ติดตั้ง PostgreSQL Database แบบชิวๆ

ติดตั้ง PostgreSQL Database แบบชิวๆ

Installing PostgreSQL

There are several options for installing PostgreSQL onto your system. The following sections provide an overview of how to install postgreSQL. Choose an option that best suits your installation.

Installing PostgreSQL using apt-get

At this time, PostgreSQL 8.3 is required for SCInterface. By default, apt-get will install PostgreSQL version 8.3 (as of December 2009). Version 8.2 or earlier are not supported by SCInterface v2.2 or later. We highly recommend either installing from distro or installing from source.

Install PostgreSQL using cPanel

To install PostgreSQL on the same server that is running a cPanel server, complete the following:

  1. Login as root
  2. Type:
    cd /scripts/
  3. cPanel will automatically install PostgreSQL using yum and initialize the database for you.

Install PostgreSQL using yum

Yum can be used to install PostgreSQL on a RedHat or CentOS platform. Run the following commands to get PostgreSQL installed with yum.

yum install postgresql postgresql-server postgresql-libs postgresql-devel
/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start


yum install postgresql postgresql-server postgresql-libs postgresql-devel
/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql initdb 
/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start

Installing PostgreSQL from Distro

Each *nix distribution maintains package sources differently. Here is a quick list of ways to install PostgreSQL:

  1. Go to http://www.postgresql.org
  2. Click on the "downloads" tab at the top.
  3. Choose a mirror (FTP or HTTP is fine).
  4. Then, in the directories section, click on "binary", then the latest version (v.8.3 at the time of writing)
  5. The "linux", then "rpms", then "fedora" if you're using fedora, "redhat" if you're using redhat entreprise or CentOS
  6. Then click on the version that is more suitable for your release, CentOS 4.1 would choose rhel-es-4
  7. for those of you that use pgp signatures to validate the downloads : take the url that comes after PGP Key: and feed it to rpm --import (i.e. rpm --import http://www.gunduz.org/devrimgunduz.pgp.pub)
  8. Download and install the postgresql, postgresql-libs and postgresql-server packages. (and any other if they interest you)

Installing for PostgreSQL for CentOS 4

If these downloaded and installed successfully, next you will want to Test PostgreSQL Database Communication.

To confirm which RPM version you have installed, from the console type:

rpm -qa | grep postgres

Installing for PostgreSQL v8.3 for CentOS 4

Use yum to install by typing:

yum install postgres

Installing for PostgreSQL for CentOS 5

If these downloaded and installed successfully, next you will want to Test PostgreSQL Database Communication.

To confirm which RPM version you have installed, from the console type:

rpm -qa | grep postgres

Installing for PostgreSQL v8.3 for CentOS 5

Use yum to install by typing:

yum install postgres

Installing PostgreSQL from source

Make sure that the following is installed on your system:

  1. gcc
  2. gmake
  3. readline
  4. readline-devel
  5. zlib
  6. zlib-devel

Please reference your *nix operating system for instructions on installing these dependencies.

If you have not already done so, login as root to you SCM server and execute the following to retrieve the PostgreSQL tarball. This download assumes that we will be installing PostgreSQL v8.x. To get the complete URL, please visit: http://www.postgresql.org/ftp/source/

 cd ~
 wget ftp://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v8.x.x/postgresql-8.x.x.tar.gz

If this tarball is not available, please go to http://wwwmaster.postgresql.org/download/ and locate a mirror that is the closest to your location. Or go to http://www.postgresql.org/ftp/source/.

From the same folder extract the postgresql-8.x.x.tar.gz by typing:

 tar -xzvf postgresql-8.x.x.tar.gz

Next, we will need to go into the newly extracted directory to compile and configure PostgreSQL for your platform by typing:

 cd <postgresql_tarball_directory>

where <postgresql_tarball_directory> is the directory of the recently extracted PostgreSQL source.

Finally, we will compile the source for PostgreSQL. The following was slightly modified directly from the PostgreSQL 8.2 Documentation.

 gmake install
 adduser postgres  OR  useradd postgres
 mkdir -p /usr/local/pgsql/data
 chown -R postgres /usr/local/pgsql
 su - postgres
 /usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data

Once finished with installing PostgreSQL, we need to Test PostgreSQL Database Communication.

