2021-04-04 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – A – accede & exceed

Revision A


ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – A – accede & exceed

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ออกเสียง accede = ‘ak-SEED

ออกเสียง exceed = ‘ik-SEED

Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree

Accede =

assent or yield; give consent; agree: accede to the terms of the agreement; to attain an office; succeed: accede to the throne

Not to be confused with:

concede – yielding without necessarily agreeing: He conceded the election before all the votes were in.

exceed – to go beyond the bounds: exceed the speed limit; outdo; beat

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Choose the Right Synonym for accede


mean to concurwith what has been proposed.

ASSENT implies an act involving the understanding or judgment

and applies to propositions or opinions.

voters assented to the proposal

CONSENT involves the will or feelings and indicates compliance with what is requested or desired.

consented to their daughter's going

ACCEDE implies a yielding, often under pressure, of assent or consent.

officials acceded to the prisoners' demands

ACQUIESCE implies tacit acceptance or forbearance of opposition.

acquiesced to his boss's wishes

AGREE sometimes implies previous difference of opinion or attempts at persuasion.

finally agreed to come along

SUBSCRIBE implies not only consent or assent but hearty approval and active support.

subscribes wholeheartedly to the idea

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Choose the Right Synonym for exceed


mean to go orbe beyond a stated or implied limit, measure, or degree.

EXCEED implies going beyond a limit set by authority or establishedby custom or by prior achievement.

exceed the speed limit

SURPASS suggests superiority in quality, merit, or skill.

the book surpassed our expectations

TRANSCEND implies a rising or extending notably above or beyond ordinarylimits.

transcended the values of their culture

EXCEL implies preeminencein achievement or quality

and may suggest superiority to all others.

excels in mathematics

OUTDO applies to a bettering or exceeding what has been done before.

outdid herself this time

OUTSTRIP suggests surpassing in a race or competition.

outstripped other firms in sales

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Usage Notes

All About '-Cede' and '-Ceed'

And their families of confusing verbs

What to Know

Words ending in -cede or -ceed are

related tothe Latin cedere meaning "to go, move away, withdraw, yield."

For example,

secede often means to withdraw from a larger area,

concede meansto yield to a winning opponent,

and succeed can mean to follow after.

-Cede words got to English from French,

while -ceed words got to English from Middle English.

English has a lot of verbs that end in –cede or -ceed.

While most of them are rather common

and their meanings rather straightforward,

the differences in their spellings can make them hard to keep straight.

'-Cede' Words

Let’s start with cede.

This verb means “to yield orgrant typically by treaty

and comes from a Latin word (cedere)

meaning “to go, move away, withdraw, yield.”

It is typically used of territory

(as in “the U.S. ceded control of the Panama Canal to Panama in 1999”)

or things like rights or power (as inceded her position as mayor”).

Cede is a homophoneof seed,

which itselfcan be a verb, with meanings

ranging from “to plant seeds in” (as in “they seeded the lawn”)

or “to rank or schedulecontestants (as in a tournament)”

(as in “the tennis player was seeded among the top three”).

A number ofEnglish verbs were formed

by adding a Latin prefix to cedere.

Secede is another verb that is typically used of territory;

a region secedes when it is no longer part of a federation.

You can also secede from an organization,

such as a political party.

Secede was formed by

attaching the Latin particle sed- (“apart”) to cedere.

Concede is a verb with the same notion of

giving something other to another as cede.

It can mean“to acknowledge something grudgingly or hesitantly

(as inconceded that he might have a point”)

or “to relinquish grudgingly or hesitantly

(as in “the country’s leader conceded power to the invading army”).


concede might mean “to acknowledge as won by an opponent’;

a participant might concede a contest or election to an opponent

when it appears to be impossibleto win.

Another verb ending in –cede is precede,

which means “to go before (as in rankor order of time),”

as in “the movie trailers that preceded the feature.”

Similarly, the verb recede means “to move back or away

(such as floodwaters, or a hairline)

orto grow lessor smaller” (such as interest rates).

All of these verbsending in –cede are related to cedere.

But the same is truefor a number of common English verbs

that end in –ceed: proceed, succeed, exceed,etc.

'-Ceed' Words

To proceed means to move forward or commence an action

(“the funding allowed them to proceedwith the project").

Succeed is essentially the opposite of precede

in that it meansto follow after another (as in rank or order of time).”

It can also mean “to attain a desired end

or “to accomplish what is attempted,”

as in “they succeeded in locating the lost dog.”

Exceed means “to go beyond or extend outside of,”

as ina crowdthat exceeded the stadium’s capacity.”

So, what accounts for some verbs being spelled –cede

while othersare spelled -ceed?

As we have already mentioned,

all of these verbs descend from the Latin verb cedere.

The difference is in the paths they took from Latin to English.

Precede and concede passed through French

and cede may have as well,

whereas proceed, succeed,and exceed

all passed throughMiddle English.

And now, we will cede our time on your browser to another page.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary


Did You Know?

To accedeusually means to yield, often under pressure

and with some reluctance, to the needs or requests of others.

Voters usually accede to a tax increase only when

they're convinced it's the only real solution to a shortfall in government funding.

A patient may accede to surgery

only after the doctor assures him it's better than the alternatives.

If you accede to your spouse's plea to watch the new reality show at 9:00, you may get to choose something better at 10:00.

Common Errors In English Usage Dictionary

Accede & exceed

If you drive too fast, you exceedthe speed limit.

“Accede” is a much rarer word meaninggive in,” “agree.”

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