Publications ของโครงการฯ (1984-2007)

Publications Article Full Text


  1. Non-transferrin plasma iron in ß-thalassaemia/Hb E and haemoglobin H diseases.[Article]


  2. Anemia in tropical and geographical medicine.[Article]


  3. Cholecystitis associated with Enterobacter agglomerans. [Article]


  4. The molecular basis of alpha-thalassaemia in Thailand. [Article]


  5. Hematologic and biosynthetic studies in homozygous hemoglobin Constant Spring. [Article]


  6. Determination for different severity of anemia in thalassemia: concordance and discordance among sib pairs.[Article]


  7. Increased red blood cell protoporphyrin in thalassemia: a result of relative iron deficiency. [Article]


  8. Ultrastructure and cell cycle distribution of erythropoietic cells in heterozygotes and homozygotes for haemoglobin E. [Article]


  9. Cardiac pathology in 47 patients with beta- thalassemia/hemoglobin E. [Article]


  10. Improved technic for detecting intraerythrocytic inclusion bodies in alpha-thalassemia trait.[Acticle]


  11. Intracranial extramedullary hematopoiesis inducing epilepsy in a patient with beta-thalassemia- hemoglobin E.[Article]


  12. Quantitative changes of red blood cell shapes in relation to clinical features in beta-thalassemia/Hb E disease.[Article]


  13. Thalassemia in Southeast Asia: determination of different degrees of severity of anemia in thalassemia. [Article]


  14. Vitamin E in beta-thalassaemia and alpha-thalassaemia (Hb H) diseases.[Article]


  15. Concomitant inheritance of alpha-thalassemia in beta0-thalassemia/Hb E disease.[Article]


  16. Prevalence of HTLV-III/LAV antibody in selected populations in Thailand.


  17. The morphology of redox-dye-treated Hb H-containing red cells: differences between cells treated with brilliant cresyl blue, methylene blue and new methylene blue. [Article]


  18. Molecular mechanisms of thalassemia in Thailand. [Article]


  19. Iron deficiency anemia.[Article]


  20. The relation of erythropoiesis to iron absorption in thalassemia. [Article]


  21. Iron overload in Hb E-beta-thalassemia : magnetic measurement of hepatic iron stores. [Article]


  22. Hb H disease: iron overload is more severe in the genotype alpha-thalassemia-1/Hb Constant Spring than in alpha-thalassemia-1/alpha-thalassemia 2.


  23. Studies of erythropoietic cells in heterozygotes and homozygotes for haemoglobin Constant Spring and in heterozygotes for both haemoglobin Constant Spring and beta-thalassaemia 1 trait : extent of globin chain precipitation and cell cycle distribution.[Article]


  24. The Problems of thalassaemia in South-East Asia. In : National Congress in Hematology and Transfusion, Soemantri Ag and Pradono AP. (eds.). [Article]


  25. Increased phagocytosis of plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes with haemoglobin E by peripheral blood monocytes.[Article]


  26. Comparison of erythrocyte antioxidative enzyme activities between two types of haemoglobin H disease.[Article]


  27. Geographic distribution of hemoglobin variants in Southeast Asia. In: Hemoglobin Variants in Human Populations Vol II, Winter WP. (ed.). CRC Press Inc.,[Article]


  28. Free oxygen radicals and free oxygen radicals scavenging enzymes in thalassemia. [Article]


  29. Erythroid marrow function in anemic patients. [Article]


  30. Failure to detect large deletions in the beta-globin gene of Thai subjects with betao-thalassemia/Hb E.[Article]


  31. Prenatal diagnosis of the fetus at risk for beta-thalassemia/ hemoglobin E disease: a report of the first case in Thailand.[Article]


