Thought Workflow - Scenarios for Process (3)

No, we don't have to be a rocket scientist to work this out ;-)

Thought Workflow - Scenarios for Process (3)

We have abstracted and represented the making of bio-juice from kaffir limes. Now we can "talk" about it and think about it in many different scenarios.

We divided the make-Bio-Juice process into collect-Kaffir-limes process; clean-and-cut-Kaffir-limes process; ferment-Kaffir-limes process. We will talk more about the clean-and-cut-Kaffir-limes process.

If we only have one "actor" to clean-and-cut limes, we can see that the actor may choose to clean-and-cut in different ways. The actor may
A - clean all limes then cut them
B - repeat {clean one lime then cut it} until all are cut
C - repeat {clean a batch of limes then cut the limes in the batch} until all are cut (This is what I did.)

We can visualize scenario A: the actor cleans all limes at once; another storage for cleaned limes is needed; he has his hands wet with water in the cleaning but mostly lime juice (acid) and oil in the cutting.
In scenario B: the actor is busy all the time, moving from one end of the process to another end and repeat
these actions over and over; his hands will be wet all the time but acid gets washed out almost immediately; there may be safety issue cutting with wet hands.

For scenario C: the actor subdivides the big pile into smaller piles (batches) and uses scenario A to do the job; his hands go from water to acid and water again, so the acid gets washed out in each batch; no extra storage is required; the actions are also done in batches (repeat {clean} for a batch, then repeat {cut} for a batch).

What do you think? Which way would you like to use? Why?

Now suppose, we have two (2) actors. How do we use them?
Again a few scenarios for examples:

D - one actor for cleaning, another for cutting
E - two (2) paralell cut-and-clean processes
F - both clean then both cut

How would you employ these two actors? Why?

[No, we don't have to be a rocket scientist to work this out ;-). We only need to use our imagination. Think!]

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หมายเลขบันทึก: 487976เขียนเมื่อ 14 พฤษภาคม 2012 03:01 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 18 มิถุนายน 2012 23:29 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: ครีเอทีฟคอมมอนส์แบบ แสดงที่มา-ไม่ใช้เพื่อการค้า-อนุญาตแบบเดียวกันจำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

ความเห็น (5)

Paralell cut-and-clean processes ===>Maximum Benefits.....and...good value

Thank you Ico48

I understand you choice. Work usually get done quicker when there is someone to compete with. And when actors work separately, we don't have to "coordinate" (match up steps like in dancing) ;-)

There are people who may not like to buy another set of buckets, cutting board and knife. And in competitive settings, there may be higher risk of accidents and lower quality of output -- some competitors may "cut corners" (to win).

In a business setting, the choice may be based on "cost" and the number of kaffir limes to be clean-and-cut. At times, one actor would be hired and the other turned away (to collect wild veggies to feed the family).

Now let pretend that kaffir limes are a day of patients waiting to be 'clean-and-healed'. and we have several nurses and doctors available for this process. How would we 'design' this process, if cost is also an objective, as well as patients' satisfaction and actors' satisfaction?

[Hey, no prize for correct answers from me. But your hospital general manager will you forever and two more days ;-)

Thank you for let us imagine. I would choose A for one actor and D for two actor.

Although clean one cut one cycle seem the process support each other, frequent wasching hand may cause hand drying and safety issue as you said. In addition, I think "repettition" in particular job increase efficient since it muscle memory.

Thank you Ico48

So, you prefer full separation of function and responsibility (that is specialisation). Now we have the clean subprocess followed by the cut subprocess. We can clean and at any time later cut. There is no critical time between processes (unless imposed by other reasons). But we must add a storage for clean limes in one actor case and may be a smaller storage (in two actors case) between the cleaner and the cutter because they may not work at the same speed. Passing a lime from cleaner's hand to cutter's hand sound romantic ;-) but that needs coordination. The cleaner gets water wet. The cutter gets acid and oil wet. Which is safer water or acid? The cutter uses a knife and so has higher risk of injury, should we pay the cutter more? What do we do if the cutter turns up for work before the cleaner?

Sorry Ico48

I made a few typos in replying

I should have "I understand your choice." ('r' is missing) in the first line. and in the last line. I should have "But your hospital general manager will 'love' you forever and two more days." ('love' is missing -- Oh no. We can't live in a world without 'love'.) ;-)

There is no typo error in the "patients waiting to be clean-and-cut at the hospital", I think ;-)

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