Guidelines for Interviewing The Hosts at visiting agencies during the study tours


Guidelines for Interviewing The Hosts at visiting agencies during the study tours


General recommendations

  1. Be brief and focus on specific points of interest in asking for information, because of time limit and “general” information can be obtained from  documents.
  2. Avoid asking same question that other member has asked already
  3. Pay attentions to every question asked and take notes on the host’s answers. You gain extra information and your notes can help your friends and group later on…….
  4. Avoid talking about our owns individual problems or curiosity, the host cannot give accurate meaningful answer nor he(she) is interested
  5. While taking note, concentrate on “key words” that catch your attention, don’t try to understand or write down every words.
  6. As soon as your group returns to base, spend 10-15 minutes summarize your opinion and learning generated by the visit, to the group take down the exchange and gather notes. These few minutes will worth gold to your final report.



General Questions

  1. Please describe the methods used in segregating primary school leavers to send them to different streams of secondary education.

……… (Answer)…………….


Follow -  up questions

—  How well these methods are accepted by teachers and pupil?

—  Do you have ideas of improving it?

……… (Answer)…………….


  1. When you use performance and ability as tool to segregate pupil to different streams of secondary education, are they mostly happy and perform well in those stream?

Follow -  up questions

—  Can pupil easily switch to other “stream”  if they desire?

—  Are there any objective assessment to assist them?

—  Generally how many such “Switch” are successful?


  1. Is there a trend among new generation of pupils and parents that show preference toward education stream that leads to “white collar job” over vocational and trade professions?

Follow -  up questions

—   How strong is the trend?

—  Please describe plan or measures to promote the pupil to take more vocational educations?


  1. How do you carry out the formulation of new education program or curriculum? To what extent do you allow stakeholders to participate in drafting and making decision?


  1. Please describe a general status of relationship and mutual supports between teachers – school – community,  in your country

Please describe the positive and advert side of the relationship.


  1. Please describe the major innovative measures introduced into the education system of this country during the last 10 years.

Follow -  up questions

—  How well and beneficial those inn orations are?


  1. Please describe the pays and welfare that teachers receive currently.

Follow -  up questions

—  How is teacher pay system compared with other groups of state employees?


  1. Please describe the pre-service training of would-be teachers especially school and vocational colleges?

Follow -  up questions

—  What competencies or specific qualities that you emphasize on would-be teachers

—  Compare general abilities of those choosing teacher professions with other who chose career in other services.


  1. Are schools and teachers comfortable with supervision and administration of local government?

Follow -  up questions

—  Do local leadership support your school significantly and/or voluntarily?


10.  How great is the financial support from government or local neighborhood do your schools receive.

Follow -  up questions

—  With the support can you do much innovation to your school or to teaching-learning process in classrooms.



More specific questions for each visited countries


คำสำคัญ (Tags): #study tour
หมายเลขบันทึก: 457044เขียนเมื่อ 30 สิงหาคม 2011 16:13 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ 2012 20:28 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: ครีเอทีฟคอมมอนส์แบบ แสดงที่มา-ไม่ใช้เพื่อการค้า-อนุญาตแบบเดียวกันจำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

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