2022-01-27 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน - Set – C - consonant

Revision C


ศัพท์ น่าสับสน - Set – C - consonant

แนะนำการใช้ ตามที่ส่วนใหญ่ใช้ แต่ละท้องถิ่น 

ความหมาย อาจผันแปร ตาม ตำแหน่ง/หน้าที่ ในประโยค



ออกเสียง consonant = “KON-suh-nuhnt”


The A-Z of Correct English Common Errors in English Dictionary:


There are 21 consonants in the alphabet, 

all the letters except for the vowels


Note, however, that y can be both a vowel and a consonant

is a consonant when it begins a word or a syllable (yolk, beyond); 

is a vowel when it sounds likeor(sly, baby)




How To Help Early Readers 

With The Different Types Of Syllables And Vowels

Published January 13, 2020

When they are learning to read

children are often taught about syllables first. 

Having a firm understanding of how many syllables 

appear in each word and how each of those syllables 

is pronounced makes the introduction to reading a little bit easier.


If children know how to identify the syllables in a word

they can break longer multisyllabic words 

up into smaller, more manageable segments 

that are easier to sound out.

In fact, breaking words up into individual syllables 

is so beneficial to pronouncing them 

that you may have noticed this practice outside of the classroom as well. 

(Hint: it is how each word in the dictionary is broken up.)


What is a syllable?

syllable is the uninterrupted segment of speech 

that can be found in a single word

which consists of a vowel sound 

(but not always a vowel, like in the word psst), 

diphthong, or a syllabic consonant.


A syllable may or may not include the preceding 

or following consonant sounds as well. 

All this is a technical way of saying a syllable is one unit 

of sound, and it can be composed of 

a variety of combinations of vowel and consonants

For example

through and thought both have one syllable

but thought includes two consonant sounds 

before and after the vowel sound.


Knowing which type of syllable each segment contains 

gives kids an indication of how each portion of the word should sound.


The same can be said 

for the importance of understanding vowels


Knowing the different sounds they make, 

especially in relation to the letters that surround them, 

can help young readers sound out new words phonetically.


Breaking down the seven different types of syllables

The easiest way to teach someone to count 

how many syllables are in a word 

is to have them hold their hand under their chin 

and count how many times their jaw drops down to touch their hand


Tiger, for example, will make their jaw drop twiceti-ger

While the word refrigerator will make their jaw drop five times: 



There are seven types of syllables:

1. Closed

when the syllable ends in a consonant

it gives the vowel a short sound. 


In the examples of bat and rat,

each syllable ends in a T, making the A sound like ah.


2. Open

when the syllable ends in a single vowel

it gives the vowel a long sound. 


With a single syllable word like fly, 

the syllable ends in the vowel Y. 


In a two syllable words like tiger (ti-ger), 

the first syllable is open

giving it the long sound tahy (as in eye).


3. Magic E

when the syllable has 

a long vowel/consonant but ends in a silent E. 

In the word take (which has just one syllable), 

the E at the end of the word makes the A sound like ey (teyk).


4. R-Controlled: 

when the vowel(s) in a syllable is followed by the letter R,

it allows the vowel to be “controlled” 

by the sound the R makes when added to it. 


Say the word star, and then say the word stab

See how the two A’s sound different

That is the controlling how you are pronouncing it. 

Arrrrre you with me?


5. Diphthong: 

when two vowels create a whole new sound 

by being next to one another, like two vowels sounds blended.

Diphthongs include letter combinations like oioyooouowau, and ew

Cloudannoypout, and cause are all examples of sounds 

that are changed by their neighboring vowels


Don’t believe me? 

Try saying the words stop and loud 

while paying attention to both the way your mouth moves 

and the way the O sound changes.


6. Consonant-L-E

when the final syllable is made up of a consonant and -le combination. 

Rubble (rub-ble), maple (ma-ple), and circle (cir-cle) are all examples 

where the word ends in a syllable that contains the consonant 

(like the B in rubble, the P in maple, and the C in circle).


7. Vowel Team: 

when two vowels are next to each other

but make a single vowel sound like aieaoaeeay, and oe

Pie is a good example 

where there are two vowels, the I and E

but you only hear one sound.


What is a vowel?

vowel is the sound you make while speaking 

that neither directs nor obstructs the constant flow of air from your lungs.


It is different from a consonant, 

where the sound can be made with or without 

changing the flow of air from your lungs. 


Try saying like ooooh 

(which feels like pushing air out of your lungs in a constant stream) vs. H

which involves a little more work from both your lungs and your tongue.

There are six vowels: AEIO, U and sometimes Y.


Why sometimes Y?

Because sometimes it sounds like fellow vowels AE, and I 

depending on where it sits

and what letter it sits next to, in a word. 


When Y is in the beginning or middle of a word, 

it is more likely to be considered a consonant 

(as in the words yes and beyond, where the Y sounds likeY). 


When the letter Y appears towards the middle or end of a word, 

it is more likely to be considered a vowel 

(like in the words gym and cry, where the Y sounds more like an I).


Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

Usage Notes

The Truth About 'Y': It's Mostly a Vowel

We need 'y' to be a consonant, but it acts more like a vowel.

By first grade, 

we were taught that the letters aeiou, and sometimes y are vowels

Most of us probably accepted what we were told 

(it was just another "rule" we had to follow), 

and never questioned why that last part was true 

(there were other things to wonder about, like snack time). 

Additionally, we unconditionally accepted 

that the other 20 letters in the English alphabet were strictly consonants

To most, those vowels and consonants were just letters

but to that first grader who aspired to be a linguist, 

they were more than merely lines on a page.


Technically, the terms vowel and consonant (from Latin vocalis,

meaning "vocal," and Latin consonare, "to sound together") 

refer to particular speech sounds:


a vowel is one made with your mouth open 

and your tongue in the middle of your mouth 

not touching your teeth, lips, etc. 

(in other words

there's minimal manipulation of air flow while expelling a vowel sound); 


a consonant, on the other hand, is one (such as \p\, \d\, or \s\) 

that is made by partly or completely 

stopping the flow of air breathed out 

from the mouth with the tongue, teeth, lips, etc. 

What is special about the letter y is that 

it can represent both kinds of speech sounds

—depending on 

its position and the letters surrounding it in a word.

Y is considered to be a vowel if…..


In such cases, the letter y is pronounced 

as either the long vowel e or short or long i 

(usually as a long i when ending a word)

—and, for all intents and purposes, it is a vowel. 


When y forms a diphthong

—two vowel sounds joined in one syllable to form one speech sound, 

such as the "oy" in toy, "ay" in day, and "ey" in monkey

—it is also regarded as a vowel.


Typicallyy represents a consonant 

when it starts off a word or syllable, 

as in yardlawyer, or beyond


Technically, this sound of \y\ is consideredsemivowel or glide

which is a less prominent vowel speech sound 

that occurs in the articulation of two consecutive vowel sounds 

unequal in prominence. 


For example

there's a very brief long e sound when articulating \y\ in yes

Air flow is not impeded in sounding \y\ 

(if it was y would be a true consonant); 

however, the mouth is not opened as fully as 

in articulating the vowel \y\ in early

The result is a vowel-like consonant.



the "sometimes" part of the grade-school lesson doesn't make sense, 

since the letter y is more commonly pronounced as a vowel. 


But its consonant sound is unique, 

and that seems to be why y is more often considered to be a consonant and only "sometimes" a vowel. 

In other words,

 we need y more as a consonant in the English language than a vowel.

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