2021-01-07 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด S – Seam – seem

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ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด S – Seam – seem

แนะนำการใช้ ตามที่ส่วนใหญ่ใช้ แต่ละท้องถิ่น

ความหมาย อาจผันแปร ตาม ตำแหน่ง/หน้าที่ ในประโยค


ออกเสียง Seam – seem  = ‘SEEM



Seem, appear, look

refer to an outward aspect that mayor may not be contrary to reality.

Seem is applied to something that has an aspect of truth and probability:

It seems warmer today.

Appear suggests the giving of an impression

that may be superficial or illusory:

The house appears to be deserted.

Look more vividly suggests the use of the eye (literally or figuratively)

or the aspect as perceived by the eye:

She looked very much frightened.

Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms


= a horse-load;

= a load or burden;

specifically, eight bushels of grain;

three hundred-weight of hay or manure;

two hundred-weight of straw (a cartload).


seam of apples (9 pecks);

of corn (a quarter), 1440;

of dung, 1726; of glass (120 lb.), 1325;

of grain (8 bushels); of hay (3 ctw), 1880;

of lime, 1536; of manure, (3 cwt);

of oats (8 bushels), 1377; of sand (6-8 pecks);

of straw (3 cwt); of wood, 1545.

Collins COBUILD English Usage


You use seem to say that someone or something

gives a particular impression.

1. used with adjectives

Seem is usually followed by an adjective.

If someone gives the impression of being happy,

you can say that they seem happy.

You can also say that they seem to be happy.

There is no difference in meaning.

Even minor problems seem important.

You seem to be very interested.

If the adjective is a non-gradable adjective

such as alone or alive,

you usually use seem to be.

For example,

you say 'He seemed to be alone'.

You don't say 'He seemed alone'.

She seemed to be asleep.

In order to say who has an impression of someoneor something, use seem followed by an adjective and the preposition to.

He always seemed old to me.

This idea seems ridiculous to most people.

2. used with noun phrases

Instead of an adjective,

you can use a noun phrase after seem or seem to be.

For example,

instead of saying 'She seemed nice',

you can say 'She seemed a nice person' or 'She seemed to be a nice person'.

In conversation and in less formal writing,

people often say 'She seemed like a nice person'.

It seemed a long time before the food came.

She seems to be a very good boss.

It seemed like a good idea.

Be Careful!

Don't use 'as' after seem.

Don't say, for example, 'It seemed as a good idea'.

If the noun phrase contains a determiner

such as the or a but not an adjective,

you must use seemed to be.

For example,

say 'He seemed to be the owner of the car'.

Don't say 'He seemed the owner of the car'.

At first the seal seemed to be a rock.

What seems to be the trouble?

3. used with verbs

You can use other to-infinitives besides 'to be' after seem.

For example,

you can say 'He seemed to need help'.

You can also say 'It seemed that he needed help'

or 'It seemed as though he needed help'.

The experiments seem to prove that sugar is bad for you.

It seemed to me that she was right.

It seemed as though the war had ended.

Common Errors In English Usage Dictionary

Seam – seem

"Seem” is the verb, “seam”the noun.

Use “seam” only for things like the line produced

when two pieces of cloth are sewn together

or a thread of coal in a geological formation.

Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary,


seem, appear, look

refer to an outward aspect that

may or may not be contrary to reality.

seem is applied to something that

has an aspect of truth and probability:

It seems warmer today.

appear suggests the giving of

an impression that may be superficial or illusory:

The house appears to be deserted.

look more vividly suggests the use of the eye (literallyor figuratively)

or the aspect as perceived by the eye:

She looked frightened.

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