2021-05-14 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – A – average & median & mean

Revision A


ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – A – average & median & mean

แนะนำการใช้ ตามที่ส่วนใหญ่ใช้ แต่ละท้องถิ่น

ความหมาย อาจผันแปร ตาม ตำแหน่ง/หน้าที่ ในประโยค


ออกเสียง average = ‘AV-er-ij’ or ‘AV-rij’

ออกเสียง median = ‘MEE-dee-uhn’

ออกเสียง mean = ‘MEEN



What’sthe difference between average, mean, median,and mode?

In the context of mathematics and statistics,

the word average refersto what’s more formally called the mean,

 which is the sum ofa set of values divided by the number of values.

In contrast, the median isthe middle number in a set of values

whenthose values are arranged from smallest to largest,

while the mode of a set of values is

the most frequently repeated value in the set.

The word average isof course also

very commonlyused in more general ways.

In math, though, it’s helpful to use more specific terms

when determining the most representative or common value

ina set of numbers.

To illustratethe difference,

let’s look at an example set of seven values: 2, 3, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9.

To getthe mean of this set, you’d add up all the values (2+3+3+4+6+8+9=35)

and then dividethat total by the number of values (7),

resulting ina mean of 5.

This is what most people are referring to

when they refer tothe average of some set of numbers.

To findthe median, you have to find

the one that’s sequentiallyin the middle.

Ina set of seven numbers arranged in increasing value,

the median is the fourth number

(since there are three beforeand three after).

Inthis set (2, 3, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9), the median is4.

When a set has an evennumber of values,

the median is the mean of the two middle values.

The mode issimply the value that shows up the most.

Inthe example set, the mode is 3,

since it occurs twiceand all the other values occur only once.


“Average,” “Mean,” “Median,” And “Mode”: What’s The Difference?

Here atDictionary.com … we’re no math experts, words are our game.

But, with somehelp from our friends

at Study.com and their super-easy-to-understand math courses,

we learned somenew ways to understand math jargon.

Yup, the dictionary needs help learning mathematical terms too.

As you probably know the terms average, mean, median, and mode

are commonly confused with one another

because they all describe ways to talk about sets of numbers.

To look at how each term works,

let’s say that nine students took a quiz,

and the scores were 91, 84, 56, 90, 70, 65, 90, 92, and 30.

What is the mean?

When someone asks forthe average of a group of numbers,

they’re most likelyasking for the arithmetic mean

(a synonymous term, thank you Thesaurus.com).

An arithmetic mean is calculated

byadding several quantities together

and dividing the sum by the number of quantities.

For our example,

we need to add the ninequiz scores together and then divide the sum by nine.

So, the rounded average, or mean, score is 74.

(91 + 84 + 56 + 90 + 70 + 65 + 90 + 92 + 30 = 668. 668 divided by 9 = 74. Voila.)

What is the median?

The median isanother form of an average.

It usually represents the middlenumber in a given sequence

ofnumbers when it’s ordered by rank.

When the quiz scores are listed from lowest to highest:

30, 56, 65, 70, 84, 90, 90, 91, 92,

or highest to lowest: 92, 91, 90, 90, 84, 70, 65, 56, 30,

we can see that the median, or middle, score is 84.

What is the mode?

The mode is the most frequent value in a set of data.

For our test takers, the mode, or most common, score is 90.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Choosethe Right Synonym for average & media



meansomething that represents a middle point.

AVERAGE is the quotient obtained by dividing the sum total of a set of figures by the number of figures.

scored an average of 85 on tests

MEAN may be the simple average or it may represent value midway betweentwo extremes.

a high of 70° and a low of 50° give a mean of 60°

MEDIAN applies to the value that represents the point at which

there are as many instances above as there are below.

average of a group of persons earning 3, 4, 5, 8,

and 10 dollars an hour is 6 dollars, whereas the median is 5 dollars

NORM means the average of performance of a significantly large group, class, or grade.

scores about the norm for fifth grade arithmetic

Merriam-Webster Dictionary


Did You Know?

The word average came into English from Middle French avarie,

a derivative of an Arabic word meaning “damaged merchandise.”

Avarie originally meant damage sustained by a ship or its cargo,

but came to mean the expenses of such damage.

When the English borrowedthe word, they altered it

to conform to the patternof words ending in -age.

When a ship or its cargo wasdamaged at sea,

the owners or insurersshared the expense, or average.

