
Theory of Power
     Grounded Theory:Theory of Power and  Leadership Behavior:Empowerment Fosters to Changing Organization                                                                                           
  Assoc.Prof.Dr.Choomsak  Intarak       Department of Educational Administration,Faculty of Education, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani, Thailand.  94000         Tel: 073-337384, Mobile phone: 089-2934590 ,  Fax: 073-348322                                 e-mail : [email protected]Grounded Theory :  Theory of Power 

                Assoc.Prof.Dr. Choomsak Intarak               Department of Educational  Administration,  Faculty of  Education, Prince of Songkla University,  Pattani,   Thailand.

  What is Power?           Power  is potentiality or  ability to force the  movement condition   and  change  to  another  direction , influenced  to  any related  status. It implies to dynamic   movement   which accumulated by the external and internal empowerment. 

 What is the significance of Power?           Change, Improvement, and Development, are the results of power. The movement of time, person, and situation influenced to the growth and development or self direction. The more powerful will effect to be freedom and independence.  2 Therefore, the significance of power is various useful for dynamic changes. Power is the sources of autonomy and partnership that could interact to another direction. What is Bases and Types of  Power  ? 1.    Natural Phenomenon The reality in the solar system, the sun is the most powerful and settles in the central of cosmos. There are a lot of planets move around the sun automatically. They move around themselves and around the sun. The earth moves around the sun for thee hundred and sixty-five days or one year per a round, and twenty-four hours or one day for itself. They move steady and constant, never stop the movement. Thus, it could be conclusion that both of the sun and the earth or the other planets have power. This power is influencing to each other and the other surrounded things in the cosmos as shown in the figure1.   Figure 1   The   Solar   System  3 2.     Power of Life To apply the natural phenomena, it could be described power of life. At the beginning of Life, the strong sperm and ovum fertilize and grow up to be the infant in the pregnancy of mother. Life is empowered by inheritance until it is born. Life grows up every day and every year as the movement of the sun and the earth. The more movement the more empower by changing of time and experiences. Life becomes a learning person and more powerful in itself, as shown in the figure 2.   Figure 2   Human  Life  Cycle   For the theory of power, Chomsak Intarak proposes the three bases and types of power ; physical, spiritual, and intellectual power. Life learns for increasing of experiences that grows up in the base of physical, mind, and wisdom. These three types of powers are cohesive which could not separate each other. They integrate in the form of Power in itself,    4 called “personal   power” A person could increase his/her power by exercise, meditation, and learning for empowerment, as shown  in the figure 3.   INTELLECTUAL  POWER


                  PHYSICAL                                                  SPIRITUAL                                                          Figure 3   Power  Cycle                  Physical power refers to healthy and wealthy of individual that able to foster the organization move towards the global.  Spiritual or Psychological power refers to feeling that increase value as self confidence, self reliability, self assurance, etc. Intellectual power refers to knowledge, information, decision making, and solving problem.  5 Sources of Power For the sources of power, it refers to where the powerholder gets to empowerment, refers to how to control the bases of power. There are various sources of empowerment: position and authority  refers to power derives from a structural position including significant control over  functions; resources  of control refers to opportunity in the right place at the right time that can make a person gets opportunity to exert power, a person who can access to information resource that is important to be able to exert coercive influence; social relationship refers to social interaction where individual can exert power over others, it’s not only in a person but also in another group or an organization that can be network; expert power refers to powerholder who control specialized information that will be more expertise in terms of specialized information that can use to manipulate others; information technology refers to a person who use technology to gather information in a global that can be more knowledge; personal characteristics refer to talent person, articulate, domineering physically imposing, service mind that can be a quality person. Nine Principles of Power           Power  related to duration  of  time and learning experience as shown in the figure 4

Duration  of   time

Growth of Power
กล่องข้อความ: Learning Experience
Figure 4   Growth  of  Time 6 Nine principles are  : 1.      Power  is  composed of  the accumulation  of  three  states ; physical, spiritual or psychological, and intellectual.2.      Life  begins  with  power  from  fertilization  and  growth until destruction, physical power is destroyed, however, it remains spiritual and intellectual powers .3.      The most  powerful  is  intellectual  power, however, the physical power and spiritual power are it base.  The  spiritual  and intellectual powers are dynamic mechanism to force the movement for change .4.      For dynamic behavior, there must be  composed of  three states of power, not anyone be influenced. Physical, spiritual , and intellectual power must be strengthen.5.      Power is effecting to behavior in itself and to social, that’s called “personal power” and “social power.” These powers effect to organizational behavior.6.      The beginning of increasing for power is empowerment by other power that more powerful and develop to personal power that effect to freedom .7.      Power must be dynamic and  continual  development that becomes more powerful.8.      Personal behavior is reflected by the energy of power, both in positive and negative powers.9.      Empowerment must be derived by practicing for skills , meditation , and learning experience. Empowerment  is  effecting   to all success.          


