

By…Uthai  Eksaphang

Epistemology we can call many philosophical names such as

Theory of Knowledge, the source of knowledge, Origin of knowledge, Nature of knowledge .

What is Epistemology

    Epistemology is a subject seeking knowledge. What is true knowledge, is there true knowledge? Epistemology is the subject of searching for all things. Epistemology is a branch of philosophy on origin. Functional characteristics. Category. Methodology. And reasonableness of knowledge.

There are 5 causes of knowledge:

  1. 1. Rationalism.Many philosophers want to find answers to that. How knowledge is born There was a French philosopher René de Garde (Descartes, Rene. 1596-1650). He is the father of modern western philosophy. He said that knowledge comes from reason. The reason is instinct. Intuition is a calm mind, a calm mind, not wanting to prove. God gave knowledge from birth. Descartes separated the knowledge into 3 items:

1. Knowledge gained from outside. Knowledge arises from the senses. Knowledge lives in a fictional world.

2. Knowledge is generated by the mind. Knowledge comes from imagination. Knowledge is illusion. Knowledge is fuzzy.

3. Knowledge is inherited from birth. It is clear knowledge. It is knowledge, not wanting to prove.

2. Empiricism. the source of true knowledge. The British philosopher John Locke (Locke, John.1632-1714) said that the mind is a blank paper. There are 2 aspects of the experience:

1. Experiences arise from five sensory senses. Extrinsic things.

2. Experiences arise from careful consideration, things that arise from within.

3. Sensationism.The concept of David Hume (Hume, David. 1711-1776), British people. He thinks there are two things.

1. All knowledge comes out of fascination. The fascination is the awakening signal.

2. Knowledge is born from thought. Thoughts are imagery. Modeling things to figure out and reasoning.

4. Apriorism. The concept of the German Immanuel Kant (Kant, Immanuel. 1724-1904). He was a rationalist. He said that knowledge comes from two things.

1. Knowledge is born from general inference.

2. Knowledge is born from a specific experience.

He said that knowledge arises from experience. The form of knowledge is born out of reasoning. The knowledge of people can only be phenomenal.

5.Intuitionism. The concept of Henri Louis Bergson (Bergson, Henri Louis. 1859-1941) French. He thinks that attorney is the source of true knowledge because it is self-knowledge. Attitude occurs within the mind. Intellect is a special human knowledge.


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