  32. Thalassemic erythrocytes inhibit in vitro growth of plasmodium falciparum.[Article]


  33. Iron chelating agents. [Article]


  34. Hemoglobinopathies in Southeast Asia.[Article]


  35. Defective spectrin dimer self-association in thalassemic red cells.  [Article]


  36. Identification of Hb Lapore-Washington-Boston in association with Hb E [b26(B8)Glu->Lys] in a Thai Female. [Article]


  37. Different severity of homozygous beta- thalassemia among siblings. [Article]


  38. Different molecular defects of Gg(Agdb)o-thalassaemia in Thailand. [Article]


  39. Inhibitory effect of betao-thalassaemia/haemoglobin E erythrocytes on plasmodium falciparum growth in vitro.[Article]


  40. Adequacy of iron supply for erythropoiesis: In vivo observations in humans.[Article]


  41. Plasma iron and transferrin iron-binding capacity evaluated by colorimetric and immunoprecipitation methods. [Article]


  42. A mild uncompensated alkalosis in anemia. [Atricle]


  43. Decreased heat stability found in purified hemoglobin Queens [alpha34(B15)Leu->Arg]. [Article]


  44. Impaired glucose counterregulation after insulin induced hypoglycemia in thalassemia patients [Article]


  45. Studies of hemoglobin Bart’s and deletion of alpha-globin genes from cord blood in Thailand. [Article]


  46. alpha-mRNA level in the two types of Hb H disease. [Article]


  47. Molecular basis of beta-thalassemia in Thailand. [Article]


  48. Bam HI polymorphism of the betaA–,betaE–, and betao-thalassemia genes in the Thai population.[Article]


  49. DNA polymorphism of betaN- and betaE-globin genes in Thais. [Article]


  50. Altered structure of spectrin in the two types of hemoglobin H disease.[Article]


  51. A scanning electron microscopic study of red cells of thalassemic patients. [Article]


  52. Red cell osmotic fragility by fragiligraphic study in normal, thalassemic, and hemoglobin E patients.  [Article]


  53. Oxidative stress and antioxidative enzymes in hemoglobin H disease. [Article]


  54. Oxidative stress and antioxidants in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E. [Article]


  55. elationship of serum vitamin E, erythrocyte nonheme iron, and malonyldialdehyde ( lipid membrane peroxidation product) in thalassemia.[Article]


  56. Modified technique for detecting red cells containing inclusion bodies in alpha-thalassemia trait.[Article]


  57. Effects of toluene and storage on the amount of Hb H. [Article]


  58. No evidence for a role of disulfide bonds in the attachment of inclusion bodies of the red cell membrane.[Article]


  59. Variable severity of Southeast Asian betao-thalassemia/Hb E disease.


  60. Determination of variable severity of anemia in thalassemia : erythrocyte proteolytic activity. [Article]


  61. Differential expression of erythrocyte calpain and calpastatin activities in betao-thalassemia/Hb E disease. [Article]


  62. Double heterozygosity for hemoglobin E and a Lepore-type hemoglobin found in a Thai woman. [Article]


  63. Differences between two types of Hb H disease, alpha-thalassemia 1/alpha thalassemia 2 and alpha-thalassemia 1/Hb Constant Spring. 


  64. In vivo induction of intraerythrocytic inclusion bodies in hemoglobin H disease : an electron microscopic study.[Article]


  65. Clinical and hematologic manifestations of AE Bart’s disease. [Article]


  66. Hemoglobin Bart’s disease without hydrops manifestation. [Article]


  67. Lung function tests in splenectomized beta-thalassemia/Hb E patients. [Article]


  68. Lung perfusion in thalassemia. [Article]


  69. Distribution of pulmonary thromboembolic lesions in thalassemic patients. [Article]


  70. Patients with thalassemia develop osteoporosis, osteomalacia, and hypoparathyroidism, all of which are corrected by transfusion.[Article]


  71. Deaths in beta-thalassemia/Hb E patients secondary to infections.[Article]


  72. Infection in thalassemia: a retrospective study of 1,018 patients with beta-thalassemia/Hb E disease. [Article]


  73. A study of infective episodes in patients with b-thalassemia/Hb E disease in Thailand. [Article]


  74. Severe infection in thalassemia: a prospective study.[Article]


  75. Antibody response in beta-thalassemia/Hb E disease, hemoglobin H patients, and nonthalassemics with enteric fever.[Article]