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Leadership   Behavior : Empowerment  Fosters to Changing  Organization                                                                                                  Assoc.Prof.Dr.Choomsak Intarak*                In a changing society at the present time, it needs the development of persons and society, however, the influence for change is that the leadership behavior. It means that the development in change agent should be emphasized on leader behavior to be empowerment which composed of intelligence power; creative thinking, decision making, and technical skills. These characteristics imply to the organizational change.              The empowerment for the leader is to provide and nurture the necessary skills and  understanding required of leader by teaching, coaching, and mentoring process. In this mention is implied to the individuals in organization must be leadership by empowerment with knowledge management that will foster to the organizational change. What  is  Empowerment ? There are three words which relate to each others ; power, influence , and authority to become empowerment.              Power is meant a capacity or a potential that needs to be effective and a dependence relationship.              Influence is meant a power to persuate, encourage, force, coerce, and effecting to another person or group.              Authority is meant a power that occur by the responsibility in a position and role in organization.     8However, there are much of the recent sociological debate on “ power” revolves around the issue of constraining and enabling nature of power. Thus, power can be seen in various forms of constraint on humanaction. Much of this debate is related to the works of French philosopher, Miche Foucault (1926-1984), and the Italian political philosopher, Niccolo Machiavilli (1469-1527) gave the meaning of power as “ a complex strategic situation in a given society”.              For the Spanish and Portuguese word power is “ poder”, and French word is “pouvoir”. Both words mean “to be able”. A French word is “puissance” which means more potential or virtual power, a capacity of.  For Chineese, Mandarin word of power “neng” is meant “ to be able to” or “ the strength to be able to”. ( )               Thus, empowerment is meant that to make more power or to increase the capacity and to give the opportunity to control over. The example of empowerment is that the leader behavior is satisfied with the subordinates as providing the coaching, guidance, support, and rewards the necessary for effective performance. House ( 1971 ) identified four leadership behaviors; the directive leader who lets the subordinates know what is expected of them and give specific guidance on how to accomplish tasks, the supportive leader who is friendly and shows concern for the needs of subordinates, the participative leader who consults with subordinates and uses their suggestions before making a decision, the achievement oriented leader who sets challenging goals and expects subordinates to perform at their highest level. These behaviors show that leader could be empowered in different styles as their skills and experiences to achieve the organizational change. Bases and Sources of Power              Base of power refers to what the powerholder has that give to the others. There are three main bases of  power; physical power, psychological power, and intelligent power.              Physical power refers to healthy and wealthy of individual that able to foster the organization move towards the global. Psychological power refers to feeling that increase value as self confidence, self reliability, self assurance, etc. Intelligent power refers to knowledge, information, decision making, and solving problem.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        9Thus, the bases of power are occurred by the individual who learn and practice from the beginning of life up to lifelong survival. However, these bases of power can be growth relate to the duration or periodical time. The individual has more growing more powerful. It’s meant that there will be more learning , growing, and leading to the empowerment. French and Raven (1959) proposed five bases; coercive depends on fear, reward is derived from the ability to distribute anything of value, expert power refers to influence that is derived from special skills or knowledge ,legitimate is based on the formal rights one receives  As a result of holding an authoritative position or role in an organization, and referent power develops out of others’ admiration for an individual and their desire to model their behavior and attitudes after that person. In addition of power ,the writer proposes another power that has more empowerment is charismatic power, derives from learning and practicing a social acceptance or a virtue performance. It is mystical quality that may be influencing to others. For the sources of power, it refers to where the powerholder gets to empowerment, refers to how to control the bases of power. There are various sources of empowerment: position and authority  refers to power derives from a structural position including significant control over  functions; resources  of control refers to opportunity in the right place at the right time that can make a person gets opportunity to exert power, a person who can access to information resource that is important to be able to exert coercive influence; social relationship refers to social interaction where individual can exert power over others, it’s not only in a person but also in another group or an organization that can be network; expert power refers to powerholder who control specialized information that will be more expertise in terms of specialized information that can use to manipulate others; information technology refers to a person who use technology to gather information in a global that can be more knowledge; personal characteristics refer to talent person, articulate, domineering physically imposing, service mind that can be a quality person. These are sources of power that leader must be awareness to empower and can change or develop person in organization. A successful  Leader should acquire a power base and develop a source of power.                                                                                                                           10Strategies for Empowerment                In this presentation, the writer proposed on knowledge management techniques for empowerment of leader. However, there are various techniques that using in leadership development, for knowledge management is a tool of the best practice on self- management, management information, increasing knowledge, and experience available to organizational change. It is led to creation, capture, storage, availability, and utilization. For transformational leader, it requires new technique, knowledge management that is new role with new kinds of skill. Organizational change needs a leader who be able to evolve from a structure based on steady – control to another thrives on learning, empowerment, and continuous change.Executive leaders develop strategies for creating an environment where people are open to new ideas, responsive to change, and eager to develop new skills and capabilities. Senge (1992) proposed five disciplines for learning organization ; systems thinking is about understanding the relationship and patterns within the whole in order to change them, personal mastery is about focusing energies, operating as an artist, continually learning and clarifying and deepening personal vision, mental models are images  that influence the way we act, building shared vision is about managing to make others understanding .In achieving picture, team learning focus on developing skills in ensuring the intelligence and performance through thinking together. Knowledge management is the management  of information, knowledge, and experience available to an organization. It covers to creation, capture, storage, availability and utilization, in order that organizational activities build on what is already known and extend it further. Thus, it can foster to organizational change. A knowledge management system may include the following processes:1.      