5. We are Learners in a Web.

Learning is improving the learners' self!

(Why did I call this blog "Learners Web"?)

We know what a web is. We have seen spider webs - networks of (components or) links connecting and supporting certain purposes.  
In everyday language (semantics):
    'to learn' is 'to receive' instruction, and
    'to teach' is 'to give' instruction.

The sense of (giving) receiving knowledge implies little effort is required by receivers (learners).
The fact, as we and school children can see, is - learning is 'hard yakka' (hard and unpleasant work).

(The blame for failures in learning has been shifted from learners to teachers and back. Blame waves have become prominent features on Education beaches; sand and water interactions are usually ignored ;-) .)
To know 'learning' better, we will give a simple system {input-->[process]-->output} model:

Learning model:
    {challenge --> [internalize+verify, fit+adapt, perform+review] --> result+knowledge}

Learning is a process to internalize 'certain reality' (objects/facts, situations/views, rules/relationships, ...).
Learning starts with a challenge or a quest (with description/abstraction of the 'objects' to learn).

We differentiate 'memorize' (or 'remember') from 'internalize' in a sense of:
    remembering is like taking pictures, we have the pictures but we 'may not know' what they are about;
    internalizing is like making things parts of ourselves - adopting them into our lives and living

In this sense, 'rote learning' is taking or receiving (and recording) pictures, but, 'learning' is becoming more able (knowledgible).

Learning is improving the processors or the learners' self!

(Later, we will look at our instruments for learning and how we can improve ourselves by learning.)
We have glimpses of subprocesses of learning: internalizing, verifying, fitting or adjusting, adapting, performing (changing environment/system) and reviewing or internalizing feed-back. These are used in an iterative or repeated process that is terminated by external constraints (like time, cost, environmental changes) rather than by internal capacity or limitation.

In a (pseudo)programming language, we say

    Until (happy with outcome or run-out of resources) do {
        receive-and-verify data from sensors
        if (needed)
        if (needed)

Now let us replicate this 'learning process' a thousand times and link them up into one system...

<NB> 6. I use 'challenge' to carry a sense of strong attraction and interest to work hard to win. If objects of learning are not challenging enough, they are not likely to capture learners - and so in time, the knowledge about them will become lost. In comparison with 'learning' as 'receiving' (instruction or gifts), challenges are 'values' of the gifts! Here we say that "gifts are valued by receivers" (not givers) and we question the practice of forced feeding (as in 'the curriculum').

The 'child-centred' concept is a blending of 'forced feeding' of certain 'gifts' (supposedly for the child's own good) at the child's pace (rate of receiving) and preferential treatment/attention to the child's behaviour in response to the gifts. More learning about 'child-gift' interactions could allow 'better choice of gifts to give/to receive'.

<NB> 7. To learn: 1. To gain knowledge or information of; to ascertain by inquiry, study, or investigation; to receive instruction concerning; to fix in the mind; to acquire understanding of, or skill; as, to learn the way; to learn a lesson; to learn dancing; to learn to skate; to learn the violin; to learn the truth about something. "Learn to do well."[1913 Webster]

Learn VI. ทราบ relate:[รู้, ได้ยิน, รับรู้] VT. ทราบ relate:[รู้, ได้ยิน, รับรู้] VT. ท่องจำ relate:[ท่อง, ฝึกฝน] syn:[memorize] VI. เรียน relate: [เรียนรู้, ศึกษา, เล่าเรียน, เข้าเรียน, ฝึกปรือ, ฝึกหัด] VT. เรียน relate:[เรียนรู้, ศึกษา, เล่าเรียน, เข้าเรียน, ฝึกปรือ, ฝึกหัด]
<NB> No entry for เรียน, เรียนรู้, ศึกษา, เล่าเรียน [Lexitron English-Thai]

teach VT. สอน (วิชา) relate:[ให้การศึกษา] syn:[educate; instruct] VI. สอน (วิชา) relate:[ให้การศึกษา] syn:[educate; instruct]
VT. สั่งสอน relate:[สอนสั่ง, อบรม] N. ครู (คำไม่เป็นทางการ) relate:[ชี้ให้เห็นความทุกข์ทรมานจากสิ่งใดสิ่งหนึ่งเพื่อให้กลัวที่จะทำ] [Lexitron ET]

<NB> 8. It would be of interest in societal development to ask questions like : is it desirable and beneficial to make so many copies of graduates (who have learned the same knowledge) in a community? Would we be better served with all same copies of one of knowledge or with diversity of knowldge(s) in our community? Why should we learn, develop and extend 'public knowledge' when 'individual knowledge' appear more profitable (to individuals)?

This is a challenge for educators and social policy makers.

หมายเลขบันทึก: 385188เขียนเมื่อ 16 สิงหาคม 2010 02:44 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ 2012 15:52 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: ครีเอทีฟคอมมอนส์แบบ แสดงที่มา-ไม่ใช้เพื่อการค้า-อนุญาตแบบเดียวกันจำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

ความเห็น (2)

ขอบคุณมากค่ะ เป็นบทความดีเยี่ยมค่ะ

Thank for your time and your very kind words.

Do you know that China will become the country with the largest number of English speakers? Starting this year, English is 'compulsory' from the third grade (in primary schools). English mania is gripping China driven by the government and the thirst for information shared on the Internet. Over one billion more people will be using English -- imagine that. Looking at China's record breaking development in many areas, we should not be surprised to see China's English proficiency (in primary schools) surpass that of Thailand's schools.

I am hoping that higher-education Thai students (those doing postgraduate degrees and professional qualifications) would make more efforts on using English. As a tool, a common carrier of information (English is officially the language for Sciences, Engineering, Mathematics, and recently gaining high ground in businesses and UN organizations), and a 'hip' toy for our generation, English can be used to speed up our journey to knowledge society.

Welcome aboard the social ship 'Lokiya' ;-)

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