2023-03-31 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด I – Impertinent & irrelevant

Revision I

การใช้ภาษาอังกฤษ ที่ถือว่า ถูกต้อง ในที่นี้ เป็นไป ตามมาตรฐาน ของภาษา 

การใช้ภาษาอังกฤษ ไม่กำหนดมาตฐาน ถือตามส่วนใหญ่ที่ใช้แต่ละท้องถิ่น 

ความหมาย อาจยืดหยุ่น ขึ้นอยู่กับ ตำแหน่ง/หน้าที่ ในประโยค


ออกเสียง Impertinent = ‘im-PUR-tn-uhnt’

ออกเสียง irrelevant = ‘ih-REL-uh-vuhnt’


Common Errors in English Usage Dictionary


Impertinentlooks as if it ought 

to mean the opposite ofpertinent,” 

and indeed it once did

but for centuries now 

its meaning in ordinary speech 

has been narrowed to “impudent,” 

specifically in regard to actions or speech 

toward someone regarded as socially superior.


Only snobs and very old-fashioned people 

use “impertinentcorrectly

most people would be well advised to forget it 

and use “irrelevant” instead to mean the opposite of “pertinent




Impertinent, impudent, insolent 

refer to bold, rude, and arrogant behavior. 

Impertinent, from its primary meaning of not pertinent 

and hence inappropriate or out of place

has come to imply often an unseemly intrusion into 

what does not concern one, or a presumptuous rudeness 

toward one entitled to deference or respect

an impertinent interruption, question, manner toward a teacher. 


Impudent suggests a bold and shameless impertinence: 

an impudent speech, young rascal. 


Insolent suggests insulting 

or arrogantly contemptuous behavior

unbearably insolent toward those in authority.




The pronunciation of irrelevant [ih-rel-uh-vuhnt], 

as [ih-rev-uh-luhnt], 

as if spelled irrevelant, 

is the result of metathesis

the transposition of two sounds

in this case, the [l] and the [v]

Relevantthe base word, is occasionally 

subject to the same process


Analogy with words like prevalent 

and equivalent may play a role


A similar reordering of the [l] and [v] consonant sounds, although not a strict one-to-one metathesis

can be heard for Calvary [kal-vuh-ree] 

when pronounced [kav-uhl-ree]. 

Here the transposition is reinforced by 

the existence of the familiar word cavalry.


Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, 

ir•rel′e•vant•ly, adv.

pron: The pronunciation of irrelevant 

as (ɪˈrɛv ə lənt) as if spelled irrevelant, 

is the result of metathesis

the transposition of two sounds

in this case, the (l) and the (v)

relevant, the base word, is occasionally subject to 

the same process. 

Analogy with words like prevalent 

and equivalent may play a role.


American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language

ir·rel′e·vant·ly adv.

Synonyms: irrelevant, extraneous, immaterial, impertinent
These adjectives mean not pertinent 

to the subject under consideration:


ignored irrelevant comments during the discussion;

a question extraneous to the topic of the presentation; 

an objection that was declared to be immaterial to the case; 

deleted the impertinent facts from the report.

Antonym: relevant


Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Choose the Right Synonym for impertinent



mean given to thrusting oneself into the affairs of others.


IMPERTINENT implies exceeding the bounds of propriety 

in showing interest or curiosity or in offering advice.  

resented their impertinent interference  


OFFICIOUS implies the offering of services or attentions 

that are unwelcome or annoying

officious friends made the job harder 


MEDDLESOME stresses an annoying and usually 

prying interference in others' affairs.  

a meddlesome landlord 


INTRUSIVE implies a tactless or otherwise objectionable 

thrusting into others' affairs.  

tried to be helpful without being intrusive 


OBTRUSIVE stresses improper or offensive 

conspicuousness of interfering actions.  

expressed an obtrusive concern for his safety 


Did You Know?

English speakers adopted both impertinent and pertinent 

from Anglo-French in the 14th century. 

Both words derive from the present participle of 

the Latin verb pertinēre, meaning "to pertain."

Initiallyimpertinent was used for things 

that are simply not relevant

Over time, it came to be used of things 

that are not only irrelevant but rudely or inappropriately so, 

and later for people who are just straight-out rude.

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