2020-11-06 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด M - Modern & modernistic

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ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด M - Modern & modernistic

การใช้ภาษาอังกฤษ ที่ถือว่า ถูกต้องนี้ เป็นไปตามมาตรฐานการใช้ภาษา

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ออกเสียง Modern = ‘MOD-ern’

ออกเสียง modernistic = ‘mod-de-NIS-tik’



Modern, recent, late

apply to that which is near to or characteristic of the present

as contrasted with any other time.

Modern is applied to those things that exist in the present age,

especially in contrast to those of a former age or an age long past;

hence the word sometimes has the connotation of up-to-date and,

thus, good: modern ideas.

That which is recent is separatedfrom the present or the time of action by only a short interval; it is new, fresh, and novel: recent developments.

Late may mean nearest to the present moment: the late reports on the battle.



What does modern mean?

Modern means relating to the present time,

as in modern life.

It also means up-to-date and not old,

as in modern technology.

Apart from these general senses,

modern is often used in a more specific way to refer to the current historical period.

Even more specifically, it refers to a style or movement in the arts developed during the 1900s and characterized by innovation and experimentation that broke from past traditions.

Such art is often described as belonging to the movement of modernism (which is sometimes capitalized).

Modern can sometimes be used as a noun

referring to a person in modern times,

as in The worldviews of ancients and moderns are very different,

but this is uncommon.

Example: Many people are overwhelmed by the fast pace of the modern workplace.

Where does modern come from?

In history, though, the modern era is the period from the end of the Middle Ages to the present.

In that sense, modern is technically a modern word—the first records of it come from the late 1400s. It comes from the Latin modernus, from modō, meaning “just recently.”

Most of the time, modern simply refers to something related to the present or recent past, as opposed to the past or the distant past.

In this sense, it is especially used in phrases like modern life and modern times.

Our modern life involves modern technology

and modern conveniences—meaningthe latest stuff.

In its more specific use to refer to things involved with the modernist art movement, modern can be applied to works in many different art forms, including painting, literature, architecture, and others. The collections of modern art museums often feature items from the late 1800s and later. When art is described as postmodern, it doesn’t mean it’s somehow from the future. It means it belongs to a movement or style characterizedby a rejection of modernism, not modernness or modernity.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary


Mod is a shortening of modern—and perhaps modernist,

a term used to describe a player or aficionado of modern jazz. In 1960s Britain, mod identified a young person who dressed stylishly in tailored suits or miniskirts and rode around on a motor scooter listening to the blues and to soul music—rather than the heavier rock music emerging at the time. By association, the name came to be used as an adjective for fashionable people and for things stylish and trendy (in other words, modern).

Modish is also an adjective meaning "fashionable" and "stylish," but it is a much older one (entering English in the mid-1600s) and unrelated, being based on the French word mode, which denotes a way of living, thinking, or dressing.

American Heritage Dictionary


The word modern, first recorded in 1585

in the sense “of present or recent times,” has traveled through the centuries designating things that inevitably must become old-fashioned as the word itself goes on to the next modern thing. We have now invented the word postmodern, as if we could finally fix modern in time, but even postmodern (first recorded in 1949) will seem fusty in the end, perhaps sooner than modern will. Going back to Late Latin modernus, “modern,” which is derived from modo in the sense “just now,” the English word modern(first recorded at the beginning of the 16th century) was not originally concerned with anything that could be later considered old-fashioned. It simply meant “being at this time, now existing,” an obsolete sense today. Beginning in the later 16th century, however, we see the word contrasted with the word ancient and also used of technology in a way that is clearly related to our own modern way of using the word.

Modern was being applied specifically to what pertained to present times and also to what was new and not old-fashioned. Thus in the 19th and 20th centuries the word could be used to designate a movement in art, which is now being followed by postmodernism.

Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary,

mod′ern•ly, adv.

mod′ern•ness, n.

syn: modern, recent, late apply to that which is near to or characteristic of the present time.

modern, which is applied to those things that exist in the present age, sometimes has the connotation of up-to-date and, thus, good: modern ideas.

That which is recent is separated from the present or the time of action by only a short interval; it is new, fresh, and novel: recent developments.

late may mean nearest to the present moment: the late reports on the battle.

Dictionary of Problem Words and Expression

Modern & modernistic

These words can correctly be used synonymously,

but in some situations their meaning differs.

Modern should be applied as an adjective to anything that exists in the present age, exists now in contrast to existence in an earlier period:

“Becky cannot adjust to modern city life.”

“Bob prides himself on his modern viewpoints.”

“That building is an excellent example of modern architecture.”

Modernistic can be used as modernis,

but it is more often applied to items or ideas that have been, or may be, short-lived, exaggerated, or experimental:

“I like up-to-date styles, but this furniture seems too modernistic to me.”

“His life-style is so modernistic as to seem unorthodox and even incredible.”

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