  76. Oropharyngeal colonization with aerobic bacteria in beta-thalassemia/ hemoglobin E disease.[Article]


  77. Serum of thalassemic patients promotes growth of streptococci. [Article]


  78. Viral infections in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E patients. [Article]


  79. Iron metabolism in thalassemia.[Article]


  80. Histochemical study of liver tissue from thalassemic patients. [Article]


  81. Electron microscopic study of liver tissue from 30 thalassemic patients. [Article]


  82. Plasma renin activity in patients with beta-thalassemia hemoglobin E. [Article]


  83. Gallstones in thalassemia.[Article]


  84. Cholecystectomy in thalassemia.  [Article]


  85. A study of thalassemia associated with pregnancy.[Article]


  86. Study of hematopoietic progenitors in patients with thalassemia: the effect of splenectomy.[Article]


  87. Investigation of the causes of suboptimal haemoglobin response to iron supplementation.[Article]


  88. The effect of erythroid hyperplasia on iron balance. [Article]


  89. Cord blood study on beta-thalassemia and hemoglobin E. [Article]


  90. EF Bart’s disease: Interaction of the abnormal a-and beta-globin genes.[Article]


  91. Assessment of hematological data obtained by the aperture impedance method in blood from patients with thalassemia or hemoglobinopathy. [Article]


  92. Problems of thalassemia in Thailand. [Article]


  93. Pathophysiology of thalassemic erythrocytes. [Article]


  94. Infections in thalassemia. [Article]


  95. A WHO collaborative study on iron supplementation in Burma and in Thailand.


  96. Prevention of a-thalassemia. In : Prenatal diagnosis of thalassemia and the hemoglobinopathies, Loukopoulos D (ed.).[Article]


  97. Quantitation of ferritin iron in plasma, an explanation for non-transferrin iron.


  98. A historical challenge to medical education (Editorial).[Article]


  99. Impaired parasite growth and increased susceptibility to phagocytosis of plasmodium falciparum infected alpha-thalassemia or hemoglobin Constant Spring red blood cells. [Article]


  100. Hematologic changes in a-thalassemia. [Article]


  101. alpha-thalassemia in Thailand. [Article]


  102. beta-Thalassemia associated with alpha-thalassemia in Thailand. [Article]


  103. Characterization of two deletions that remove the entire human z-a globin gene complex (–THAI and –FIL). [Article]


  104. Analysis of hematological data of thalassemia cases in Thailand. [Article]


  105. Effects of thalassemic serum on the in vitro development of the malarial parasite plasmodium falciparum. [Article]


  106. Decreased sensitivity to artesunate and chloroquine of plasmodium falciparum infecting hemoglobin H and/or hemoglobin Constant Spring erythrocytes. [Article]


  107. The molecular basis of AE-Bart’s disease. [Article]


  108. A novel ochre mutation in the beta-thalassemia gene of a Thai. [Article]


  109. Detection of beta-thalassemia and hemoglobin E genes in Thai by a DNA amplification technique.[Article]


  110. Molecular basis of bo-thalassemia/Hb E disease in Thailand. [Article]


  111. Selective enzymatic amplification of a2-globin DNA for detection of the hemoglobin Constant Spring mutation.[Article]


  112. Laboratory diagnosis for thalassemia. [Article]


  113. Study of mechanisms of post-transfusion hypertension in thalassaemic patients. [Article]


  114. The molecular basis of thalassemias. [Article]


  115. Cytochemical evaluation of neutrophil components in beta-thalassemia hemoglobin E. [Article]


  116. The role of humoral factor causing post-transfusion hypertension in thalassemic patients. [Article]


  117. Intact transferrin receptors in human plasma and their relation to erythropoiesis.[Article]


  118. Effect of thalassemia/ hemoglobin E disease on macro, trace, and ultratrace element concentrations in human tissue. [Article]


