2021-05-09 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – A – aspect & respect

Revision A


ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – A – aspect & respect

แนะนำการใช้ ตามที่ส่วนใหญ่ใช้ แต่ละท้องถิ่น

ความหมาย อาจผันแปร ตาม ตำแหน่ง/หน้าที่ ในประโยค


ออกเสียง aspect = ‘AS-pekt’

ออกเสียง respect = ‘ri-SPEKT



Respect, esteem, veneration

imply recognition of personal qualities

by approbation, deference, and more or less affection.

Respect is commonly the result of admiration and approbation,

together with deference:

to feel respectfor a great scholar.

Esteem is deference combined with admiration and often withaffection:

to hold a friend in great esteem.

Veneration is an almost religious attitude

of deep respect, reverence, and love,

such as:

we feel for personsor things of outstanding superiority,

endearedby long association:

venerationfor one's grandparents, for noble traditions.



In Middle English,

the more common meanings of the noun respect (respect, respecte)

are “relation, relationship, regard, consideration”

(still current meanings), present in Old French respect

and Latin respectus, literally, “the act of looking back.”

The meaning “esteem for a person, thing, or quality” first appeared in 1526; the corresponding verb meaning “to hold in esteem” is first recorded in 1583.

The prepositional phrase with respect to “referring to; concerning”

dates to the mid-16th century.

The plural noun respects

“a formal expression or gesture of greeting, esteem, or friendship”

dates to the first half of the 17th century;

the phrase to pay one’s respects

“to make a visit in order to welcome, greet, etc.,

orto express one's sympathy,

especiallyafter a death” dates to the middle of the 17th century.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Choosethe Right Synonym for respect



meanto recognize the worth of a person or thing.

REGARD is a general term that is usually qualified.

he is highly regarded in the profession

RESPECT implies a considered evaluation or estimation.

after many years they came to respect her views

ESTEEM implies greater warmth of feeling accompanying a high valuation.

no citizen of the town was more highly esteemed

ADMIRE suggests usually enthusiastic appreciation and often deep affection.

a friend that I truly admire

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Usage Notes

Respectivelyvs. Respectfully

Respect the differences between this pair

What to Know

Respectfully relates to showing or expressing respect,

with respect meaning

"the understanding that something is important."

Respectively means "in the order given"

and in this case respect is being used

todescribe how one thing relates to or references another.

Respectfully Meaning

Both respectively and respectfully have respect at their core.

But they point to different senses of that word.

Respectfully means "in a way that shows or expresses respect,"

with respect here meaning

"a feeling or understanding that someone or something

is important, serious, etc., and should be treated in an appropriate way."

'Respectively' means "in the order given,"

and connects to the meaning of respect

having to do with how something relates to or references another thing,

as in "Cathy and Patty like crêpes and hot dogs, respectively."

Here's'respectfully' in action:

I must respectfully decline the invitation.

If you have to leave early, do it respectfully.

Respectively Meaning

Respectively means "in the order given,"

and connects to the meaning of respect

having to do with

how something relates to or references another thing,

as in"the cars are similar with respect to efficiency and initial cost."

Here are some examples:

Car A and car B have 2 and 4 doors, respectively.

Maples and oaks are members of the Acer and Quercus genuses, respectively.

Tyler and Alex are respectively 8 and 12 years old.

Keep these words straight,

and people will respectyour command of the English language.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary word of the year 2018


When Aretha Franklin, the Queen of Soul, died on August 16th,

the title of one of her most enduring hits

was ubiquitous in tributes to her, and respect became a top lookup.

The world had known Franklin's song for 50 years

—in which time it has become an anthem for both the civil rights and feminist movements

—but the word respect has been part of the English language

since the 14th century. It comes from the Latin respectus,

which literally means "the act of looking back."

It's an apt etymology for a word that served as

a focal pointof a global appreciation

for the decades of musicAretha Franklin had given the world.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary


Did You Know?

Since aspectus in Latin means "looked at",

an aspectof something is basically

the direction from which it's looked at.

So, we may say that travel is your favorite aspect of your job,

orthat eating well is one aspect of a healthy life.

If you look at a stage set from the front,

it looks completely different than from behind,

where all the mechanisms are visible,

and both aspects are important.

The word can be very useful when you're analyzing something,

and it's used a great deal in the writings of scholars.

Common Errors In English Usage Dictionary

aspect& respect                

When used to refer to

different elements ofor perspectives on a thing or idea,

these words are closelyrelated, but not interchangeable.

it’s“in all respects,” not “in all aspects.”


one can say “in some respects” but not “in some aspects.”

One says “in this respect,” not “in this aspect.”

One looks at

all “aspects” of an issue, not at all “respects.”

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