2020-09-17 คำชวนสับสน ชุด E – Event -incident - episode

Revision E


181012 คำชวนสับสน ชุด E – Event -incident - episode

การใช้ภาษาอังกฤษ ที่ถูกต้อง อ้างอิง มาตรฐานตามพจนานกรม

ภาษาอังกฤษ ไม่กำหนดมาตฐาน ถือตามส่วนใหญ่ที่ใช้แต่ละท้องถิ่น

ความหมาย อาจยืดหยุ่น ขึ้นอยู่กับ ตำแหน่ง/หน้าที่ ในประโยค


ออกกเสียง “event” เน้นพยางค์ หลัง “ih-VENT

ออกกเสียง “incident” เน้นพยางค์ แรก “IN-si-duhnt”

ออกกเสียง “episode” เน้นพยางค์ แรก “EP-uh-sohd”



Event, episode, incident, occurrence

are terms for a happening.

An event is usually an importanthappening: historical events.

An episode is one of a series of happenings in a person's life or in a narrative: an episode in one's life.

An incident is an event of usually minorimportance: an amusing incident in a play.

An occurrence is something that happens, often by surprise: His arrival was an unexpected occurrence.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Choose the Right Synonym for event


mean something that happens or takes place.

OCCURRENCE may apply to a happeningwithout intent, volition, or plan. an encounter that was a chance occurrence

EVENT usually implies an occurrence of some importance and frequently one having antecedent cause. the events following the assassination

INCIDENT suggests an occurrence of brief duration or secondary importance. a minor wartime incident

EPISODE stresses the distinctiveness or apartness of an incident. a brief romantic episode in a life devoted to work

CIRCUMSTANCE implies a specific detailattending an action or event as part of its setting or background. couldn't recall the exact circumstances

Choose the Right Synonym for incident



mean something that happens or takes place.

OCCURRENCE may apply to a happening without intent, volition, or plan. an encounter that was a chance occurrence

EVENT usually implies an occurrence of some importance and frequently one having antecedent cause. the events following the assassination

INCIDENT suggests an occurrence of brief duration or secondary importance. a minor wartime incident

EPISODE stresses the distinctiveness or apartness of an incident. a brief romantic episode in a life devoted to work

CIRCUMSTANCE implies a specific detailattending an action or event as part of its setting or background. couldn't recall the exact circumstances

Choose the Right Synonym for episode


mean something that happens or takes place.

OCCURRENCE may apply to a happeningwithout intent, volition, or plan. an encounter that was a chance occurrence

EVENT usually implies an occurrence of some importance and frequently one having antecedent cause. the events following the assassination

INCIDENT suggests an occurrence of brief duration or secondary importance. a minor wartime incident

EPISODE stresses the distinctiveness or apartness of an incident. a brief romantic episode in a life devoted to work

CIRCUMSTANCE implies a specific detailattending an action or event as part of its setting or background. couldn't recall the exact circumstances

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Usage Notes

'Accidental' vs. 'Incidental'

A word's meaning is no accident. Or is it?

What to Know

Accidental and incidental can both mean "something happening by chance,"

but usage suggests that "accidental" also implies an element of carelessness or inattention while "incidental" implies the occurrence would have happened with or without attention or care.

The words accident and incident are often confused, and for good reason.

They have intersecting histories, both stemming from the same ultimate Latin root, cadere, meaning “to fall," and their Latin antecedents had similar meanings: accidere meant, among other things, “to fall down” and “to happen” and incidere meant “to fall into” and (also) “to happen.” Plus, they kind of sound alike.

Separate Meanings

The words next go their separate ways.

Incident becomes more abstract in the language of diplomacy,

referring to something likely to have diplomatic consequences:

a border incident

Accident has a distinct abstract sense referring to any fortuitous or nonessential property, fact, or circumstance:

an accident of birth

Among its more concrete set of meanings is the all-too-concrete euphemistic usewhen referring to the acts of babies and pets:

The puppy had an accident on the floor.

Subtle Differences

Their related adjectives pretty much stay in their lanes: accidental refers to something happening by chance (chance another word that descends from cadere), but also sometimes implying inattention or carelessness:

Incidental means “minor” or, when it means “by chance” or “without intention or calculation,” the idea of carelessness is absent. (Incident is also sometimes used as an adjective in technical or legal contexts.)

incidental expenses

played an incidental role

an incidental finding

Language sometimes evolves in unpredictable and illogical ways.

The parallel noun forms incidence and accidence have very imbalanced comparative usage, with incidence a fairly common word meaning “an occurrence or rate of occurrence” (as in “a high incidence of crime”) and accidence a rare one, referring only to “a part of grammar that deals with inflections.”

So it might be said that all those irregular verb tenses that require memorization when studying a new language are the “unforeseen or unplanned” changes in a language's course—accidents along the way in the history of a language.

Dictionary of Problem Words and Expressions:

อธิบายว่า ทั้ง “event” “incident” และ “episode”

ต่าง อ้างอิงถึง “บางสิ่ง ที่เกิดขึ้น” หรือ “ถือว่าเกิดขึ้น”

ต่อเนื่องจาก “การกระทำ หรือสิ่งที่เกิดขี้นก่อน”

โดย “event” หมายถึง “สิ่งสำคัญที่เกิดขึ้น” เป็นสิ่งที่

เกี่ยวเนื่อง กับสิ่งที่เกิดขึ้นก่อนหน้า เช่น

“The principal event of the meeting was the report from the treasurer.”

“The historical events of the conflict are well established.”

และว่า “an incident” หมายถึง “สิ่งเล็กน้อย ที่เกิดขึ้น โดยเกี่ยวเนื่อง

กับ “‘event’ ที่สำคัญมากกว่า” หรือ “ที่เกิดขึ้นต่อเนื่อง” เช่น

“The groom’s dropping the ring was an amusing incident in the wedding ceremony.”

และ “episode” หมายถึง “หนึ่งในชุดของสิ่งที่เกิดต่อเนื่อง”

กับ “การกระทำที่แตกต่างจากเหตุการณ์หลัก”

หากแต่ยังเป็นสิ่งที่น่าสนใจในตัวเอง เช่น

“His first trip to Europe was an exciting episode in the life of Senator Bottomley.”

คำสำคัญ (Tags): #English words#Common Errors#Problem Words
หมายเลขบันทึก: 682496เขียนเมื่อ 17 กันยายน 2020 18:50 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 17 กันยายน 2020 18:51 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: จำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

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