  119. Prenatal diagnosis of beta(o)-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease by DNA amplification technique. [Article]


  120. Electron microscopical and immumohistochemical studies of liver tissue in thalassaemic patients emphasis of iron and hepatitis B virus.[Article]


  121. Cardiac involvement in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease: clinical and hemodynamic findings.[Article]


  122. Thai Gg(Agdb)o-thalassemia and its interaction with a single g-globin gene on a chromosome carrying bo-thalassemia. [Article]


  123. Haemoglobin-E trait and the clinical course of malaria in Thai soldiers. [Article]


  124. The molecular basis of beta-thalassemia in Thailand: application to prenatal diagnosis.[Article]


  125. Hemoglobin Dhonburi a2b2 126(H4) Val->Gly: a new unstable b variant producing a beta-thalassemia intermedia phenotype in association with betao-thalassemia. [Article]


  126. Control of thalassaemia in Southeast Asia.  [Article]


  127. Induction of zoopore formation in Thai isolates of Pythium insidiosum. [Article]


  128. Ultrasonographic method for detection of haemoglobin Bart’s hydrops fetalis in the second trimester of pregnancy. [Article]


  129. beta-thalassaemia/ haemoglobin E tissue ferritins. I: purification and partial characterization of liver and spleen ferritins.  [Article]


  130. beta-thalassaimia/haemoglobin E tissue ferritins. II: a comparison of heart and pancreas ferritins with those of liver and spleen. [Article]


  131. The interference of pyridoxal isonicotinoyl hydrazone with intestinal iron absorption.  [Article]


  132. beta-thalassemia in Thailand. [Article]


  133. Pituitary function in thalassemic patients and the effect of chelation therapy.


  134. Organ specific crystalline structures of ferritin cores in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E..[Article]


  135. Prenatal diagnosis of thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in Thailand: experience from 100 pregnancies. [Article]


  136. Mineralization of iron in ferritin and haemosiderin: the effect of tissue environment on mineral structure. Machanisms and phylogeny of mineralization in biological system, Suga S and Nakahara H (eds) Springer-Verlag,[Article]


  137. Red cell and plasma calcium, copper and zinc in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E.[Article]


  138. Asymmetrically primed selective amplification/temperature shift fluorescence polymerase chain reaction to detect the hemoglobin Constant Spring mutation. [Article]


  139. High-dose intravenous immunoglobulin in the management of immune hemolysis in patients with thalassemic disease: factors which determine refractoriness.[Article]


  140. Erythroblast and erythrocyte-bound antibodies in a and b thalassemia syndromes. [Article]


  141. Hemoglobin Constant Spring in Bangkok: molecular screening by selective enzymatic amplification of the a2 globin gene. [Article]


  142. Erythrocyte volume and haemoglobin concentration in haemoglobin H Disease: discrimination between the two genotypes.[Article]


  143. Erythrocyte glocose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and pyruvate kinase activities in hemoglobin H Disease. [Article]


  144. duced deformability of thalassemic erythrocytes and erythrocytes with abnormal hemoglobins and relation with susceptibility of Plasmodium falciparum invasion.[Article]


  145. Identification of five rare mutations including a novel frameshift mutation causing bo-thalassemia in Thai patients with bo-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease.[Article]


  146. Core structures of haemosiderins deposited in varions organs in beta-thalassaemia/haemoglobin E disease. [Article]


  147. Effect of orally active hydroxypyridinone iron chelators on human lymphocyte function. [Article]


  148. Flow cytometric two-color staining technique for simultaneous determination of human erythrocyte membrane antigen and intracellular malarial DNA. [Article]