An average-adjusterdetermined a division of costs among them.

An average thenbecame any equal distribution or division,

likethe determination of an arithmetic mean.

Soon the arithmetic mean itself was called an average.

Nowthe word may be applied to any mean or middle value or level.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary


Did You Know?

People often use the word average without realizing that

there are two common forms of average.

Suppose you want to find the average net worth of a group of people

—that is, the average value of everything they possess.

To find one typeof average, called the mean,

you'd simply add up the total value of money and property of everyone

in the group and divide it by the number of people.

To find the other type, called the median,

you'd identify the net worth of the person

who is richer thanhalf the people and poorer than the other half.

So, if Warren Buffett drove through a tiny village in India,

the mean net worth of those in the village

would suddenly rise to perhaps a billion dollars,

but their median net worth would remain close to zero.

Which figure would be more meaningful?

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Usage Notes

Commonly Confused Words

median vs. medium

Median and medium both function as both nouns and adjectives.

As a noun,

median can refer to a grassy or paved area that divides a highway

(also called "a median strip"), or,

in mathematics, to the middle value in a series of values

arrangedfrom smallest to largest.

The adjective

median is usually used in mathematics to mean

"having a value that is in the middle of a series of values

arranged from smallestto largest,"

as in: "the median price of homes in the area."

Medium as an adjective

means "in the middle of a range of possible sizes, amounts, etc.,"

as in: "a person of medium height" and "a medium blue."

The noun

medium hasseveral meanings, among them

"something that is sold in a medium size,"

as in: "I wear a medium,"


"a particular form or system of communication

(such as:newspapers, radio, or television),"

as in: "an effective advertising medium."



Mean, low, base, sordid, and vile

allrefer to ignoble characteristics worthy of dislike, contempt, or disgust.

Mean suggests pettiness and small-mindedness:

to take a mean advantage.

Low suggests coarseness and vulgarity:

low company.

Base suggestsselfish cowardice or moral depravity:

base motives.

Sordid suggests a wretched uncleanness, or sometimes an avariciousness withoutdignity or moral scruples:

a sordid slum; sordid gain.

Vile suggests disgusting foulness or repulsiveness:

vile insinuation; a vile creature.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language,


Usage Note:

Inthe sense of "financial resources"

means takesa plural verb:

His means are more than adequate.

Inthe sense of "a way to an end,"

means may betreated as a singular or plural.

It is singularwhen referring to a particular strategy or method:

The best means of securing the cooperation of the builders is to appeal to their self-interest.

It is plural when it refers to a group of strategies or methods:

The most effective means for dealing with the drug problem have often been those suggested by the affected communities.

Means is most often followed by of:

a means of noise reduction.

But for, to, and toward are also used:

a means for transmitting sound; a means to an end; a means toward achieving equality.

Collins COBUILD English Usage


The past tense and -ed participle of the verb mean is meant /ment/.

You use mean when you are talking or asking

about the meaningof a word or expression.

What does 'imperialism' mean?

'Pandemonium' means 'the place of all devils'.

Be Careful!
You must use the auxiliary verb does inquestions like these.

Don'tsay, for example, 'What means 'imperialism'?'

You can use mean with an -ing form to say

whatan attitude or type of behaviour involves.

Healthy living means being physically and mentally healthy.

I've got to do the right thing, even if it means taking a risk.

What someone means iswhat they are referring to or intend to say.

That friend of Sami's was there. Do you know the one I mean?

I thought you meant that you wanted some more to eat.

Be Careful!
Don't use 'mean' to talk about what people think or believe.

Don't say, for example, 'Most people mean he should resign'.

Say 'Most people think he should resign'.

I think a woman has as much right to work as a man.

Most scientists believe that climate change is caused by human activity.

In conversation,

you can use 'I mean' to explain or correct something

thatyou have just said.

So, what happens now? With your job, I mean.

I don't want to go. I mean, I want to, but I can't.

Dictionary of Problem Words in English

Average & median & mean

Average applies to

what is midwaybetween extremes on a scale of evaluation.

Witha series of numbers,

you would find the average

byadding them and dividing by their numbers.

You would find themedian

bydiscovering the middle number in an arithmetically arrangedseries.

You would find the mean

byadding the two extreme numbers and dividing by 2.

Thus, with the numbers 4, 6, 8, 12, and 15,

the average would be 9,

the median would be 8, and

the mean would be 91/2.

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