2022-02-08 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน - Set – D - disburse & disperse

Revision D


ศัพท์ น่าสับสน - Set – D - disburse & disperse 

แนะนำการใช้ ตามที่ส่วนใหญ่ใช้ แต่ละท้องถิ่น 

ความหมาย อาจผันแปร ตาม ตำแหน่ง/หน้าที่ ในประโยค



ออกเสียง disburse = “dis-BURS

ออกเสียง disperse = “dih-SPURS


Common Errors in English Usage Dictionary:

disburse & disperse

You disburse money by taking it out of your purse (Frenchbourse”) and distributing it. 

If you refuse to hand out any money, 

the eager mob of beggars before you may disperse (scatter).




What does disburse mean?

Disburse most commonly means to pay out money.

Disburse is typically used in the context of finance and business

—especially when the exchange of money is formal.


The noun form of disburse is disbursement

meaning the act of paying out money, or the payment itself.


Disburse can also mean to distribute or scatter

but this sense is much less commonly used

(This sense sounds a lot like and means

just about the same thing as disperse.)


The staff is upset because payroll hasn’t disbursed paychecks yet due to a clerical error.


Where does disburse come from?

The first records of the word disburse come from around 1530

It comes from combining des (meaning “apart”) 

and bourse (meaning “purse”—a bag used to carry money). 

The same root is used in the more common term reimburse.


The modern financial use of disburse 

often refers to something quite specific

paying from a particular fund or account

often in the context of a business, charity, scholarship

or other formalized type of payment


To disburse is often to release money from one account to another

It’s typically only used in formal financial contexts

especially an institution making a payment to an individual.

You wouldn’t use disburse 

when paying a friend back after splitting dinner

—you’d just say pay or pay back or reimburse.

If the thing being given out or provided 

is not financial or money-related (like food, for example), 

you’d probably use a word like distribute, not disburse.


Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

Trend Watch


When Europe unlocked frozen bailout money ...


Lookups spiked on November 30, 2011.


The word was widely used when European finance ministers

 unlocked frozen bailout money to save Greece from bankruptcy.


For example, 

according to AFP news, the ministers 

"agreed to disburse a multi-billion-euro loan

to Greece while the country tries to solve its debt crisis.


Disburse means "to pay out

and is frequently used when payment is made from a public fund. 

It comes from the French word for "purse."


Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

Choose the Right Synonym for disperse

Scatter, Disperse, Dissipate, Dispel 

mean to cause to separate or break up.

Scatter implies a force that drives parts or units irregularly in many directions.  

the bowling ball scattered the pins

Disperse implies a wider separation and a complete breaking up of a mass or group.  

police dispersed the crowd

Dissipate stresses complete disintegration or dissolution and final disappearance.  

the fog was dissipated by the morning sun

Dispel stresses a driving away or getting rid of as if by scattering.  an authoritative statement 

that dispelled all doubt 

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