  149. Thalassemia in Southeast Asia: problems and strategy for prevention and control.


  150. Hb Q Thailand [a74 (EF3) Asp->His]: gene organization, molecular structure, and DNA diagnosis. [Article]


  151. Cytoadherence characteristics of rosette-forming plasmodium falciparum. [Article]


  152. Flow cytometry and its application on malaria.[Article]


  153. The molecular basis of alpha-thalassemia in Thailand. [Article]


  154. Molecular heterogeneity of beta-thalassemia in Thailand. [Article]


  155. Hypoxemia in thalassemia. [Article]


  156. Pulmonary thromboembolism in thalassemic patients. [Article]


  157. The pathogenesis of hypoxemia.[Article]


  158. Increase in spontaneous platelet aggregation in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease: a consequence of splenectomy.[Article]


  159. Detection of PF3 availability in whole blood from volunteers and beta-thalassemia/HbE patients: a promissing method for prediction of thrombolytic tendency. [Article]


  160. Morphological assessment of platelet activation in thalassemia.[Article]


  161. Protein C and protein S deficiency in thalassemic patients. [Article]


  162. The thalassemic red cell membrane. [Article]


  163. Size distribution curves of blood cells in thalassemias and hemoglobin H diseases. [Article]


  164. Biophysical changes of red cells with thalassemia-like abnormal hemoglobin. 


  165. Interaction between endothelial cells and thalassemic red cells in vitro. [Article]


  166. Thalassemic serum impairs endothelial cell growth in vitro.[Article]


  167. Liver tissue injury secondary to iron overload in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease. [Article]


  168. Brain pathology in 6 fatal cases of post-transfusion hypertension, convulsion and cerebral hemorrhage syndrome. [Article]


  169. wo-color flow cytometric analysis of intraerythrocytic malaria parasite DNA and surface membrane-associated antigen in erythrocytes infected with plasmodium falciparum. [Article]


  170. Severity differences in beta-thalassemia/haemoglobin E syndromes: implication of genetic factor.[Article]


  171. Fatal arteritis due to Pythium insidiosum infection in patients with thalassemia. [Article]


  172. Identification of Hb C [B6(A3)Glu->Lys] in a Thai Male. [Article]


  173. Alteration in cytoadherence and rosetting of plasmodium falciparum-infected thalassemic red blood cells.[Article]


  174. Activation of monocytes for the immune clearance of red cells in betao-thalassemia/HbE. [Article]


  175. Quantitative assessment of erythropoiesis and functional classification of anemia based on measurements of serum transferrin receptor and erythropoietin.[Article]


  176. Identification of Hb Anantharaj [all (A9)LYS->GLU] as Hb J-Wenchang-Wuming [all (A9)LYS->GLU]. [Article]


  177. Structural analysis of proteins in Thailand : Identification of abnormal hemoglobins.  [Article]


  178. Structure of Abnormal Hemoglobins in Thailand. “Recent Advances in Molecular and Biochemical Research on Proteins”. [Article]


  179. Effect of pyrexia in the formation of intraerythrocytic inclusion bodies and vacuoles in haemolytic crisis of haemoglobin H disease.[Article]


  180. Nondeletional type of hereditary persistence of fetal haemoglbin: molecular characterization of three unrelated Thai HPFH. [Article]


  181. Monoclonal antibody immunoassay for the identification of hemoglobin variants in neonatal screening. [Article]


  182. Hydration of red cells in a and beta thalassemia differs a useful approach to distinguish between these red cell phenotypes. [Article]


  183. Number and maturation of reticulocytes in various genotypes of thalassemia as assessed by flow cytometry.[Article]


  184. Flow cytometric immunophenotyping of lymphocyte subsets in samples that contain a high proportion of non-lymphoid cells. [Article]


  185. The ethics of prenatal diagnosis in different religious and cultural contexts. In Beuzard Y, Lubin B, Rosa J (eds). Sinckle Cell Disease and Thalassaemia: New Trends in Therapy. [Article]


