2023-03-27 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด I – Immaculate – concept

Revision I

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ออกเสียง Immaculate = ‘ih-MAK-yuh-lit’

ออกเสียง concept = ‘KON-sept’


Common Errors in English Usage Dictionary


The doctrine of “immaculate conception” 

(the belief that Mary was conceived 

without inheriting original sin

is often confused with the doctrine of the “virgin birth” 

(the belief that Mary gave birth to Jesus while remaining a virgin).


Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Choose the Right Synonym for concept




mean what exists in the mind as a representation 

(as of something comprehended) 

or as a formulation (as of a plan).


IDEA may apply to a mental image 

or formulation of something seen 

or known or imagined

to a pure abstraction

or to something assumed or vaguely sensed.  

innovative ideas  

my idea of paradise  


CONCEPT may apply to the idea 

formed by consideration of instances 

of a species or genus or, more broadly, 

to any idea of what a thing ought to be.  

a society with no concept of private property  


CONCEPTION is often interchangeable with CONCEPT

it may stress the process of imagining 

or formulating rather than the result.  

our changing conception of what constitutes art  


THOUGHT is likely to suggest the result of reflecting

reasoning, or meditating rather than of imagining.  

commit your thoughts to paper  


NOTION suggests an idea not much resolved 

by analysis or reflection and may 

suggest the capricious or accidental.  

you have the oddest notions 


IMPRESSION applies to an idea or notion 

resulting immediately from some stimulation of the senses.  

the first impression is of soaring height 


Merriam-Webster Dictionary


Concept [verb]: to conceive; 

especially: to create the initial idea 

for a design, product, or story

If you'd rather avoid it: 


Conceive; create the concept

Jargon can seem forced or artificial 

if you’re not part of the group 

that uses a given term, especially 

if the term seems redundant or unnecessary.


Concepting is a fancy way of saying conceiving. 

It's particularly seen in creative professions and marketing

where the noun form of concept gets thrown around a lot.

Lately he has been applying his aesthetic 

to household objects by way of a laser-etching machine

and formed his own creative agency

Mama Tried, so he can work with new clients 

"from the concepting stage," consulting on 

a brand's entire image, rather than just doing illustrations.
—“Ink Inc.,” Rob Walker, The New York Times, 22 April, 2007

"If you want to reach millennials, you want to go 

where they're living online," she said. 

"You want a very tight distribution plan to be baked 

in the moment you start concepting the show."
—Teal Newland, quoted in “Denny's Uses Web Series to Speak to Young Adults,” Andrew Adam Newman, The New York Times, 11 April, 2012

You're trying to talk, in an ideal world, 18 months 

at a minimum before the release of a movie

--all the way up to 24 months. 

That's when they're concepting and doing production designs.
—Jeffrey Godsick, quoted in “The Business: Executive Suite Interview,” Hollywood Reporter, 12 February, 2016


There is some history to concept's use as a verb

though it has always been rare in English. 

Most evidence dates to the 1600s, 

when it was used as a synonym for conceive


Conceive had been in use for centuries by that time, 

but the spelling of concept shows a closer relationship to 

the ultimate Latin root of both wordsconcipere

which appealed to pedants who wanted to make 

the Latin elements in English as transparent as possible.

This doesn't make concepting any more 

transparent for readers today. 

After all, which sounds better: 

"From the concepting stage" or "from conception"?


Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Did You Know?

The opposite of immaculate is maculate

which means "marked with spots" or "impure." 


The Latin word maculatus, the past participle of a verb 

meaning "to stain,

is the source of both words 

and can be traced back to macula

a word that scientists still use for spots on the skin, 

on the wings of insects, and on the surface of celestial objects

Maculate has not marked as many pages as immaculate

but it has appeared occasionally (one might say "spottily"), 

especially as an antithesis to immaculate

We find the pair, for example, in an article by Peter Schjeldahl 

in an April 2004 issue of The New Yorker

"Rob's apartment, with its immaculate ranks of album spines 

and its all too maculate strewing of everything else…."

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