
ผมได้มีโอกาสเห็นมหาวิทยาลัยแห่งหนึ่งเพิ่งเริ่มคิดจัดระบบบริหารความเสี่ยง    ในขณะที่ มช. เดินหน้าไปไกลแล้ว    โดยประยุกต์ใช้มาตรฐาน COSO ERM    จึงคิดว่า น่าจะศึกษาเรื่องนี้ให้เข้าใจหลักการให้ถ่องแท้   

จึงลองถาม Generative AI สามสำนัก ด้วยคำถามว่า What are key issues of Enterprise Risk Management? What are key challenges for Thai universities? ได้คำตอบดังนี้



Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) involves the identification, assessment, and management of risks across an entire organization. In the context of Thai universities, as with any other institutions, there are several key issues and challenges related to ERM. It's important for universities to proactively address these issues to ensure effective risk management and the overall well-being of the institution. Here are some key issues and challenges:

Key Issues in Enterprise Risk Management:

  1. Governance and Leadership:

Establishing effective governance structures and leadership commitment is crucial. Clear roles and responsibilities for risk management at various levels of the organization must be defined.

2. Strategic Alignment:

Aligning risk management with the university's strategic objectives is essential. Ensuring that risk management efforts support the overall mission and vision of the institution is a critical consideration.

3. Risk Culture:

Fostering a risk-aware culture throughout the organization is a challenge. It involves promoting risk awareness, accountability, and open communication about potential risks and their management.

4. Integration with Decision-Making:

Integrating risk considerations into decision-making processes can be challenging. It requires embedding risk analysis into strategic planning, budgeting, and other key decision processes.

5. Data Management and Technology:

Effective risk management relies on accurate and timely data. Universities may face challenges in collecting, analyzing, and managing data related to various risks, including financial, operational, and reputational risks.

6. Compliance and Regulatory Changes:

Staying compliant with changing regulations and addressing legal requirements is a continuous challenge. Universities need to monitor and adapt to regulatory changes that may impact their operations.

7. Financial Sustainability:

Maintaining financial sustainability in the face of economic uncertainties is a significant issue. Economic fluctuations, funding challenges, and cost pressures can affect a university's financial health.

8. Cybersecurity and Information Security:

As universities rely more on digital platforms for various operations, the risk of cybersecurity threats increases. Protecting sensitive information and ensuring data security are critical concerns.

9. Reputation Management:

Universities are highly dependent on their reputation. Negative events, scandals, or controversies can have a significant impact on the institution's image. Managing and protecting the university's reputation is a key concern.

10. Globalization and Internationalization:

With increasing globalization in higher education, Thai universities may face challenges related to international partnerships, collaborations, and operations. Managing risks associated with cross-border activities is important.


Key Challenges for Thai Universities:

  1. Cultural Considerations:

Addressing cultural factors and ensuring that risk management practices align with the cultural context of Thailand is crucial. This includes communication styles, decision-making processes, and organizational structures.

2.Resource Constraints:

Many universities, including those in Thailand, may have resource constraints. Limited financial resources and expertise in risk management can pose challenges in implementing comprehensive ERM frameworks.

3.Capacity Building:

Building internal capabilities for risk management is a challenge. Universities may need to invest in training and development programs to enhance the skills of staff involved in risk identification and management.

4.Collaboration and Communication:

Ensuring effective collaboration and communication across departments and levels is vital. Siloed approaches to risk management can hinder the organization's ability to identify and address risks comprehensively.

5.Adaptability to Change:

The ability to adapt to changes in the educational landscape, technology, and global trends is critical. Thai universities need to be agile in responding to external changes that may pose risks or opportunities.

6.Student and Stakeholder Engagement:

Engaging students and other stakeholders in the risk management process is a challenge. Creating mechanisms for effective communication and feedback can enhance risk awareness and responsiveness.

7.Political and Social Factors:

Thai universities may be influenced by political and social factors unique to the country. Changes in government policies, societal expectations, and cultural dynamics can introduce uncertainties and risks.

8.Natural and Environmental Risks:

Thailand is prone to natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes. Universities need to consider environmental risks and develop plans for disaster preparedness and recovery.


Addressing these issues and challenges requires a comprehensive and tailored approach to ERM. Thai universities can benefit from developing a risk management framework that aligns with their specific context and strategic objectives. Engaging in continuous risk assessment, promoting a risk-aware culture, and fostering collaboration among various stakeholders are key strategies for effective enterprise risk management.




Key Issues in Enterprise Risk Management (ERM):

ERM aims to proactively identify, assess, and manage potential risks that could threaten an organization's objectives. However, implementing and maintaining effective ERM presents several key challenges:

1. Siloed Information and Lack of Integration:

  • Risk information often resides in separate departments, hindering comprehensive understanding and coordinated responses.
  • Integrating risk data across financial, operational, reputational, and other domains can be difficult, leading to blind spots and incomplete risk assessments.

2. Culture and Communication Challenges:

  • Building a strong risk-aware culture is crucial, but resistance to change, siloed mindsets, and ineffective communication can hamper awareness and engagement.
  • Ensuring clear communication of risk information across hierarchical levels and departments is essential for informed decision-making.

