"Advertorial" - ('cash for comment') is it a problem?

Recently, I spotted a good number of posts with words and pictures which tacitly "advertise" commercial products without any sign or indicator to say the they are "commercial" products. These posts are known and classified as "advertorial" or in a down-to-earth language "cash-for-comment". In a way they are a kind of corruption! They advertise products without telling readers that the posters may have received rewards or financial incentives for promoting the products. (And if they did not receive any benefit then why did they use "advertisement materials" in their posts without telling readers?)

Should G2K be mindful of advertorials?

According to G2K's mission, G2K is for non-commercial collaboration. But G2K lacks staff and resources to filter out advertorials. Then it up to members of G2K to vigilant and help to keep their "space" clean (of advertorials).

Will you help?


ความเห็น (2)

Let me give some examples of advertorials of various degrees:

1) "คำพูดประเภทต่างๆ", ดร.สุทธิชัย ปัญญโรจน์ http://www.gotoknow.org/posts/544196 2) "Daily English Tips" By Kru P' M, ครูพี่เอ็ม ทิพากรเกียรติ and 3) "คาถากันน้ำตาไหล" ... (ทุกข์ไม่ไป หรือเราไม่ปล่อย : ท่าน ว.วชิรเมธี), Wasawat Deemarn http://www.gotoknow.org/posts/544192

The first two promote (sales of) products by the authors. The third promotes a dhammic viewpoint supported by the author.

None indicates any monetary rewards for advertorials.

As we can see "advertorials" are not easy say that "ภายใต้เงื่อนไขที่สมาชิกใช้บริการโดยไม่หวังผลทางการค้า" and to click "แจ้งลบ".

Should bloggers voluntary add "this is an advertisement" prominently somewhere in their posts? Should G2K waste more resources scanning for advertorials and delete them and the members?

คำตอบ (1)

ถ้าคุณ Sr เห็นบันทึกหรือความเห็นเช่นนี้รบกวนคุณ Sr กด "แจ้งลบ" ด้วยได้ไหมครับ บางทีทีมงานก็ไม่ทันกับเทคนิคของคนที่พยายามโฆษณาสินค้าและบริการของเขาผ่าน GotoKnow ครับ

เทคนิคการโฆษณาแฝงนั้นมีแปลกๆ ใหม่ๆ มาเรื่อยๆ ครับ เพราะเทคนิคไหนที่เราจับได้ไล่ทันเราก็ลบไปหมดครับ

ความเห็น (2)

I did spot some and notify some. But, we need "G2K true blues" to be vigilant and help. I would like to ask all -- including well respected members who may have momentarily lapse of concentration -- to consider the content of their posts. Perhaps we can ask a question like "Is this content using G2K resources against G2K goal?". Advertising pictures definitely waste G2K resources to promote commercial enterprises.

It is sensitive. And very subtle. To reach the true wishes of his actions

พบปัญหาการใช้งานกรุณาแจ้ง LINE ID @gotoknow
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