2021-05-29 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – B – better & better had

Revision B


ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – B – better & better had

แนะนำการใช้ ตามที่ส่วนใหญ่ใช้ แต่ละท้องถิ่น

ความหมาย อาจผันแปร ตาม ตำแหน่ง/หน้าที่ ในประโยค


ออกเสียง better = ‘BET-er’

Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree

Better = more useful, desirable or suitable:

This is a much better choice.

Not to be confused with:

bettor = one who makes a wager:

The bettor goes to Las Vegas as often as he can.

Some words with the prefix bi- have no standard usage

and need to be qualified whenever they are used.

For instance,

if you called for a biweekly meeting,

you’d have to explain

whether you meant two times a week or every other wee.



What is a basic definition of better?

Better is an adjective

that describes something as being superior

or is an adverb

that means something is done to a higher degree or more completely.

As a verb, better means to improve.

The word better has more specificsenses

as an adjective, adverb, and a verb.

As an adjective, the word better

is a comparative ofthe word good, withthe superlative being best.

This means that if something is better,

it is “more good” thansomething else

but might be “less good” than something that is best.

For example,

in the Olympic Games

a bronze medal is good,

a silver medal is better,and

a gold medal is the bestyou can get.

Because better is a comparative,

you must be comparing two things or conditions when using it.

  • Real-life examples:

An A is a better grade than a B on a test.

Most people would agree that

a spoonful of cinnamon hasa better taste than a spoonful of cough medicine.

A racer who finishes first is a better driver than all of the other racers.

  • Used in a sentence:

I think a puppy is a better pet for a kid than a snake.

Sometimes, only one of the things beingcompared is mentioned,

while the other is implied.

This is most commonlydone when the word better is used

to mean improved health.

  • Used in a sentence:

I was throwing up all morning, but I am better now.

Better isalso used as an adverb as a comparative of the word well,

with best as the superlative.

It often describes how something is done.

For example,

I can play soccer well,

a college soccer player plays better,

and an Olympic soccer player plays best out of the three of us.

  • Real-life examples:

A chess master will play chess better than someone who has never played at all.

Some students learn better than others.

You read articles like this one to learn how to use words better.

  • Used in a sentence:

He can draw well, but I know that I can draw better (than he can).

As a verb, better means to improve something.

  • Used in a sentence:

Laurel took the time to better herself as a business owner.

Where does better come from?

The first records of better comefrom before the 900s.

It comes from the Old English betera and is related to similar words from other languages, such as the Old Norse betr, the Gothic batiza, and the Old High German bezziro.


What are other ways to say better?

To better something is to increase its good qualities.

When should you use this verb over improve or ameliorate?

Find out on Thesaurus.com.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Choose the Right Synonym for better



mean to make more acceptableor to bring nearer a standard.

IMPROVE and BETTER are general and interchangeable

and apply to what can be made better whetherit is good or bad.

measures to further improve the quality of medical care

immigrants hoping to better their lot

HELP implies a bettering that still leaves room for improvement.

a coat of paint would help that house

AMELIORATE implies making more tolerable or acceptable conditions that are hard to endure.

tried to ameliorate the lives of people in the tenements

Collins COBUILD English Usage


1. used as a comparative

Better is the comparative form of both good and well.

Don't say that something is 'more good' or is done 'more well'.

You say that it is better or is done better.

The results were better than expected.

Some people could ski better than others.

You can use words such as even, far, a lot, and much in front of better.

Bernard knew him even better than Annette did.

I decided that it would be far better just to wait.

I always feel much better after a bath.

2. another meaning of 'better'

You can also say that someone is better, or is feeling better.

This means that they are recovering, or that they have recovered,

from an illness or injury.

Her cold was better.

The doctor thinks I'll be better by the weekend.

3. 'had better'

If you say that someone had better do something,

you mean that they ought to do it.

Had better is always followed by an infinitive without to.

People usually shorten had to 'd.

They say 'I'd better', 'We'd better', and 'You'd better'.

I 'd better introduce myself.

We'd better go.

Be Careful!
You must use had or 'd in sentences like these.

Don't say 'I better introduce myself' or 'I better go'.

In negative sentences, not goes after had better.

We'd better not tell him what happened.

Be Careful!
Don't say that someone 'hadn't better' do something.

Common Errors in English Usage Dictionary


When Chuck says

“I better get my research started; the paper’s due tomorrow,”

he means

“I had better,” abbreviated in speech to “I’d better.”

The same pattern is followed for “he’d better,”

“she’d better,& rdquo

and “they’d better.& rdquo

Dictionary of Problem Words in English

better had

This is a substandard(illiterate) expression

used to mean “should,” “must,” or “ought to.”

When one is told to do something,

a non-reputable reply would be “I guess I better had.”

These two words reversed

(had better, meaning that something would be safe or wise or to one’s advantage)

are also often substituted for ought or should,

but inversion does notremove the inexactness.

Also, illiterateare some other forms

of these expressions: would better, and ‘d better (you’d better.)

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