What is Metaphysics or ontology ..?

112 104 Fundamental  of  Philosophy

6-7 Chapter  3  Basic  Knowledge  in  Metaphysics

By…Uthai  Eksaphang

What is Metaphysics or  ontology ..?

    Philosophy is divided into 3 major branches which are

1. Metaphysics or Ontology

2. Epistemology or Knowledge

3. Ethics or axiology

Metaphysics is pure philosophy, advanced philosophy. The philosopher Aristotle called metaphysics First Philosophy. Next, Nicola-us of Damascus called First Philosophy as Metaphysics, Greek. Metta, after Physics, means Physics. After that Boethi-us, a Roman, has used Latin, Metaphysics, and has been popular since the 18th century.

The meaning of metaphysics

1. Great knowledge (Aphi + Pra + + Chaya)

2. Knowledge that has extremely profound content

3. Learn things behind physical phenomena

4. Subject on the passing of objects / beyond all 5 senses

5. Ultimate Reality

6. The course studies the truth hidden behind various objects or phenomena

The truth is divided into 3 stages which are

1. hypothetical truth such as water

2. Object realities such as liquid (H2O)

3. The ultimate truth, such as emptiness

Western philosopher Dividing objects in the world into 2 things which are

1. Appearance and Appearance

2. What is true?

For example, people who see a rope as a snake Rope is the real thing The snake is what appears.

Beliefs about Rahu Mon The real thing is the shadow of the world on the moon.

The rainbow, the real thing, is water droplets reflecting on the air

Theory of 5 eyes is

1. to see with Physical eyes  Such as seeing in the picture

2. To see with Heavenly eyes Such as seeing different cells

3. Vision with Wisdom  eyes such as seeing atomic atoms.

4. Vision with Dhamma eyes Such as seeing the outline of the skeleton

5. To see with enlightenment eyes Like see emptiness

What is Reality ..?

What is the truth ..? This metaphysical problem is the answer.

1. What is the truth of the world / Cosmology universe ..?

Answer that the world is Idealism. The World is Meterialism. The World is Naturalism.

2. The Truth of the Mind / Spirit

3. The truth of God

What is Idealism ..?

Metaphysics is called Idealism. In ethics, it is called Idealist, meaning the person who sees the ultimate goal of life and tries to reach it. But the Metaphysical Idealist refers to those who learn what truth is ..? Does that clump fit with human thought? ..?

Bradley (P.H. Bradley) states that aside from the mind, there is no other truth. The psychist Everything in this universe When searching for the highest truth, there is a mental state. Intangible mind. The mind cannot see with the flesh eye. The mind is not matter. The 5 mental nerves cannot be sensed.

The mind appears in this world as an abstract.

Who is God ..?

The problem that God has or not?

        For Hindus or Christians They don't doubt Because God is the origin of everything in the universe. Because God is the creator of the universe. Build the world and create everything.

According to the Christian belief that God is a holy spirit. God has great power God knows everything God sees every action God pity man God sent Jesus to redeem sin for humans. The important practice of Christianity is He wants people to believe in God. A good person in Christianity is a God Fearing Man who relies on God, giving him warm hope.

According to Hindu belief that Brahma is the creator of the world (Sustainor) and destroy the world (Destroyer). Hindus believe that He bathed in the Ganges River every day. Because the waters of the Ganga can pass away Holy water Is the water flowing through Lord Shiva's head

About that caste class Hindus believe that Brahma created people into 4 castes, namely

1. Brahman built from the mouth of the Brahma.

2. The king built from the arms of the Brahma

3. Plu builds from the belly of Brahma

4. Sutra is made from the feet of the Brahma.

        What is Materialism? ..?

Metaphysical view is called materialism. In ethics, only materialism with energy or materialism exists. Satanism is divided into 3 points.

1. All things It is the result of all energies (Consciousness Mind).

2. All things are life and without life All are mechanics

3. No God or hypothesis Supernatural to explain the existence of the world, and so on.  materialism can be used by our bodies The theory of thoughtism uses the mentalist approach. Because the mind is the brain or the nervous system

Every body moves because the brain works. Which part of the anesthesia That part is without feeling, concluding that the dead are all gone. Nothing will happen again The nervous system is already rotten.

Satanism describes the brain as The brain is the control center. The brain is the largest library. The brain records everything and it is the most discreet of people.

3. Naturalism or philosophy of realism (Realism). Naturalism means All things that happen and die for that reason are entirely natural.


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