
Project "Klom Kwan : Warm Love from the Folk Songs"

10 ตัวแทนครูไทยหัวใจไอที ทำได้ เป็นทูตสันติภาพ เชื่อมความสัมพันธ์

แลกเปลี่ยนความคิดในสังคมแห่งการเรียนรู้  ในโลกแห่ง SOCIAL NETWORK

นำเสนอในงานประชุมนานาชาติ เมื่อ 8-10 มีนาคม 2554 

Asia Pacific Regional Innovative Education Forum

ปีนี้ไทยไดรับเกียรติเป็นเจ้าภาพ จัดขึ้น ณ โรงแรมเจ พี แมริออท



I'm Mrs. dokmai panphan. I teach Thai. In primary schools. Grade 4. I live in Lamphun province. The north of Thailand, children curious about folk songs. I suggested that, they want to know about folk music. They should ask people who know about local music. Living. In nearby villages.

Children are excited to inquiry about the folk songs. They write, they read with interest. They learn to sing folk songs with  folk singings. They write about.
About some folk songs with Microsoft powerpoint Program. drawing about

Folk song  with  Paint  program . They  Present

They share knowledge. They created a blog on the site about folk songs.
  Their presentation on a network site   .  www.go to know.com ,  www.youtube


Project "Klom Kwan : Warm Love from the Folk Songs" shows a teaching way which emphasizes students by applying technological medias and networked computers for folk songs, civilized one of Thai northern knowledge. In the past, the northern folk songs are sung in an easy, but blissful melody and they contained stories about beliefs and cultures. The stories from the songs were mostly talked about very warm relationships and love between elders and youngsters. The songs are also considered to be one of the most civilized, cultural heritages which are expressed and inherited harmoniously by nowadays technologies.


- Students search and learn past Thai northern folk songs and practice singing them.

- Students become aware of the importance of the songs and proud of their ancestry.

- Students are able to pass on the cultures widely by using technological medias and networked computers


To carry out this project, the first thing to do is to organize and set learning activities by following David Kolb's idea and teaching process which is called 4  MAT shown below


Next, assign the students to search, learn and practice singing the Thai northern folk songs and increase their abilities of learning unlimitedly by using technological medias and networked devices.

Assessment Tools

Behavioral Assessment Paper

Pleasure Questionnaires (for teachers, students, parent, and local lecturers)


Expected Results

- Every student has searched, known and understood the Thai northern ancestral folk songs and also has practiced singing them.

- Students have become aware of the importance of the songs and proud of their ancestry and also want to pass on this civilized culture to the next generations.

- Students are able to use technological medias and networked devices provided by the school to increase their abilities of learning and gain more knowledge.

หมายเลขบันทึก: 430967เขียนเมื่อ 13 มีนาคม 2011 13:00 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 11 ธันวาคม 2012 13:38 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: ครีเอทีฟคอมมอนส์แบบ แสดงที่มา-ไม่ใช้เพื่อการค้า-อนุญาตแบบเดียวกันจำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

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10 ตัวแทนครูไทยหัวใจไอที

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