3. Data Quality and Analytics:

  • Reliable and complete data is vital for accurate risk assessments, but inconsistent data quality and lack of robust analytics capabilities can hinder risk identification and prioritization.
  • Effectively utilizing data to model, predict, and monitor risks requires advanced analytical tools and skilled personnel.

4. Resource Constraints and Change Management:

  • Implementing and maintaining ERM systems requires investment in technology, training, and personnel, which may be constrained by budgets.
  • Managing change, overcoming resistance, and adapting to new processes and systems can be challenging, requiring effective change management strategies.

5. Evolving Risk Landscape:

  • The risk landscape is constantly changing, with new threats emerging from technological advancements, economic changes, and geopolitical shifts.
  • Regularly updating risk assessments, adapting strategies, and maintaining flexibility are crucial for staying ahead of emerging risks.

Key Challenges for Thai Universities:

Thai universities face unique challenges in adopting and implementing effective ERM practices:

1. Limited Awareness and Understanding:

  • Traditional university cultures may not prioritize risk management, leading to limited awareness and underestimation of potential risks.
  • Building a strong risk-aware culture and understanding the value of ERM requires comprehensive training and awareness programs.

2. Resource Constraints and Budgetary Pressures:

  • Thai universities often face financial constraints, making it challenging to invest in necessary ERM technologies, training, and personnel.
  • Finding innovative and cost-effective solutions for implementing ERM within existing budgetary limitations is crucial.

3. Lack of Collaboration and Data Sharing:

  • Siloed departments and information may hamper university-wide risk assessment and coordinated responses.
  • Fostering collaboration, promoting data sharing across departments, and breaking down informational barriers are essential for effective ERM.

4. Adapting to Evolving Regulations and Compliance:

  • Universities must comply with a complex set of regulations and standards, which can change frequently.
  • Maintaining an agile and adaptable risk management system to keep up with changing regulations and compliance requirements is crucial.

5. Attracting and Retaining ERM Talent:

  • Finding qualified personnel with expertise in ERM and higher education can be challenging in the Thai context.
  • Investing in training and development programs to build internal ERM expertise within the university is crucial.

By addressing these key issues and challenges, both organizations and Thai universities can reap the benefits of effective ERM. Proactive risk management leads to better decision-making, increased resilience, and improved overall organizational performance.




Hello, this is Bing. I’m glad you asked me about the key issues of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and the key challenges for Thai universities. Here is what I found from my web search:

ความท้าทาย ๓ ข้อของ bing มีความสำคัญมาก 


  1. ความเสี่ยงขององค์กรในที่นี้หมายถึงความเสี่ยงที่จะไม่บรรลุวัตถุประสงค์และเป้าหมายที่กำหนดไว้    ERM จึงเป็นเครื่องมือหนึ่ง  สำหรับใช้ช่วยให้บรรลุวัตถุประสงค์    การจัดการความเสี่ยงเป็นการสร้างโอกาส ไม่ใช่เป็นภาระด้านการแก้ไข   การวาง mindset เกี่ยวกับ ERM เป็นเรื่องสำคัญมาก   
  2. ERM เป็น integral part ของ organization management 
  3. ERM เป็นกิจกรรมที่ต้องทำแบบ proactive   คือต้องทำงานเชิงรุก   ทั้งฝ่ายผู้บริหารและฝ่ายเจ้าหน้าที่   ทำอย่างเป็นระบบ   
  4. วัฒนธรรมใช้การจัดการความเสี่ยงเป็นพลังร่วมกันของคนในองค์กร และของส่วนงานย่อย    
  5. ต้องพัฒนาบุคลากรเพื่อการนี้    ที่ทำหน้าที่ได้อย่างมีคุณภาพสูง    
  6. ระบบข้อมูลมีความสำคัญมาก 


การบริหารความเสี่ยงขององค์กร (ERM) กับการตรวจสอบภายใน (internal audit) เชื่อมโยงกันและเสริมพลังกัน  แต่เป็นคนละสิ่ง    ที่กล่าวมาข้างต้นเป้นเรื่องเชิงทฤษฎีหรือหลักการ    ในเชิงปฏิบัติ ต้องการคนในวิชาชีพหรือมีความรู้ความชำนาญด้าน ERM มาดำเนินการ 

วิจารณ์ พานิช

๓ ม.ค. ๖๗


หมายเลขบันทึก: 717313เขียนเมื่อ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ 2024 17:37 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ 2024 17:37 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: สงวนสิทธิ์ทุกประการจำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

ความเห็น (1)

So all 3 generative AIs agrees on ‘importance of [risk] management’. ChatGPT is more academic and suggests ‘cultural’ solutions. Bard is more ‘data-centric’ and inclines towards using data system to start and glue things together. And Bing offers ‘antagonistic views’ –pointing to various issues of [risk] management.

In this case, all 3 AIs’ responses, put together/merged, gives an awesome answer! And your (Prof Vicharn) summary (with assigned priorities to points) can guide the road to success (by the AIs reckoning). Man and AIs together?

พบปัญหาการใช้งานกรุณาแจ้ง LINE ID @gotoknow
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