implacable vengeance.



What does revenge mean?

Revenge is the act or process

of retaliating against or punishing someone  

for some kind of harm that they caused

or wrongdoingthat they did (whether real or perceived).

It can also refer to the result of such efforts,

as in After all this time,

I will have revenge against those who have wronged me!

Revenge often involves

an attemptto get even by inflicting similar harm to the person

who initiallyharmed the person seeking revenge.

Revenge hasseveral other synonyms

that each have differentshades of meaning, including retribution, retaliation, and reprisal.

But more than these words,

revenge impliesthat such retaliation is personal

and motivated by a deep anger and perhaps

anobsessive desire to get even.

Revenge is often planned out over a period of time

hitting someone back right after they hit you

could be referred toas retaliation,

but probably wouldn’t be called revenge.

An informal synonym is payback

getting someone back for something they did to you,

especially aftertime has passed.

The related word vengeance can be used as

an even more intensesynonym for revenge,

but it alsocommonly refers to a desire for revenge,

as in: He was filled with vengeance.


revenge can be used as a verb meaning to get revenge,

as in: I will revenge the theft of my sister’s necklace

or: I will revenge myself for the crimes committed against me.

The related word avenge is much more commonly used in this way.

To avenge is to get revenge or to inflict some form of punishment

inretaliation for harm or wrongdoing done by someone else.

However, avenge is more associated with justice

and doesn’t always imply the same level of anger that revenge does.

The adjective revengeful is used

to describe someone who is determined

to get revenge or someone who is inclined to seek revenge

—someone who is vindictive.

A more commonly usedsynonym is vengeful.

Example: Revenge never ends well,

and becoming obsessed with it is like '

letting your enemy defeat you yet again.

Where does revenge come from?

The first recordsof the word revenge come from the 1300s.

It comes from the Old French revenger, from the Late Latin revindicāre,

from the Latin verb vindicāre, meaning

 “to protect,” “to avenge,” or “to punish.”

The words vengeance, avenge, vindicate, and vindictive

are all based on the same root.

The re- in revenge and synonyms like retribution, retaliation, and reprisal

indicatesthat these things are done

in responseor reaction to another action.

The word revenge appearsin the expression

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

This meansthat

revenge is more satisfying when it’s inflicted upon someone

long afterthey committed the original wrongdoing,

perhaps becauseit will then be more unexpected.

However, there is anothersaying:

Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.

This suggeststhat even if you are successful in getting revenge,

you will destroy yourself in the process.

Collins English Usage

aˈvenger n

aˈvengeress fem n


The use of avenge with a reflexive pronoun

was formerly consideredincorrect, but is now acceptable:

she avenged herself on the man who killed her daughter

The A-Z of Correct English Common Errors in English Dictionary

 Avenge & revenge

The words are very close in meaning

but AVENGE is often used in the sense of just retribution,

punishing a wrong done to another.

Hamlet felt bound to AVENGEhis father’s death.

REVENGEis often used in the sense of

getting one’s own back’ for a petty offence.

Dictionary of Problem Words in English

Avenge & revenge

Avenge is used in the sense of achieving justice:

“Jim avenged his mother’s injury.”

Revenge stresses retaliation and usually has for its subject the person wronged.:

“He revenged himself” or “He revenged the injury done to him.”

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