  186. Hydroxyurea increases Hb F and improves the effectiveness of erythropoiesis in beta-thalassemia/Hb E disease. In Beuzard Y, Lubin B, Rosa J (eds). Sinckle Cell Disease and Thalassaemia: New Trends in Therapy. [Article]


  187. Detection of alpha-thalassemia-1 (Southeast Asian type) and its application for prenatal diagnosis. [Article]


  188. Reverse dot-blot detection of Thai beta-thalassaemia mutations. [Article]


  189. Alterations in vascular endothelial cell-related plasma proteins in thalassaemic patients and their correlation with clinical symptoms. [Article]


  190. Molecular mechanisms of thalassemia in Southeast Asia. [Article]


  191. Role of althernatively spliced bE-globin mRNA on clinical severity of beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease. [Article]


  192. Alterations and pathology of thalassemic red cells : comparison between alpha- and beta-thalassemia. [Article]


  193. Prenatal diagnosis for beta-thalassemia syndromes using HRP-labeled oligonucleotide probes at Siriraj Hospital. [Article]


  194. The instability of the membrane skeleton in thalassemic red blood cells. [Article]


  195. Globin chain turvocer in reticulocytes from patients with betao-thalassemia/Hb E disease. [Article]


  196. Hydroxyurea increases hemoglobin F levels and improves the effectiveness of erythropoiesis in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E disease.[Article]


  197. Hematological problems in Asian traditional medicine. In “Microcirculatory Approach to Asian Traditional Medicine : Strategy for the Scientific Evaluation”.[Article]


  198. Lymphocytes in beta-thalassemia/Hb E: subpopulations and mitogen responses. [Article]


  199. Presence of immunoglobulins, C3 and cytolytic C5b-9 complement components on the surface of erythrocytes from patients with beta-thalassaemia/Hb E disease. [Article]


  200. The effect of histological processing on the form of iron in iron-loaded human tissues.[Article]


  201. The unusual pathobiology of hemoglobin Constant Spring red blood cells. [Article]


  202. Hemoglobinopathies in Southeast Asia: molecular biology and clinical medicine. [Article]


  203. An in vitro study on thalassemic erythroid precursors in liquid culture.


  204. alpha-Thalassemia incidence in Southern Thailand by restriction endonuclease analysis of globin DNA from placental blood at Songklanagarind hospital. .[Article]


  205. Detection of thalassemia genes using smeared blood film or leukocytes adhering to polysthylene fibers.[Article]


  206. Difference in pattern of erythropoietin response between beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E children and adults. [Article]


  207. The possible evidence of endothelial cell activation and disturbance in thalassemia : an in vitro study. [Article]


  208. Morphological alterations and apoptosis of endothelial cells induced by thalassemic serum in vitro. [Article]


  209. Surface and total tissue factor activity of endothelial cells. [Article]


  210. A double-blind placebo control trial of Dilazep in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E patients. [Article]


  211. The effect of Dilazep in beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E patients. [Article]


  212. Whole blood viscosity in thalassemia. Proceedings: The Third Asian Congress for Microcirculation. [Article]


  213. Renal function in adult beta-thalassemia/Hb E disease. [Article]


  214. Prenatal and postnatal diagnoses of thalassemias and hemoglobinopathies by HPLC.  [Article]


  215. Detection of z-globin chains in the cord blood by ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay): rapid screening for alpha-thalassemia 1 (Southeast Asian type). [Article]


  216. Molecular basis of beta-thalassemia in the Maldives. [Article]


  217. Alpha and beta-thalassemia in Thailand. [Article]


  218. Membrane phospholipid asymmetry in human thalassemia.[Article]


  219. The form iron oxide deposits in thalassemia tissues varies between different groups of patients: a comparison between Thai ?-thalassemia/hemoglobin E patients and Australian ?-thalassemia [Article]


  220. The course of anaemia after the treatment of acute, falciparum malaria.[Article]


  221. Effects of alpha-thalassemia on pharmacokinetics of the antimalarial agent artesunate.[Article]

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