2020-11-02 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด M - marriage & nuptials & wedding

Revision M-Q


ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด M - marriage & nuptials & wedding

การใช้ภาษาอังกฤษ ที่ถือว่า ถูกต้องนี้ เป็นไปตามมาตรฐานการใช้ภาษา

การใช้คำอังกฤษ ไม่กำหนดมาตฐาน ถือตามส่วนใหญ่ที่ใช้แต่ละท้องถิ่น

ความหมาย อาจยืดหยุ่น ขึ้นอยู่กับ ตำแหน่ง/หน้าที่ ในประโยค


ออกเสียง marriage = ‘MAR-ij’

ออกเสียง Nuptials = ‘NUHP-shuhl’

ออกเสียง wedding = ‘WED-ing’  



Marriage, wedding, nuptials

are terms for the ceremony uniting couples in wedlock.

Marriage is the simple and usual term, without implications as to circumstances and without emotional connotations: to announce the marriage of a daughter.

Wedding has rather strong emotional, even sentimental, connotations, and suggests the accompanying festivities, whether elaborate or simple: a beautiful wedding; a reception after the wedding.

Nuptials is a formal and lofty word applied to the ceremony and attendant social events; it does not have emotional connotations but strongly implies surroundings characteristic of wealth, rank, pomp, and grandeur: royal nuptials.

It appears frequently on newspaper society pages

chiefly as a result of the attempt to avoid continual repetition of marriage and wedding.



Marriage has never had just one meaning.

Adjectives commonly used with the word reveal the institution’s diversity, among them traditional, religious, civil, arranged, gay, plural, group, open, heterosexual, common-law, interracial, same-sex, polygamous, and monogamous.

And this diversity has been in evidence, if not since the beginning of time, at least since the beginning of marriage itself, roughly some 4000 years ago.

Multiple wives, for example, proliferate in the Bible. King Solomon famously had 700, although most were apparently instruments of political alliance rather than participants in royal romance. (For that, he had 300 concubines.)

Marriage can be sanctioned legally or religiously, and typically confers upon married people a special legal status with particular rights, benefits, and obligations.

Access to this special status has changed over time.

For example, the U.S. Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage as recently as 1967, while same-sex marriage, which for some time had been banned in many states or ignored in others, was in 2015 ruled a constitutional right for all Americans.

Marriage as the union of one man and one woman is the most common definition of the term in the Western world today—this in spite of the prevalence on the one hand of divorce (enabling people to marry several different partners in sequence), and on the other, of an increasing acceptance of same-sex marriage. And as society becomes more inclusive, it is likely that “equal protection under the law”

will be fully applied to same-sex couples.
In crafting definitions for a word that represents an institution that is rapidly evolving, the dictionary may well have to keep adding, changing, and reordering senses, splitting or combining them as the institution changes. Inevitably, those who want to preserve what they cherish as traditional values will resist new definitions, while those who anticipate, welcome, and fight for societal change will be impatient when new definitions do not appear as quickly as they would wish. But we should all remember that while it is not the job of a dictionary to drive social change, it is inevitable that it will reflect such change.



The pronunciations [NUHP-choo-uhl] and [NUHP-shoo-uhl],

by analogy with such words as mutual and actual, are not considered standard.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Usage of Marriage

The definition of the word marriage

—or, more accurately, the understanding of what the institution of marriage properly consists of

—continues to be highly controversial.

This is not an issue to be resolved by dictionaries.

Ultimately, the controversy involves cultural traditions, religious beliefs, legal rulings, and ideas about fairness and basic human rights.

The principal point of dispute has to do with marriage between two people of the same sex, often referred to as same-sex marriage or gay marriage.

Same-sex marriages are now recognized by law in a growing number of countries and were legally validated throughout the U.S. by the Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges in 2015. In many other parts of the world, marriage continues to be allowed only between men and women. The definition of marriage shown here is intentionally broad enough to encompass the different types of marriage that are currently recognized in varying cultures, places, religions, and systems of law.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Marriage Story

Here's the etymological marriage story.

Broadly, marriage implies the state of being united as spouses in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law. The word is derived from Anglo-French marier, meaning "to marry," which has Latin relations. Other etyma of English words that mean "to marry" are Latin nubere (etymologically wed to connubial, nubile, and nuptial) and Greek gameîn (linked to the chromosomal gamete and the fecund noun combining form -gamy).

-Gamy has been married to multiple prefixes to identify types of marriages. Its unions include bigamy (marriage with a person while still legally married to another), digamy (a second marriage), endogamy (marriage within a group), exogamy (marriage outside a group), hypergamy (marriage into a higher social group), monogamy (marriage to one mate at a time), and polygamy (marriage to more than one mate at the same time).

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Our editor choice for the 2015 runner-up is a word that refers to an age-old institution: marriage.

In June of that year the Supreme Court ruled that same-sex couples can marry nationwide,

shifting the legal meaning of the word marriage itself in many jurisdictions—and keeping the word in our top lookups.

The decision, which was the culmination of decades of litigation and activism, set off jubilation and tearful embraces across the country, the first same-sex marriages in several states, and resistance — or at least stalling — in others. It came against the backdrop of fast-moving changes in public opinion, with polls indicating that most Americans now approve of the unions.
— Adam Liptak, The New York Times, 26 June 2015

Collins COBUILD English Usage

Marriage - wedding

1. 'marriage'

Marriage refers to the state of being married, or to the relationship between a husband and wife.

I wasn't interested in marriage or children.

They have a very happy marriage.

You can also use marriage to refer to the act of getting married.

Her family did not approve of her marriage to David.

2. 'wedding'

You don't usually use 'marriage' to refer to the ceremony in which two people get married. Use wedding.

He was not invited to the wedding.

Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary

nup′tial•ly, adv.

pron: The pronunciations (ˈnʌp tʃu əl) and (ˈnʌp ʃu əl) reinforced by analogy with words like mutual and actual, are not considered standard.

Dictionary of Problem Words and Expression

marriage & nuptials & wedding

Each of these words applies to

the ceremony of joining couples in a matrimony,

uniting them in wedlock.

Marriage is the most commonly used word;

it refers not only to the ceremony itself

but to the union of a couple as long as that union lasts:

“The proud parents recently announced the marriage of their daughter.”

“The Blakes’ marriage lasted for fifty years.”

Nuptials is a formal word usually applied to a ceremony

involving persons of high social standing, wealth, or nobility:

“The royal nuptials of Elizabeth and Philip were celebrated by millions of people.”

Wedding, a term applying only to the ceremony (unlike marriage)

has emotional and sentimental connotations:

“Her wedding was so beautiful that it had many guests in tears.”

คำสำคัญ (Tags): #English Word#Common Mistakes#Problem Words
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