Test PostgreSQL Database Communication

In order to test database connectivity, open up two shell (sh, csh, etc.). If installed using an RPM, type the following in the console window:

 /etc/init.d/postgresql start 


If installed from source, type the following in the console window:

 su - postgres
 /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster -D /usr/local/pgsql/data

Use this first shell window to monitor the status of your PostgreSQL server. You will see something on the screen similar to this:

 LOG:  database system was shut down at 2006-03-08 08:17:42 EST
 LOG:  checkpoint record is at 0/33A794
 LOG:  redo record is at 0/33A794; undo record is at 0/0; shutdown TRUE
 LOG:  next transaction ID: 565; next OID: 10794
 LOG:  next MultiXactId: 1; next MultiXactOffset: 0
 LOG:  database system is ready

Within the second shell window, we will create a test database and test the connection into the database. To do this type:

 /usr/local/pgsql/bin/createdb test
 /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql test

If you have setup your PostgreSQL database successfully, the following will appear after invoking the psql command:

 Welcome to psql 8.x.x, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
 Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
      \h for help with SQL commands
      \? for help with psql commands
      \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
      \q to quit

Type \q to exit from the console and close the second console window. Return back to the first console window and press CTRL-C to terminate the postmaster command.

You have successfully installed PostgreSQL and are now ready to install the SCM.

Installing PostgreSQL Libraries (libpqxx)

Before installing libpqxx, make sure you have installed PostgreSQL as indicated above. If you have not already done so, login as root and run the following:

cd ~
wget http://pqxx.org/download/software/libpqxx/libpqxx-2.6.9.tar.gz
tar xzvf libpqxx-2.6.9.tar.gz
cd ~/libpqxx-2.6.9
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/pgsql
make install

Make sure that

This concludes installing the library dependency libpqxx.

Make sure libpq is in your library path

The following was used from the PostgreSQL documentation available at at http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/interactive/install-post.html.

On some systems that have shared libraries (which most systems do) you need to tell your system how to find the newly installed shared libraries. The systems on which this is not necessary include BSD/OS, FreeBSD, HP-UX, IRIX, Linux, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Tru64 UNIX (formerly Digital UNIX), and Solaris.

The method to set the shared library search path varies between platforms, but the most widely usable method is to set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH like so: In Bourne shells (sh, ksh, bash, zsh)


or in csh or tcsh

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/pgsql/lib

Replace /usr/local/pgsql/lib with whatever you set --libdir to in step 1.

If in doubt, refer to the manual pages of your system (perhaps ld.so or rld). If you later on get a message like

psql: error in loading shared libraries
libpq.so.2.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directorythen this step was necessary. Simply take care of it then. 

If you are on BSD/OS, Linux, or SunOS 4 and you have root access you can run

/sbin/ldconfig /usr/local/pgsql/lib

(or equivalent directory) after installation to enable the run-time linker to find the shared libraries faster. Refer to the manual page of ldconfig for more information.

For more information, refer to section "14.6.1. Shared Libraries" at http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/interactive/install-post.html for more info

Create a postgres startup script

The source installation will not automatically start on bootup. This is a requirement if you want the SCM to start when you bootup the machine. Postgres must be started before SCM.

Locate the file contrib/start-scripts/linux in the PostgreSQL source distribution. If you need to download the source, go to the section on installing PostgreSQL from source.

First, copy the linux startup script to /etc/rc.d/init.d

cp <postgres_source_dir>/contrib/start-scripts/linux /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql

make it executable

chmod 775 /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql

Make sure to add it to start for your runlevel. This varies from distro to distro. Typically for Redhat and Suse you will use 'chkconfig' and for Debian/Ubuntu 'update-rc.d'


chkconfig --add postgresql
chkconfig postgresql on


 update-rc.d postgresql start 95 2 3 5

Starting PostgreSQL After Creating Startup Script

Type the following to start PostgreSQL if you completed the above steps:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start

To check the status, type:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql status

Make sure the postgres tools are in your path

This is optional but highly recommended if you have installer issues

To do this, add the following to your shell start-up file, such as ~/.bash_profile (or /etc/profile, if you want it to affect every user):

export PATH

If you are using csh or tcsh, then use this command:

set path = ( /usr/local/pgsql/bin $path )

refer to section "14.6.2. Environment Variables" at http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/interactive/install-post.html for more info

หมายเลขบันทึก: 402364เขียนเมื่อ 12 ตุลาคม 2010 20:21 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 24 มิถุนายน 2012 00:47 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: ครีเอทีฟคอมมอนส์แบบ แสดงที่มา-ไม่ใช้เพื่อการค้า-อนุญาตแบบเดียวกันจำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

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