Wildlife in Danger

Wildlife in Danger

It has been very dry for many months at our place. Many plants, even natives are suffering badly. Many have died. Droughts are ruthless and cruel to all lives. As water evaporates under hot Sun, birds like ducks and herons have flown off our dams. Fish and turtles are clinging on. Insects found the conditions too harsh and not many butterflies and moths and grasshoppers are about this Summer. We started to to take photoes to document the effects of this drought. We will post some photoes on Gotoknow for public record. If we survive the drought too, we may make a documentary to tell a story of drought.

Rainbow lorrikeets get food supplement in drought time.

Common lorrikeets visit us for grains too. (Compare the head colour with the rainbow lorrikeets).

A goose (called Millie) is doing a "swan leg" ;-)

A goanna (read go-an-na) about 2 feet long head-to-tip-of tail. Goannas are opputunists they would eat eggs, insects, small birds, frogs,... They can run very fast and can climb trees, vertical walls,...

A black ant-hill (really ant-city) expanding. Ants must be doing better than us.

More to come ;-)

คำสำคัญ (Tags): #drought
หมายเลขบันทึก: 622187เขียนเมื่อ 27 มกราคม 2017 09:15 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 27 มกราคม 2017 09:15 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: ครีเอทีฟคอมมอนส์แบบ แสดงที่มา-ไม่ใช้เพื่อการค้า-ไม่ดัดแปลงจำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

ความเห็น (6)

ความแห้งแล้ง. เป็นภัยธรรมชาติที่คุกคามรวมทั้งน้ำท่วม...อุทกภัย...คนล้นโลก. เป็นภัยทางกำเนิด...มนุษย์พันธุ์นี้..น่าจะสูญพันธุ์ไปได้เช่นกัน...


Thanks for your posted and nice pictures ,Let's share our place in southern Thailand ,Too many rain and flooding in many places .

Many trees were cuted this 20 -30 years ,Now when heavy rain or monsoon season rain the water run fast and flood in the flash land .

Your pets and our pets and animal also get trouble in the difference situation and need kindly human being help them .They feel happy to have you take care them ,Right ?

Cheer up and be happy .

Best wishes .

Pooltai Lawakorn

Hello Khun Sr. Have a wonderful New Year 2017.I think droughts

affect human beings more than other animals because human beings can think and most of them tend to be pessimistic.

Thank you ยายธี Khun Poolthai and GD

Your comments are food for thought.

I am learning to see how droughts affect wildlife (who live or can be seen) at my place. Wildlife means 'free' animals that can come and go as they choose and 'native' plants (including trees) that grow on their own (no irrigation). I will do my best to exclude 'my' feelings and other human preferences. What I 'think' will need to be verified carefully. I will indicate 'what I think' and 'what i've learned' (facts) at best I can (in this series of blogs)


Dear khun Pooltai: I considered the word 'pets' yesterday and came to conclude that 'the animals' in pictures shown are not pets. I care for them for their sake - not for my sake -. Yes I do get pleasure interacting with them. We are so used to seeing wildlife flee at the sight of human beings. So, we don't have a chance to observe them enough. By feeding them, we slowly gain their trust and get to see how they interact among themselves and with 'us'. I can say that there are many surprises we have found so far. Long interactions lead to understanding!

Hello Khun sr

Thanks for your answered .I was only had that chance (Stay closely with wildlife )when I was my monkhood and stayed in the forest ,We spent several week to get to know (trust )each other ,I mean a mom birth and her three little babies then we were good friend at last .I will try more time to visit Gotoknow and hope to see more post from you .

Best wishes ,

Hi Khun Pooltai
I recall you run an English group somewhere down south (Yala?) How is it going?
We may say a lot of wrong and funny English but English is like any other skills, we get better with practice. I am glad you do practice. ;-)

Like most of my posts, I try to use simple English to tell stories that I think we know about or we can relate to. Sometimes, I add in my opinions or highlight some funny sides. I hope you would tell us of your ideas - in your own words. So, all of us can learn more - from each other.

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