2021-05-13 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – A – authentic & genuine

Revision A


ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – A – authentic & genuine

แนะนำการใช้ ตามที่ส่วนใหญ่ใช้ แต่ละท้องถิ่น

ความหมาย อาจผันแปร ตาม ตำแหน่ง/หน้าที่ ในประโยค


ออกเสียง authentic = ‘aw-THEN-tik’

ออกเสียง genuine = ‘JEN-yoo-in’



Twopronunciations of genuine occur,

with a sharp social contrast between them.

The usual educatedpronunciation is [jen-yoo-in],

with the finalsyllable unstressed.

Among some lesseducated speakers, especially older ones,

genuine is commonly pronounced as [jen-yoo-ahyn],

with a secondary stress on the final syllable,

which has the vowel of sign.

The latter pronunciation is sometimes

used deliberately byeducated speakers,

as for emphasis or humorous effect.



Authentic, genuine, real, veritable

share the sense ofactuality

and lack of falsehoodor misrepresentation.

Authentic carries the connotation

of authoritative confirmation

that things or peopleare what they are claimed or appear to be:

an authentic Rembrandt sketch; an authentic smile.

Genuine refers to objects or persons

havingthe characteristics or source claimed or implied:

a genuine ivory carving.

Real, the most general of these terms,

refers to innateor actual—as opposed to ostensible

—nature or character:

In real life, plans often miscarry.

A real diamond will cut glass.

Veritable, derived from the Latin word for truth,

suggests the general truthfulness

but not necessarily the literal or strict

correspondencewith reality of that which it describes;

it is often used metaphorically:

a veritable wizard of finance.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Choosethe Right Synonym for authentic


meanbeing actually and exactly what is claimed.

AUTHENTIC implies being fully trustworthy

asaccording with fact

an authentic account of the perilous journey;

it can also stresspainstaking or faithful imitation of an original.

an authentic reproduction

authentic Vietnamese cuisine

GENUINE implies actual character not counterfeited,

imitated, or adulterated

genuine piety

genuine maple syrup;

it also connotes definite origin from a source.

a genuine Mark Twain autograph

BONA FIDE implies good faith and sincerity of intention.

a bona fide offer for the stock

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Howdo you pronounce genuine?: Usage Guide

The objectionwhich some commentators

make to the pronunciation \ˈjen-yə-ˌwīn\

is perhaps occasioned by the fact that

it is more frequent among those with less schooling.

However, this variant isheard in

the speech of cultured or highly educated speakers

sufficiently frequently for it to be recognized as a widespread pronunciation at all social levels.

This variant was recorded as early as 1890

and appears to be simply a long-standing spelling pronunciation.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Is genuineness the noun form of genuine?

Many people appear to look up the adjective genuine

in this dictionary in an attempt to discover the noun form of the word.

The closestthe English language

comes is the rather unwieldy genuineness,

meaning “the quality or state of being genuine.”

Some possible alternativesto genuineness

include sincerity, honesty, integrity, and truthfulness.

Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary

genu•ine•ly, adv.

genu•ine•ness, n.

pron: The two pronunciations of genuine

reflect a sharp social contrast.

The first, (ˈdʒɛn yu ɪn) is the usual educated pronunciation.

The second, (ˈdʒɛn yuˌaɪn) with the final syllable rhyming with sign,

occurs chiefly among less educated speakers, esp. older ones.

The latter pronunciation is sometimes

used deliberately by educated speakers,

as for emphasis or humorous effect.

Dictionary of Problem Words in English

authentic & genuine

These words may be used interchangeably

to mean “trustworthy,” “reliable.” 

Authentic has an added meaning of

“not fictitious,”

“not false or copied”:

“This is an authentic seventeenth century antique.”

Genuine has an additional meaning of


“free from pretense”:

“My friend Sally is a genuine person.”

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