managing the generation of new knowledge through learning;2.      capturing knowledge and experience;3.      sharing, collaborating and communicating;4.      organizing information for easy access;5.      using and building on what is know.            For the example of modern school management, all staff are expected to develop                                                                                                                                                    11and display the following attributes in building organizational learning ; external and internal focus for gathering information, sharing learning broadly throughout the school, nurturing innovation for identifying effective solutions, communicate vision for providing clearly articulated goals, modify behavior effectively in new or changing situations. The important part is to build on learning and convert learning into action. The role of leader or principal is to make sure that after learning , there are mechanisms in place for transferring this learning. In knowledge management, strategic advantage lies in the sense-making capabilities of the brain that interpret information and data more than electronic information highways. Smart organization needs a strategic knowledge management that lead to 1) strategy development that using master concepts, the road map process, standards, structure and security; 2) promotion and co-ordination that using best practice sharing, community of practice, knowledge management process; 3) provision of services that using evaluation tools, observing future development. In this mentions, there are seven strategies for empowering leader which can be led to organizational change.1. Encourage leader to model and demonstrate learning -  because of trusting in personal skills leader requires in visioning, mental models, and system thinking.2. Create a climate in organization – leader may encourage staff to volunteer problem-solving ideas, support personal empower, promote partnership and team, commit to openly discussing differences, advocate and reward learning, etc.3. Empower staff to learn and produce – it is essential to place responsibility to points of action, in planning, doing, evaluating, and determining responsibilities and profits.4. Create self-managed work teams – leader empowers to teamwork for improving and increasing their jobs. Team members should know clear goals and understanding of power or decision –making authority, strong intergroup skills. It includes organizational policies, procedures, and system that compatible with team-based management.5. Encourage and enhance staff participation – all staff are a vital of information and represent a tremendous impetus toward quality and continuous improvement. Participation in decision –making lead to dynamic change in organization.                                                                                                                                    12                 6. Balance learning and development needs – build the performance capabilities of individuals for the whole person; spiritual, physical, social, economic as well as family needs. There should be humane and family friendly.7. Provide educational opportunity for community – community service can be highly motivating to staff greater sense of purpose. The quality of life in the community will be benefits to the organization, resources can be shared. As a result, learning becomes a community –wild as well as a school –wide endeavor.  It can be concluded that empowerment to the leader and the staff in organization by increasing knowledge and skills with knowledge management –KM, it can lead to organizational change In the case study of Transformational Leadership was found that the leaders shown paradigm shift to visionary and empowerment. They tried to motivate the subordinates to be the leader in their missions. It was related to the study of Bass (1985) mentioned on two styles of leader; transformational and transactional leadership. For transformational leadership, the leaders fostered to develop the organization by decentralize responsibility to the subordinates, whereas the leader might use transactional style for sublimation in expectation behaviors. However, empowering people in organization is leading to change and develop to the satisfaction needs and effectiveness. Transformational leader influences to change agent, not only the administrator, but also the staff or subordinates in organization, should behave in this style of leader in the following characters:1. To be change agent of person – it means that leader shows the new things and best practice.2. To be open mind or spiritual – it means the leader shows democratic behavior more than autocratic behavior.3. Emphasize on personal value to motivate subordinates – it shown that personal value with the ability effects to the success of personal goal.4. Personal mastery – it means that he/she is learning person in the continuation of time and try to develop him / herself, it is able to organizational change.5. Face to any complex problems and able to solve them – doing big things to small things, using the rational thinking to solve the problems.6. Trust to the others – it means to respect to the personal ability and empower to subordinates.                                                                                                                                  137. Visionary person – it means leader should look to the future, not only the past. Future effects to thinking for change. Conclusions      Leadership is an important factor to empower the subordinate that leads to organizational change. Leader should trust in individual value and ability, accept in individual difference. Leader should be the model in best practice , and motivate the subordinates to increase more effective jobs ,create new things. Those factors as mentioned above effect to organizational change by fostering empowerment.  References Bass, Bernard M & Avolio, Bruce J. (1994) Improving OrganizationEffectiveness Through Transformational Leadership,   Thousand Oaks: Sage.Marquardt, Michael J. (2002) Building the Learning Organization Mastering the 5Elements for Corporate             Learning , New York: McGraw-Hill.Tomlinson, Harry (2004) Educational Leadership: Professional Growth for  Professional  Development,    London: SAGE Publications.http://en. wikipedia. org. Accessed.[28 December 2006].

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