6 - How to speak simple English (PSE)

Do you see how we learn to speak English? ... Just one word from nouns and one word fron verbs in that order, and add a spice.

6 - How to speak simple English (PSE)

We have learned to say many words.
We have collected many words in two boxes: 'nouns' box and 'verbs' box.

We are ready to speak English!

We will play this game. I call it "Add a Spice" (แอดดะ ซึไป็ซึ).
This is how we play "Add a Spice" (แอดดะ ซึไป็ซึ).

I will pick a word from 'nouns' box and pick a word from 'verbs' box.
I will show you the two words, the noun word first.
You will add a ซึ to one of the words, the noun word first, then the verb word.
Can you say the two words aloud?
Remember to add a spice to only one word at a time.

Here are the words:
'Sister' 'walk'

(You say --aloud--
 first: sisters walk ซิสเตอรึ ซึ วอวลคึ
  then: sister walks ซิสเตอรึ วอวลคึ ซึ)

Did we hear a ซึ (s) following a word?
We should listen carefully for a ซึ (s) following a word.

If you did not add a spice, you must try again.
If you added spices to both words, you must try again.
Remember we only 'add a spice' to only one word at a time.

I will pick two words again one word from nouns box and another from verbs box.
Can you say the two words aloud?
'Aunt' 'eat'

(You say --aloud--
 first: Aunts eat
  then: Aunt eats)

Here are two more words. Please say them.
'Cat' 'think'

'Rain' 'listen'


Very good. Can we understand what we said?
Do you see how we learn to speak English? Simple, is it not?
Just one word from nouns and one word fron verbs in that order, and add a spice.
We can speak simple English that English people can understand.
Yes, it is really that simple.

Can you see that we can combine words in the two boxes in 'many many' ways?
The more words we have in the two boxes, the more we can speak simple English.
So, what we want to do every day from today is to collect more words.
No, We do not just write them down on paper and put them in the boxes.
We will combine them and say them aloud before we put them in the right boxes.
We want to make sure that our buddies learn those new words too.
And we will learn the words our buddies have for us too.

[Dear Teachers,

There are exceptions to the simple 2-word-sentence 'construct' we described.
For examples:
    (noun) 'You' and 'I' or 'We' (verb) 'do'(ดู) but 'everything-else' 'does'(ดาส);
    (noun) 'Fish'(ฟิช)'swims'(ซึวิมซึ) is OK, but 'Fishs'(ฟิช ซึ)'swim' is not English;
We will learn about exceptions later.

Right now, we have a simple recipe(เร ซิ ปี) to say two words together.
We will practice speaking English using this recipe until we can do it easily.

We should ask students to build their own nouns box and verbs box so they can practice speaking English at home with their buddies or families.
Students should add more words (one word per piece of paper) to their boxes, too.

You may ask "How many words should a class collect each day?"
This depends on the class. Just one word for each student, in a class of 20 students, would take as much as an hour to learn (by playing 'I spy' or 'charade' then 'add a spice'). Rushing through would mean we don't learn new words properly and we will have issues on some students falling behind.
But we need to learn about other things too.
Where do we find time to learn more?

One-hour seems too short for large (20+) classes.

I think 10 new nouns and 10 new verbs a day is the upper limits for most people.
{Some prime ministers can learn more and some PMs(พีเอมซึ) can learn less.}
You should find the right number for your class ;-)

Note. 'to learn a word properly' we should 'experience' that word a few times.
We should 'look' at the word on paper, 'listen' to the sound of the word, and 'speak' the word aloud -- at least 3 times. More is better.]

หมายเลขบันทึก: 470014เขียนเมื่อ 2 ธันวาคม 2011 02:56 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ 2012 22:39 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: ครีเอทีฟคอมมอนส์แบบ แสดงที่มา-ไม่ใช้เพื่อการค้า-อนุญาตแบบเดียวกันจำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

ความเห็น (1)
  • Dear,sir.
  • Your suggestion concerning how to  to teach students to speak plain and simple English (PSE) is very interesting.
  • English teachers at primary and secondary schools should employ your suggestion in their English class.
  • I myself  is on my way of supporting my undergraduate students to improve their English skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Then, all your articles concerning teaching plain and simple English are very benifcial for me.
  • Thanks a lot for your EKM.


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