2022-02-23 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน - Set – E - embaress & embarrass

Revision E


ศัพท์ น่าสับสน - Set – E - embaress & embarrass

แนะนำการใช้ ตามที่ส่วนใหญ่ใช้ แต่ละท้องถิ่น 

ความหมาย อาจผันแปร ตาม ตำแหน่ง/หน้าที่ ในประโยค



ออกเสียง embaress = (No such word found in English)

ออกเสียง embarrass = “em-BAR-uhs” 


Common Errors in English Usage Dictionary:

embaress & embarrass 

You can pronounce the last two syllables as two distinct words 

as a jog to memory,

except that then the word may be misspelled “embareass,” 

which isn’t right either. 

You also have to remember the double R


Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

Choose the Right Synonym for embarrass

Embarrass, Discomfit, Abash, Disconcert, Rattle

mean to distress by confusing or confounding.

Embarrassimplies some influence that impedes thought, speech, or action.  

          the question embarrassed her so much she couldn't answer

Discomfitimplies a hampering or frustrating accompanied by confusion.  

          hecklers discomfited the speaker

Abashpresupposes some initial self-confidence that receives a sudden check, producing shyness, shame, or a feeling of inferiority.  

          abashed by her swift and cutting retort

Disconcertimplies an upsetting of equanimity or assurance producing uncertainty or hesitancy.  

          disconcerted by finding so many in attendance

Rattleimplies an agitation that impairs thought and judgment.  

          rattled by all the television cameras 


Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

Did you know?

If you've ever been so embarrassed 

that you felt like you were caught up in a noose of shame

then you may have some insight into the origins of the word embarrass.

The word can be traced back through French and Spanish 

to the Portuguese word embaraçar, which was itself probably formed as 

a combination of the prefix em(from Latin in-) 

and baraça, the Portuguese word for "noose." 


Though embarrass has had various meanings 

related to acts that hinder or impede throughout its history in English,

 these days it most often impliesmaking someone feel or look foolish.


Embarrass: Its Spelling and Use

Are you here because you spelled embarrass wrong

Don't be embarrassed.

Instead, remember that the word embarrass 

got those embarrassing r's and s's from the French:

English embarrass comes from the French word embarrasser.


When used as an active verb

embarrass is most often seen in constructions 

like "x embarrasses/embarrassed me/them." 

The word is also very commonly used as a passive verb

In such cases, the preposition by is a frequent companion:


Fiction has no reason to be embarrassed about telling the same story again and again, since we all, with infinite variations, live the same story.
— John Simon, The New Republic, 21 Nov. 1983

Sometimes they're embarrassed (or not) on someone's behalf

—that is, they're embarrassed for someone:


Nobody ever felt embarrassed for Yoko Ono.
— Bruno Maddox, Spy, November 1996


They're less commonly embarrassed at something:

She would be deeply embarrassed at my admiration, more so at my naming her in print.
— Nancy Harmon Jenkins, The New York Times Magazine, 4 May 1986


His cogent reasoning made me embarrassed at my own first reaction….
—David Greenberg, The New Republic, 14 Nov. 1994


Occasionally, and by some measures increasingly

people are embarrassed of something, 

as in "They're embarrassed of the way it happened." 

This use is not yet common in published, edited text 

and is considered by some to be a mistake.

หมายเลขบันทึก: 698189เขียนเมื่อ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ 2022 23:03 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ 2022 23:03 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: สงวนสิทธิ์ทุกประการจำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

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