2021-04-22 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – A – alright & all right

Revision A


ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – A – alright & all right

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ออกเสียง alright = ‘awl-RAHYT

ออกเสียง right = ‘RAHYT

Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree

Alright adv. = nonstandard for all right;

often used in informal writing:

I’m alright, thank you.

Not to be confused with:

all right adj. = satisfactory; safe and sound:

I’m feeling all right now.;

= expressing consent or assent:

It is all right to leave the table.

all-right adj. = acceptable: He’s an all-right kind of guy.



The form alright asa one-word spelling of the phrase all right

in all of itssenses probably arose by analogy

with such words as already and altogether.

Although alright is a common spelling in written dialogue

and in other types of informal writing,

all right is used in more formal, edited writing.


Right in the sense of “very, extremely” iseither archaic or dialectal.

It is most common in informalspeech and writing:

It's right cold this morning.

The editor knew right well where the story had originated.


Alright” vs. “All Right

Are all right and alright interchangeable?

All right has a range of meanings


  • safe,” as in Are you all right?
  • reliable; good,” as in That fellow is all right.
  • as an adverb, it means “satisfactorily,”

as in His work is coming along all right.

  • yes,” as in All right, I’ll go with you.

Is alright a real word?

The form alright isa one-word spelling of the phrase all right

that made its first appearance in the 1880s.

Alright is commonly used in written dialogue and informal writing,

but all right is the only acceptable form in edited writing.

Basically, it is not all right to use alright in standard English.

And there is at least one instance in which

alright would be all wrong and would alter the meaning of a sentence:

  • Theo’s answers on the history quiz were all right.

Theo’s answers were all correct.

The alternate spelling of alright

(Theo’s answers on the history quiz were alright)

would give the impression that Theo’s answers were good,

but could have been better.

So, why is alright in use at all?

Its informal use is pretty widespread.

The popular song “The Kids Are Alright” by

The Who is evidence of popular acceptance of the informal alright.

However, the creators of the 2010 film The Kids Are All Right

couldn’t bring themselves to use the informal variant

even if the title was a clear nod to The Who.

It is possible alright will find acceptance one day.

Already and altogether are both examples

of words that originated as two separate terms.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language,

All right

Usage Note:

Despite the frequent use of the form alright

the single word spelling is still widely viewed as nonstandard.

In our 2009 survey, more than two-thirds of the Usage Panel

rejected alright in examples

like Don't worry. Everything will be alright,

whereas over 90 percent accepted all right in the same examples.

This resistance may seem peculiar,

since similar fusions incorporating all,

such as already and altogether, have never raised any objections.

The difference may lie in the fact that

already and altogether became single words back in the Middle Ages,

whereas alright has only been around for a little more than a century

and was called out by language critics as a misspelling.

Readers may view the use of alright, especially in formal writing,

as an error or a willful breaking of convention.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

all right or alright?: Usage Guide

Although the spelling alright is nearly as old as all right,

some critics have insisted alright is all wrong.

Nevertheless, it has its defenders and

its users, who perhaps have been influenced by analogy with altogether and already.

It is less frequent than all right but remains common

especially in informal writing.

It is quite common infictional dialogue

and is sometimes found in more formal writing.

the first two years of medical school were alright — Gertrude Stein

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

All right or alright?

Which is correct, and when?

All right, everyone: listen up.

If you were listening when your English teacher said that,

you probably learned that all right is the only way to write the word

that is also sometimes spelled alright.

Pete Townshend preferred the tighter version

when he wrote the lyrics to The Who's famous song, The Kids are Alright, and James Joyce thought alright was better (in one instance out of 38) for Ulysses too.

Pete and James weren't trying to impress your English teacher, obviously.

If you are, you'll do as most writers do and stick to all right.

It is by far the more common styling in published, edited text.

 But alright does have its defenders,

and instances of alright abound in informal writing.

And what's not to like, really?

It's an efficient little version,

and it looks right at home with a bunch of other common words

already, although, altogether, almost, always.

What's up with the lack of English-teacher love for alright?

It's all about history:

English spelling was fluid for a very long time,

and the words all right, already, although,

and the others had various forms over several hundred years

—with spaces, hyphens, alternate vowels, one l, two l's

—until the 18th century when they settled into the spellings that we recognize today.

Only all right developed a variant modern spelling after that settling.

Alright dates—in literature anyway—to Mark Twain circa 1865.

Which makes it a bit of an upstart. And lexical upstarts don't tend to win popularity contests.

Some people assert that there's a difference in meaning,

that "The answers were all right" means that all the answers were correct, and that "The answers were alright" means that the answers were adequate or satisfactory.

If you like that distinction you can use it,

but the fact is that "The answers were all right" can mean either that the answers were all correct or that they were satisfactory.

All right can—and does—do everything that alright does, and it has the added bonus of making your English teacher happy.

Which leads us to this concluding recommendation:

use alright if you like it and don't care that it's not the favored form.

There's nothing essentially wrong with it.

Use all right if you need people to know that you know what's all right

—at least according to your English teacher (and a lot of other folks).

Collins English Usage



The form alright, though very common,

is still considered by many people to be wrong

or less acceptable than all right

Common Errors In English Usage Dictionary

All right

The correct form of this phrase has become so rare

in the popular press that many readers have probably never noticed

that it is actually two words.

But if you want to avoid irritating traditionalists

you’d better tell them that you feelall right” rather than “alright.

The A-Z of Correct English Common Errors in English Dictionary

Traditional usagewould consider ALL RIGHT to be correct

and ALRIGHT to be incorrect.

However, the use of alright’ is so widespread

that some would see it as acceptable

although the majority of educated users would take care to avoid it.

Dictionary of Problem Words in English

alright& all right

Alright is a common misspelling of all right,

an expression with numerous meanings:

“satisfactory.” “correct,” “very well,” “yes,” “safe,” “acceptable.”

There is no such word as alright.

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