Indian philosophy

Indian philosophy

By…Uthai  Eksaphang

1. Life and philosophy

    The way of life of most Indian people He is seriously interested in studying philosophy. He thinks that life and philosophy are inseparable. But he must choose between good philosophy and bad philosophy.

An ancient Indian philosopher. He invented that What is the ultimate purpose of life ..? Some answers are to search for knowledge. Truth enlightenment about the life of an enlightened person. Because he is enlightened, he knows others. In short, enlightenment. This is the destination of human life.

        Indian people. He holds the motto of life that You must live to seek knowledge. There are 2 ways of knowledge: worldly knowledge. Dharma knowledge.

2. Identity of Indian philosophy

        Learning philosophy is learning for knowledge. When he doubts ..? He has to find the answer. For him to know that truth. All Indian philosophy has its roots in religious teachings. Indian philosophy is called religion philosophy.

3. Meaning of Indian philosophy

        This philosophy Indian philosophers like to use the term "attitude" to translate opinions or enlightenment.

4. Goals of Indian philosophy

        Indian philosophy He focuses on explaining the truth about people. He wants to know who he is ..? This is See The Self. There is a question of how Indian philosophy sets that goal in place ..? Responded that because an enlightened person, he will be liberated from all suffering. Indian philosophy therefore requires that people seek wisdom for life.

5. Scope of Indian philosophy

        Indian philosophers have divided Indian philosophy into 3 points.

1. Epistemology is a philosophy about seeking knowledge.

2. Metaphysics is the philosophy about seeking truth.

3. Ethics is the philosophy about the pursuit of practice, divided into 2 parts which are

3.1 Axiology is a philosophy about the pursuit of value.

3.2 Aesthetics is a philosophy about the pursuit of beauty.

6. Indian philosophical concepts

        Indian philosophical concepts exist in religious scriptures, such as the Vedas, the Tripitaka, etc.

        The division of Indian philosophy into 3 concepts is

1. Concept of materialism Materialistic ie physical existence is Matter objects or matter

2. Realistic realism concepts that exist in reality, which are dual things, such as body and mind and the object-title.

3. Idealistic ideas are things that exist, namely the mind and spirit.

7. Dividing the era of Indian philosophy

        Dividing the era of Indian philosophy into 3 periods

1. The ancient era is from the Vedas - Buddhist century 15

The Philosophy of Astika - The philosophy of Nastika

2. The Middle Ages, from the 15th century to the 23rd century, the Muslims occupied India.

Birth of Sikhism

3. The new era is from the 23rd-present Buddhist century

There is the philosophy of Swami Ram Krishna.

                  Swami Vivekananda

                  Raphinthuranatha Thakur

                  Sri Orphintho

                  Mahatma Gandhi

                  Dr. Rathakrishnan etc.

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