The word 'genocide' was
coined in 1944 to name a particularly shocking and horrific crime
of violence which it was then believed could never happen again.
That it has been put into practice so many times in one century is
even more shocking.
The human race is the only species that can and does think itself
into anger and violence. ('The more I thought about it, the
angrier I got.') We ought to be able to think our way out of it
too. ('Later I realised that violence didn't achieve
One much-practised way of thinking one's way to violence is
developing beliefs to back it up; some of them may head towards the
absurd. 'Violence is the only way to get respect.' 'Violence is
the only language they understand.' 'I'm good, you're evil,'
'We're peaceful, they're brutal.' 'I wasn't going to let them
beat me.' 'They're ALL cheats/liars/scroungers/dirty.' 'If I
took it lying down, I couldn't hold my head up again.' And so on.
There may have been a time in the early history of the human race
(a time when the natural world was the chief threat to survival)
when this kind of primitive thinking served a purpose. But it's
nothing but a handicap now.
Genocide is not a wild beast or a natural disaster. It is mass
murder deliberately planned and carried out by individuals, all of
whom are responsible whether they made the plan, gave the order or
carried out the killings. Whatever its scale, genocide is made up
of individual acts, and individual choices to perform them. So
human individuals need to make the commitment, as early in life as
possible, that they will have no truck with it. To do that, the way
genocide becomes possible has to be understood.
There follow outline histories of eight 20th century genocides. You
may want to research some of them further. There are also pointers
towards some of the issues they raise, particularly in respect of
their causes. Prejudice, racism, grievance, intolerance,
aggression, injustice, oppression - they all start small, and we
need to spot and stop them in our own local orbits before they grow
and get out of control. This means looking at the often long
prehistory of genocide, as well as its symptoms in the present.
Understanding these will help to avert future horrors.