2021-01-19 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด S – Smell & stink & scent


ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด S – Smell & stink & scent

แนะนำการใช้ ตามที่ส่วนใหญ่ใช้ แต่ละท้องถิ่น

ความหมาย อาจผันแปร ตาม ตำแหน่ง/หน้าที่ ในประโยค


ออกเสียง Smell = ‘SMEL’  

ออกเสียง stink = ‘STINGK

ออกเสียง scent = ‘SENT

Farlex Trivia Dictionary.

Scent =

  • breath = From an Old English word meaning "scent, smell."
  • flair = Comes from Latin fragrare, "smell sweet,"

and was first the ability to detect the "essence" or "scent"

of something and know how to act accordingly.

or distracting, so named from

the practice of using the scent of red herring in training hounds.

  • relish = First meant "odor, scent," then "taste, flavor."

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Choose the Right Synonym for smell



mean the quality that makes a thing perceptible to the olfactory sense.

SMELL implies solely the sensation without suggestion of quality or character.

an odd smell permeated the room

SCENT applies to the characteristic smell given off by a substance, an animal, or a plant. the scent of lilacs

ODOR may imply a stronger or more readily distinguished scent or it may be equivalent to SMELL. a cheese with a strong odor

AROMA suggests a somewhat penetrating usually pleasant odor.

the aroma of freshly ground coffee

Merriam-Webster Dictionary


Definition - to smell worse than: have a more powerful stench than

Outstink is not one of our most frequently searched-for words,

for some reason.

Possibly because the action of stinking more than others is not generally a desirable thing.

However, this is a useful word, as anyone who has ever, to paraphrase Kris Kristofferson, had to dig through laundry in search of their cleanest dirty shirt can attest.

Thy only sighs are vented at the Bum,

Outstink a Carrion, and outroar a Drum.

— François Rabelais (Trans. by P. M.), The Fifth Book of The Works of Francis Rabelais, 1694


Definition - stinker

Stinkaroo obviously comes from stink,and we define it as "stinker,"

but each of these words has several highly colloquial uses,

leading to potential confusion about when one should employ stinkaroo.

The sense of "stinker" that is most applicable to stinkaroo

is "something (such as a play, motion picture) disgustingly poor in quality."

Naturally you think that they were what confirmed smokers call "stinkaroos." How easy it would be to fool you and say they were real cigars. But truth is mighty and will prevail. They were "stinkaroos." It often happens just that way. — The Commoner (Lincoln, NE), 4 Jan. 1907

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Choose the Right Synonym for scent



mean a sweet or pleasant odor.

FRAGRANCE suggests the odors of flowers or other growing things.

the fragrance of pine

PERFUME may suggest a stronger or heavier odor. the perfume of lilacs

SCENT is very close to PERFUME but of wider application

because more neutral in connotation.

scent-free soaps REDOLENCE implies a mixture of fragrant or pungent odors.

the redolence of a forest after a rain


mean the quality that makes a thing perceptible to the olfactory sense.

SMELL implies solely the sensation without suggestion of quality or character.

an odd smell permeated the room

SCENT applies to the characteristic smell given off by a substance,

an animal, or a plant. the scent of lilacs

ODOR may imply a stronger or more readily distinguished scent

or it may be equivalent to SMELL. a cheese with a strong odor

AROMA suggests a somewhat penetrating usually pleasant odor.

the aroma of freshly ground coffee

Collins COBUILD English Usage

Smell can be a noun or a verb.

The past tense and -ed participle of the verb is smelled,

but smelt is also used in British English.

1. used as a noun

The smell of something is a quality it has that you are aware of through your nose.

I love the smell of fresh bread.

What's that smell?

2. used as an intransitive verb

If you say that something smells,

you mean that people are aware of it because of its unpleasant smell.

The fridge is beginning to smell.

His feet smell.

You can say that a place or object smells of a particular thing,

which can be pleasant or unpleasant.

The house smelled of flowers.

Her breath smelt of coffee.

Be Careful!

You must use of in sentences like these.

Don't say 'The house smelled freshly bakedbread'.

You can say that one place or thing smells like another thing,

which can be pleasant or unpleasant.

The house smelt like a hospital ward.

I love this shampoo – it smells like lemons.

You can also use smell with an adjectiveto say

that something has a pleasant or unpleasant smell.

What is it? It smells delicious.

The room smelled damp.

Be Careful!

Don't use an adverb after smell.

Don't say, for example, 'It smells deliciously'.

3. used as a transitive verb

If you can smell something, you are aware of it through your nose.

I could smell the dinner cooking in the kitchen.

Can you smell the ocean?

Be Careful!

You usually use can or could in sentences like these.

You usually say, for example, 'I can smell gas'

rather than 'I smell gas'.

Don't use a progressive form. Don't say 'I am smelling gas'.

Dictionary of Problem Words and Expression

Smell  & stink& scent

The noun refer to the qualities and propertiesof objects

and items that can be detectedthrough the olfactory organs

or what is generally called the sense of smell.

Smell, along with odor, is the most general, most commonly used,

and most neutral of these words.

A smell can be pleasant or unpleasant,

but usually, the word carries no particular connotation,

favorable or unfavorable.

Stink and its companion word stench

always refer to disagreeable and unpleasantodors,

especially those resulting from the decomposition of organic matter,

such as the dead bodies of animals.

Scent applies to a distinctive odor,

usually delicate and usually directly with physical qualities

of the item or object itself.

Thus one would refer to the smell of wet grass,

the stink of a dead body,

and the scent of roses.

As verbs, scent has

principal parts of scent, scented;

stink, of stank, stunk;

smell, of smell, smelled (or smelt)

Words related to this trio of terms

are aroma, fragrance, stench,, perfume, savor, bouquet, exhalation and redolence.

คำสำคัญ (Tags): #English Word#Common Mistakes#Problem Words
หมายเลขบันทึก: 688471เขียนเมื่อ 19 มกราคม 2021 18:37 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 19 มกราคม 2021 18:37 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: ครีเอทีฟคอมมอนส์แบบ แสดงที่มา-ไม่ใช้เพื่อการค้า-ไม่ดัดแปลงจำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

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