น้ำตาล vs/+ น้ำมัน --> ?

Low fat = High sugar

น้ำตาล vs/+ น้ำมัน --> ?

[A TV documentary program:]

BBC Two - Horizon, 2013-2014, Sugar v Fat - BBC.com www.bbc.co.uk › Factual › Science & Nature Jan 29, 2014 [asks] What's worse for us: sugar or fat? Doctors Chris and Xand Van Tulleken investigate.

...It’s an interesting setup. Two identical twin brothers – both of them doctors – go on a diet for a month. One on an extreme low fat diet, one on an extreme low carb diet (not even vegetables are allowed!)

...Tests are on Weight; Brain Function; Exercise; and Diabetics ...

The documentary concludes that it’s not about fat or sugar, it’s about avoiding processed food with both fat and sugar in it...

[The program urges cautions against processed/packaged food with both sugar and fat in its content.]

[The Diet Doctor website comments on the program:]

Sugar vs Fat on BBC: Which is Worse? http://www.dietdoctor.com/sugar-vs-fat-on-bbc-which-is-worse:

Weight ...First thing first. Even though both brothers were at a fairly decent weight to start with, the low-carb brother lost the most weight: 4 kg (9 pounds) vs only 1 kg (2 pounds) for the low-fat brother. As study after study show more effective weight loss on a low-carb diet, this should be no surprise. The loss of fat was 1,5 kg on low-carb (a good result in a month) and 0,5 kg on low-fat. Most of the rest was probably fluid. On a very strict low-carb diet you quickly lose a kilo or two of glycogen and water weight. How much – if any – muscle mass the participants lost is impossible to know as the BodPod test only measures fat mass vs. non-fat mass (including water)...

Diabetes ...The fact that diabetes is effectively treated with a low-carb diet should tell us everything we need to know. You don’t get type 2 diabetes by eating a diet that can cure diabetes. And you certainly don’t get type 2 diabetes (strongly correlated to obesity) by losing 4 kilos of excess weight in a month...

Summary ...In people with obesity and diabetes studies convincingly show that low-carb diets are more effective.

See also



[For those who can obtain nutritional data (on the label of the package. It is an interesting point to verify that

     Low fat  =/means High sugar. and ten

    Low salt =/means High sugar, too!

Go on! Go to a super market and check it for your own sake!

NB  Low Fat foods get labelled as 'Light, Lite, Fat Reduced, 99% Fat Free, ...and sugar (a carb) is added to make low fat food taste good...often pure 'corn syrup fructose' is used (because it is cheaper than 'sucrose' or cane sugar) ..., fructose from 'fresh fruits' contains other alkaloids which help in metabolizing fructose...our bodies prefer 'glucose'...]

คำสำคัญ (Tags): #sugar vs fat#weight#diabetics
หมายเลขบันทึก: 563453เขียนเมื่อ 8 มีนาคม 2014 12:08 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 9 มีนาคม 2014 02:19 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: ครีเอทีฟคอมมอนส์แบบ แสดงที่มา-ไม่ใช้เพื่อการค้า-ไม่ดัดแปลงจำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

ความเห็น (2)

น้ำตาล ข้าว ... รับทานมาก ส่งผลต่อการควบคุมโรคDM หรือโรคเบาหวาน นะคะ เพราะ แป้งจะถูกเปลี่ยนเป็น ===> น้ำตาลในกระแสเลือด ในที่สุดนะคะ ดังนั้น เราจะแนะนำผู้ป่วย ให้งดน้ำ งดอาหารอย่างน้อย 8 ชม. เป็นอย่างน้อย เมื่อต้องตรวจ นำ้ตาลในเลือด นะคะ ^__ ขอบคุณค่ะ

Thanks Dr. Ple : Yes, sugar (a kind of carbohydrates: including wheat (flour), rice (flour), corn (flour),...) plays a BIG part in controlling Diabetes (Mellitus -- DM). Most doctors say controlling sugars (and carbohydrates) intake is an effective way to control blood sugar level.

Obesity is also a major factor in risk and control of diabetes (DM). In trying to control obesity, people look for 'fat reduced food' (products) and not know that "LOW FAT = HIGH SUGAR", they get less fat AND more sugar. The end result is that they are "not better off but instead worse off" with fat reduced food (products)!

LOW CARBohydrates, at present seems the best way to control DM. But physical exercises will burn off both fat and sugar from our bodies ;-)

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