2020-09-17 คำชวนสับสน ชุด E – Example - instance - sample

Revision E


181029-2 คำชวนสับสน ในการใช้ ชุด E – Example - instance - sample

การใช้ภาษาอังกฤษ ที่ถูกต้อง อ้างอิง มาตรฐานตามพจนานกรม
ภาษาอังกฤษ ไม่กำหนดมาตฐาน ถือตามส่วนใหญ่ที่ใช้แต่ละท้องถิ่น
ความหมาย อาจยืดหยุ่น ขึ้นอยู่กับ ตำแหน่ง/หน้าที่ ในประโยค


ออกเสียง “example” = “ig-ZAHM-puh l”

ออกเสียง “instance” = “IN-stuhns”

ออกเสียง “instant” = IN-stuhnt

ออกเสียง “sample” = “SAHM-puh l”



Example, sample, specimen

refer to an individual phenomenon taken as representative of a type, or to a part representative of the whole.

Example is used of an object, condition, etc., that is assumed to illustrate a certain principle or standard: a good example of baroque architecture.

Sample refers to a small portionof a substance or to a single representative of a group or type that is intended to show what the rest of the substance or the group is like: a sample of yarn.

Specimen usually suggests that the “sample” chosen is intended to serve a scientific or technical purpose: a blood specimen; zoological specimens. 2. See ideal. 3. See case1.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Choose the Right Synonym for example



mean something that exhibits distinguishing characteristics in its category.

INSTANCE applies to any individualperson, act, or thing that may be offered to illustrate or explain. an instance of history repeating itself

CASE is used to direct attention to a real or assumed occurrence or situation that is to be considered, studied, or dealt with. a case of mistaken identity

ILLUSTRATION applies to an instance offered as a means of clarifying or illuminating a general statement. a telling illustration of Murphy's Law

EXAMPLE applies to a typical, representative, or illustrative instance or case. a typical example of bureaucratic waste

SAMPLE implies a part or unit takenat random from a larger whole and so presumed to be typical of its qualities. show us a sample of your work

SPECIMEN applies to any example or sample whether representative or merely existent and available. one of the finest specimens of the jeweler's art


mean someone or something set before one for guidance or imitation.

MODEL applies to something taken or proposed as worthy of imitation. a decor that is a model of good taste

EXAMPLE applies to a person to be imitated or in some contexts on no account to be imitated but to be regarded as a warning. children tend to follow the example of their parents

PATTERN suggests a clear and detailed archetype or prototype. American industry set a pattern for others to follow

EXEMPLAR suggests either a faultless example to be emulated or a perfect typification. cited Joan of Arc as the exemplar of courage

IDEAL implies the best possibleexemplification either in reality or in conception. never found a job that matched his ideal

Choose the Right Synonym for sample



mean something that exhibits distinguishing characteristics in its category.

INSTANCE applies to any individualperson, act, or thing that may be offered to illustrate or explain. an instance of history repeating itself

CASE is used to direct attentionto a real or assumed occurrence or situation that is to be considered, studied, or dealt with. a case of mistaken identity

ILLUSTRATION applies to an instance offered as a means of clarifying or illuminating a general statement. a telling illustration of Murphy's Law

EXAMPLE applies to a typical, representative, or illustrative instance or case. a typical example of bureaucratic waste

SAMPLE implies a part or unittaken at random from a larger whole and so presumed to be typical of its qualities. show us a sample of your work

SPECIMEN applies to any example or sample whether representative or merely existent and available. one of the finest specimens of the jeweler's art

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Choose the Right Synonym for instance



mean something that exhibits distinguishing characteristics in its category.

INSTANCE applies to any individualperson, act, or thing that may be offered to illustrate or explain. an instance of history repeating itself

CASE is used to direct attentionto a real or assumed occurrence or situation that is to be considered, studied, or dealt with. a case of mistaken identity

ILLUSTRATION applies to an instanceoffered as a means of clarifying or illuminating a general statement. a telling illustration of Murphy's Law

EXAMPLE applies to a typical, representative, or illustrative instance or case. a typical example of bureaucratic waste

SAMPLE implies a part or unittaken at random from a larger whole and so presumed to be typical of its qualities. show us a sample of your work

SPECIMEN applies to any example or sample whether representative or merely existent and available. one of the finest specimens of the jeweler's art

Abused, Confused, & Misused Words


an occurrenceof something; an example: The fistfight was an instance of student discord.

Not to be confused with:

instants – very brief timeperiods; almost imperceptible moments: We experience only instants of pure joy.

Collins COBUILD English Usage

1. 'example'

If something has the typical features of a particular kind of thing,

you can say that it is an example of that kind of thing.

It's a very fine example of traditional architecture.

This is yet another example of poor management.

When someone mentions an example of a particular kind of thing,

you say that they are giving an example of that kind of thing.

Could you give me an example?

Let me give you an example of the sort of thing that happens.

Be Careful!
Don't say that someone 'says an example'.

2. 'for example'

When you mention an example of something, you often say for example.

Switzerland, for example, has four official languages.

There must be some discipline in the home. For example, I do not allow my daughter to play with my computer.

Be Careful!
Don't say 'by example'.

Dictionary of Problem Words and Expressions:

อธิบาย ควาหมาย “example” คือ

“ส่วนหนึ่งของบางสิ่ง” หรือ

“เป็นหนึ่งในจำนวนของสิ่งต่างๆ” เช่น
        “This dictionary has many examples of how words are used.”
            “It is important to cite examples to support your argument.”
และ “example” ยังมีความหมายอื่นว่า

“pattern” = แบบแผน”

“model” = แบบอย่าง”

“Specimen” = ตัวอย่าง เช้น
            “Her courage is an example to us all.”
            “She is a shining example of what people with disabilities can achieve.”
ส่วน “instance” เป็น “example”ชนิดที่ใช้เพื่อพิสูจน์

หรือ “แสดงแบบอย่าง” โดยเฉพาะของบางสิ่ง เช่น
            “The report highlights a number of instances of injustice.”

“A serious instance of corruption.”

“In this instance it mattered little.”
และ “sample” หมายถึง “ส่วนเล็กๆของบางสิ่ง”

และ “มีความหมายพื้นฐานของ” “specimen” เช่น
            “This sample of cloth is lovely.”

“Investigations involved analyzing samples of handwriting.”

ถึงแม้ จะสามารถใช้ “for instanceแทนที่กันได้กับfor example
แต่สำหรับ “instance” และ “exampleไม่อาจใช้แทนที่กันได้
พฤติกรรมของคุณ อาจ “set a good example


แต่ไม่อาจใช้ว่าเป็น “good instance”

คำสำคัญ (Tags): #English words#Common Errors#Problem Words
หมายเลขบันทึก: 682504เขียนเมื่อ 17 กันยายน 2020 19:18 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 17 กันยายน 2020 19:19 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: จำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

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