2021-05-31 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – B – blatant & flagrant

Revision B

2021-05-31 Ref.: www.gotoknow.org#

ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – B – blatant & flagrant

แนะนำการใช้ ตามที่ส่วนใหญ่ใช้ แต่ละท้องถิ่น

ความหมาย อาจผันแปร ตาม ตำแหน่ง/หน้าที่ ในประโยค


ออกเสียง blatant = ‘BLEYT-nt’

ออกเสียง flagrant = ’FLEY-gruhnt’



Flagrant, glaring, gross, outrageous, rank

are adjectives suggesting extreme offensiveness.

Flagrant, with a root sense of flaming or flaring,

suggests evil or immorality so evident

that it cannot be ignored or overlooked:

a flagrant violation of the law.

Glaring, meaning “shining brightly,” is similar to flagrant

in emphasizing conspicuousness

but usually lacks the imputation of immorality:

a glaring error in computing the interest.

Gross, which basically signifies excessive size,

is even more negativein implication than the foregoing two terms, suggesting a mistake or impropriety of major proportions:

a gross miscarriage of justice.

Outrageous describes acts so far beyond the limits

of decent behavior or accepted standards as to be totally insupportable:

an outrageous abuse of the public trust.

Rank, with its suggestion of bad odor, describes open offensiveness of the most objectionable kind, inviting total and unalloyed disapprobation:

rank dishonesty, stinking to high heaven;

Only rank stupidity would countenance such a step.

Farlex Trivia Dictionary.

flagrant, blatant

Flagrant implies shocking and reprehensible,

while blatant is obvious, contrived,

and usually obnoxious;

flagrant is a stronger term than blatant.

See also related terms for shocking.

Common Errors in English Usage Dictionary


The classic meaning of “blatant” is“noisily conspicuous,”

but it has long been extended to any objectionableobviousness.


A person engaging in blatant behavior is usually behaving in a highly objectionable manner, being brazen.

Unfortunately, many people nowadays think that “blatant”

simply means “obvious” and use it in a positive sense,

as in: “Kim wrote a blatantly brilliant paper.”

Use “blatant” or “blatantly” only when

you think the people you are talking about should be ashamed of themselves.

Common Errors in English Usage Dictionary

Blatant & flagrant

Blatant means“offensively noisy” and “brazenly obvious”

(a blatant orchestra, a blatant lie).

Flagrant means “shocking” and “disgraceful”

(a flagrant criminal act, a flagrant oversight).

Blatant stressesoffensiveness and noisiness;

flagrant emphasizesevil and wrongdoing.

One who eats peas with his knife commits a blatant error.

One who drives a car on the highway drunk performs a flagrant act.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Choose the Right Synonym for blatant


mean so loud orinsistent as to compel attention.

VOCIFEROUS implies a vehement shouting or calling out.

vociferous cries of protest and outrage

CLAMOROUS may imply insistency as well as vociferousness in demanding or protesting.

clamorous demands for prison reforms

BLATANT implies an offensive bellowing or insensitive loudness.

blatant rock music

a blatant clamor for impeachment

STRIDENT suggestsharsh and discordant noise.

heard the strident cry of the crow

BOISTEROUS suggests a noisiness and turbulence due to high spirits.

a boisterous crowd of party goers

OBSTREPEROUS suggests unruly and aggressive noisiness and resistance to restraint.

the obstreperous demonstrators were arrested

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language,

blatan·cy n.

blatant·ly adv.

Usage Note:

Blatant and flagrant both attribute conspicuousness

and offensiveness to certain acts,

but the words differ in emphasis.

Blatant means "offensively conspicuous,"

and thus emphasizes the actor's failure to conceal the act.

Flagrant, on the other hand, means "conspicuously offensive,"

and emphasizes the serious wrongdoing inherent in the offense.

Thus, many actions, from an infraction of the rules in a football game

to a violation of human rights, may be blatant or flagrant,

depending on what is being emphasized.

If the act is committed with contempt for public scrutiny,

it is blatant.

If the act seems extreme in its violation of norms, it is flagrant.

Blatant and (to a much lesser extent) flagrant are

sometimes used as synonyms of obvious,

in contexts where there is no immediate connection to human behavior,

as in: What surprised us was that they went ahead with the idea in spite of the blatant danger of the approach.

This usage has traditionally been considered an error,

and it is not surprising, therefore, that most of the Usage Panel dislikes it.

In our 2004 survey, only 42 percent accepted the sentence just listed.

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