2021-04-30 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – A – amateur & novice & neophyte & tyro

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ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – A – amateur & novice & neophyte & tyro

แนะนำการใช้ ตามที่ส่วนใหญ่ใช้ แต่ละท้องถิ่น

ความหมาย อาจผันแปร ตาม ตำแหน่ง/หน้าที่ ในประโยค


ออกเสียง amateur = ‘AM-uh-choor’ or ‘cher’ or‘am-uh-TUR’ 

ออกเสียง novice = ‘NOV-is’

ออกเสียง neophyte = ‘NEE-uh-fahyt’

[– adj = neophytic = ‘nee-uh-FIT-ik’]

ออกเสียง tyro or tiro = ‘TAHY-roh’ [– adj. = ‘tahy-RON-ik’]

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Choosethe Right Synonym for amateur


mean a person who follows a pursuit

without attaining proficiencyor professional status.

AMATEUR often applies to one practicing an art without mastery of its essentials

a painting obviously done by an amateur;

in sportsit may also suggest not so much lack of skill

but avoidance of direct remuneration.

remained an amateur despite lucrative offers

DILETTANTE may apply to

the lover of an art rather thanits skilled practitioner

but usually implies elegant trifling in the arts

and an absence of serious commitment.

had no patience for dilettantes

DABBLER suggests desultory habits of work and lack of persistence.

a dabbler who started novels but never finished them

TYRO implies inexperience often combined with audacity with resulting crudeness or blundering.

shows talent but is still a mere tyro

Should amateur onlybe used literally?

The earliest senseof amateur

("one that has a marked fondness, liking, or taste")

is strongly connectedto its roots:

the word came into English from the French amateur,

which in turn comes from the Latin word for “lover” (amator).

This has ledsome people to assume that

the word is properly used only in the sense

one who performs something for love rather than for money.”

However, as is the case with so many other English words,

amateur may mean two strikingly different things,

referring to one who does something for the love of it

and also, to one who is not terribly competent at something.

Our earliest recordof the word's literal sense

comes from a 1777 source.

By 1790, however, it was already being used

in the somewhat condescending extended sense,

as seen inGeorge Rous’s description of Edmund Burke

as“a bystander, a mere amateur of aristocracy”

in his Thoughts on Government.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary


An amateur pursues an activity for love, not money.

Amateur has an ancestor in the Latin amare, meaning "to love."

Although the relationship isn't certain, amare

is probably related to a term meaning "mother": amma.

In theGermanic language spoken before the 12th century,

amma meant "mother" or "nurse."

Merriam-Webster Dictionary


Did You Know?

Among the ancient Romans,

a novice (novicius) was usually a newly enslaved person,

who had to betrained in his or her duties.

Among Catholics and Buddhists,

ifyou desire to become a priest, monk, or nun,

you must serve asa novice for a period of time, often a year

(called your novitiate),

beforebeing ordained or fully professingyour vows.

No matterwhat kind of novice you are

—at computers, at writing, at politics, etc.

—you've got a lotto learn.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary


Did You Know?

Neophyte is hardly a new addition to the English language

(it's been part of the English vocabulary since the 1300s),

but it wasn't in general use before the 19th century.

When it was used ina 16th-century translation of the Bible,

some folks derided it as pretentious and Latinate.

One critic lumped itwith other "ridiculous inkhorn terms"

and another went as far as to write,

"Neophyte, to a bare Englishman is nothing at all."

The criticismsof "neophyte" weren't entirely justified,

given the word's long history in English,

but it is truethat "neophyte" has classical roots.

It traces back through Late Latin to the Greek neophytes,

meaning"newly planted or "newly converted."

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Nunes: 'The President Is a Neophyte to Politics'

The word means 'a beginner'

7 Mar 2017

Neophyte (“a beginner”) was one of our top lookups

on the afternoon of March 7th,

after it was used byRepresentative Devin Nunes

to describe Donald Trump.

The word dates back to the 14th century,

but did not see considerable common usage until the 19th.

Although all the meanings

of neophyte are concerned with a person

who is new to something,

until the beginning of the 17th century

it had the specificmeaning of “a new convert

(especially a convert to the Christian faith).

The word may be traced back to the Greek neophytes,

meaning “newlyplanted,” or “newly converted.”

Around 1600 neophyte began to be used

to refer in a more generalized sense,

to refer to one who is a beginner (in a non-religioussense).

Common Errors In English Usage Dictionary


Most of the words we’ve borrowed from the French

thathave retained their “-eur” endings are pretty sophisticated,

like “restaurateur”(notice, no “N”)

and “auteur” (in film criticism),

but“amateur” attracts amateurish spelling

Dictionary of Problem Words in English

amateur& novice & neophyte & tyro

Amateur much the most widely used of these fourterms,

is applied to someone who follows or pursues activities,

especially sports,

an amateuris one who, regardless of excellence,

receive no payment for their performance:

“Stan played as an amateur for five years before

becoming a professional.”

A novice is a beginner, a person new to any field or activity:

“Some young brides are novices at housekeeping.”

Tyro is closely related in meaning to novice;

it refers to someone who is inexperienced:

“Bill was a tyro during his first weeks at training camp.”

Neophyte also refers to a beginner (novice, tyro),

butthe term is usually applied to a recent convert,

especiallyto a novice in a religious order

and to a recently ordained priest.

An amateur maybe skilled and even experienced,

but novices, tyros, and neophyte never are.

A tyro, novice, or neophyte may be a professional

but an amateur never is.

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