Classroom’s Quality Development

Classroom’s Quality Development

Classroom’s Quality   Development

             It  is   necessary  to measure   and  evaluate  students  learning  to  determine   whether  teaching  and  other   education  activities lead  student   to  the  acquisition  of knowledge.

             In  the   past, most measurement   and  evaluation emphasized   administering    examinations  that   did  not  respond   to  the  Teaching and  learning   goals. Rather  they  emphasized  thinking  and  performing   varied  processes   to  build  a body   of  information. 

            Teachers  should  realize   that  teaching   and   learning  measurement  and evaluation, activities  and innovation , team and leadership, are  part  of the same process : classrooms’ Quality  development. Standards and  criteria  of  learning  in  lessons   or   teaching  and  learning   activities,  “what  education,  medias or resources   to  use,”  “how  much time  to spend” what to  teach  and  how  to  evaluate”  depend   completely on  the  teacher, the team  and leadership, and  will lead  to  classrooms  Quality.  improvement 

           Quality  measurement   and evaluation   

       measurement  and   evaluation   of   learning  should  follow the following  points :

         1. measuring   and evaluating  knowledge, thinking capabilities, skills and  processes, attitudes, virtues, moral  and  preferred  values  as  well  as  learning  opportunities.

      2. measuring  and  evaluating  procedures should  be in  line  with  the  specified  learning  standards.

       3. Data   should be collected  from  authentic   measurement and evaluation.

       4. measurement  and evaluation results  should lead   to   rationale  

Interpretations  and summarized  conclusions.

       5. measurement  and  evaluation   should  be accurate  and  fair  in terms  of  the measuring  procedures and  evaluation  opportunities, in  order  to get  an appropriate  classroom’s quality  evaluation  and  to set  a development  plan.


      1. Diagramming  learners  Knowledge,  abilities, skills, processes, attitude,  virtue, morals  and  accepted  values, while promoting full development  of the  aspects  of  knowledge, ability  and  skills  to their  full  potential, will  lead  to  an appropriate  evaluation  of  the quality  and  allow  to  plan changes, innovations  and  development   to  improve  classrooms’ quality.

    2. Use  a  feedback  for  learners  themselves  in  terms  of  the  degree  of  achievement   of  learning   standards.

   3. Summarizing  learning   results  and comparing  developmental levels  will  help  the  team  to set  goals  and  to  plan  activities   in  order  to improve   the  quality  in   each classroom  of  each  level.


Activities   and  innovations

          the  objectives   of   the   basic   education   curriculum  are  for  students   to  learn   from  their  teacher  but   also  by  themselves   to  continue   learning  throughout  their   lives  and  use  their   free  time   creatively   learning  medias  are  not   only  the   media  introduced  in  

Classrooms,  they  are   also  things  around students  including  events, people, things. 

            There  are  many   type  of education  medias that can improve classrooms   quality  they   can  be  classified as  follows.


      1.  Print   medias  :

             Thing’s  printed  especially   for   the  curriculum  such  as  textbooks, teacher’s  manuals, teaching  plans, reference  books, workbooks  etc. Other  general   items  used  in  the learning process are  newspapers, academic journals, magazines,  newsletters,  posters  and   so  on…….

     2. Media   personal  who  teach   others  and  encourage  learning. They  can  be  personal  in school   such  as  management  teachers  or   students, experts  in  various  fields,  doctors,  nurses,   police Receive  them  as  guest , to   explain  and  talk  about  their  experience. Because  experience is  the  foundation  of  quality.

       3. Materials  Media  can  be   devised  into   2  types :

            A. Materials that  can  convey  knowledge   without  extra  equipment  such   as  puppets, statues, animals  and manual games.

                b. Materials  that  cannot  convey   the   knowledge  by  itself   and  need   extra  equipment  such  as  films, cassette, tapes, DVD, CD ROMs  and

so  on…..

         4. equipment  media : a medium   where  information  can  be  transferred  seen or  heard  such  as  transparencies,  movie ,  projectors,  computers etc …..

          5. Natural  and   environment   Media  :

              Natural   or  living   things animals  and natural  phenomenon   including  earthquakes  and   air   pollution.  Those  all  lead  to  knowledge  and  should  be   part of  the  program  in  order  to  improve the teaching  Quality. This  also  include  places  such  as  library, museums   and  public  places.

          6. Activity, process media :

              Activity  organized  to  enhance  students’ learning such  as drama, demonstrations,  exhibitions, excursions  and   project  work.

 all  those  activities, medias  and innovations represent  the appropriate  foundations  to  upgrade classrooms’ quality”

team and  Leadership :

       Those   are keys to  Classrooms’ quality  improvement, because  leadership  in  the  influencing  process  of  leaders and followers  to achieve  organizational  objectives  through “ change”

the  five  key  elements  of  our  definition.

       4.1 followers (personal, student, parents)     

             A  follower  is  a person  who  is  being  influenced  by  a  leader. A follower  can   be a manager or   a  non manager. Good  followers are not “yes  people” who  simply  follow  the leader  without  giving input that influences the   leader, and might  lead  to   classrooms’  quality  development.

       4.2  influence : it’s   the  process  of  a  leader communicating   ideas, getting   acceptance   of  them, and  motivating followers  to  support  and  implement the  ideas  through  change, to  improve  classrooms’ quality.

          4.3 organizational  objectives :

                Effectives leaders influence  followers to  think not  only of their own   interests   but   the   interest  of   the   organization. Leaders  need to provide   directions,  challenge   objectives  and  lead  the   charge   to  achieve  them

         4.4 change

               Influencing  and   setting objectives  is   about   change. Organizations need   to  continually  change, in  adapting   to  the   rapidly   changing   global environment, to   readapt   the   program  or   the  activities.

         4.5 People :

               Research, experience  and common   sense  all   point  to  a direct relationship  between  “ school’s quality  improvement and   process” and   its commitment   to  leadership   practices   that  treat people, parent and students as “team  members” 

          Classrooms’ Quality   improvement   and   development   depends   on   many  factors.  Those  factors   need to  be   evaluated  and measured in  order   to  plan  development. Leadership  Managerial Roles, teaching   processes , activities , Medias, innovations,  are  all part   of  the   same   processes, as well  as learning   opportunities  Education   is   the   foundation  of our  society  and   needs  to  be   improved, in  order   to  develop   our   educational system , we need  to  upgrade  the   quality  of its  basic  cell : the  classroom.


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หมายเลขบันทึก: 223361เขียนเมื่อ 16 พฤศจิกายน 2008 19:05 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ 2012 03:25 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: จำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

ความเห็น (2)

sawasdee ka

our education is to use theory more than doing.

nice to meet you ka


Classrooms’ Quality   improvement   and   development   depends   on   many  factors

Thank you.

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