2021-05-06 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – A – appendix & appendices

Revision A


ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – A – appendix & appendices

แนะนำการใช้ ตามที่ส่วนใหญ่ใช้ แต่ละท้องถิ่น

ความหมาย อาจผันแปร ตาม ตำแหน่ง/หน้าที่ ในประโยค


ออกเสียง appendix = ‘uh-PEN-diks’

ออกเสียง appendices = ‘uh-PEN-duh-seez’

Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group


(or vermiform appendix)

A short, slim, wormlike tube opening into the cecum

but closed at the other end.

It contains lymphoid tissue, which is involved in immunity.

Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US DoD 2005.


A document appended to an annex

of an operation order, operation plan,

or other document to clarify or to give further details.

Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary



a plural borrowed directly from Latin,

is sometimes used, esp. in scholarly writing,

to refer to supplementary material at the end of a book.



Appendix & supplement

both meanmaterial added at the end of a book.

An appendix gives useful additional information,

but even without it the rest of the book is complete:

In the appendix are forty detailed charts.

A supplement, bound in the book or published separately,

is given for comparison, as an enhancement, to provide corrections,

to present later information, and the like:

A yearly supplement is issued.



Appendices, a plural borrowed directly from Latin, is the usual plural, especiallyin scholarly writing,

when referring to supplementary material at the end of a book.

Appendixes is the usual plural in the anatomical meaning.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary


Supplementary matter that forms a cohesive whole

is often found inan appendix.

A book may have a single appendix or more

(which, in such cases, will usually

be headed "Appendix A," "Appendix B," etc.).

The appendix may consist entirely of the author's prose,

orit might consist of a table, list, document, or something else.

The word appendix is from Latin appendere, meaning "to be attached," and goes back to the 16th century.

In English, it refers to things connected

or joined to something larger or more important,

like the back matter of a book added to the main text.

The tubethat is located at the bottom of a balloon to inflateit

is also called an appendix.

Both plural formsof the word, appendixes and appendices,

are standard in technical and nontechnical contexts.

The anatomical appendix,

the narrow tube at the beginning of the large intestine,

is technically referred toas the "vermiform appendix"

(in Latin, vermis means "worm").

The vermiform appendix is not essential

and can be removedif it becomes inflamed.

A book's appendixis also not essential to a book's main text,

but it gives additional support to the writer's claims.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Appendices& Appendixes


supplementary material usually attached at the end of a piece of writing

Some people are of the opinion that

when giving the plural of appendix

one form is appropriate for certain contexts and not for others

(stating, for instance, that

appendices should be when referring to texts,

and appendixes for non-textual things).

We have a considerable body of written evidence

indicatingthat these plurals are used interchangeably,

so, decide which one you are more comfortable with, and use it at will.

Modest Attire, and Meekness, signify
A Mind compos'd of Native Purity.
Needs no Appendices so to set forth
A Jewel of a more admired worth.
—Mary Mollineux, Of Modesty (from Fruits of Retirement), 1702

The A-Z of Correct English Common Errors in English Dictionary

appendix & appendices

This word has two plurals, each used in a different sense.

Use APPENDIXES in an anatomical sense.

Use APPENDICESwhen referring to supplementary sections

in books or formal documents.

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