Rubbish in Our Environment

Rubbish in Our Environment

We see rubbish everywhere on the roads, at roadsides, in waterways, at parks, bus stops, carparks, outside our homes,,,, We are living among rubbish. We are so used to seeing rubbish that we don't feel at odds with rubbish anymore. Whe we see rubbish, we simply turn our nose up and walk by. We make comments. We complain among ourselves. But more than often, we don't do anything anymore.

Pic 1. There are billions of cigarette buts everywhere on land, in rivers and seas.

Pic 2. Some rubbish (mostly from 'fast food and alcohol' industries collected from roadsides in front of of my home.

And thank you Dr Ple for these pics below

Rubbish in our environment is not just eye-sores. Rubbish is health hazard. Rubbish is a sign showing what we are. People who throw away rubbish everyehre, who live among rubbish, who stand-by and not clean up rubbish,... are what kind of people?

Where does rubbish come from? Rubbish in our environment comes from packaging...shops...buyers...(packaging companies make rubbish, which is distributed to shops and buyers spread rubbish further -- more places in our environment).

Shhhh, do you know who pays for rubbish? Yes. We buy and pay for goods and packaging. We pay for rubbish when it comes out of a shop into our hand. We pay for rubbish to be collected (by garbage workers). We pay for rubbish left uncollected in our environment. We pay!

What can we do about it? Rubbish can be stopped if we :

1) Buy local products from local markets (and support our local comunity and local industries; supermarkets sell products from elsewhere -- not made locally -- not supporting local community and local industries -- money goes elsewhere -- jobs goes elsewhere -- our children grow p and go elsewhere ---...)

2) Stop littering our roads, our waterways, our homes. Prosecute and make them clean our environment too

3) You may have more and better ideas. Please share your ideas.

* Recycle, reuse, new products from rubbish,... can be of more benefits to rubbish makers (packaging companies).

When do we start cleaning up rubbish in our environment?  I say now and keep it going. What say you?

คำสำคัญ (Tags): #rubbish#environment
หมายเลขบันทึก: 565475เขียนเมื่อ 6 เมษายน 2014 06:41 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 7 เมษายน 2014 11:18 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: ครีเอทีฟคอมมอนส์แบบ แสดงที่มา-ไม่ใช้เพื่อการค้า-ไม่ดัดแปลงจำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

ความเห็น (4)

Start from our self and people under our control, I've done that and I think it's one of the way that everyone can do.

Thanks โอ๋-อโณ : That makes two (You and I) who are doing something about rubbish in our environment. We would love to see more os us doing something about rubbish in our environment. Even when one cannot spare the time now, one can always take rubbish home -- to dispose one's own rubbish at one's home. But You and you and you can help ;-)


เปลว สีเงิน เขียน (Tuesday, 8 April, 2014)

อักษะที่เคยสงบ สง่า สวยงาม วันนี้ แสนสลด เกลื่อนกลาด เต็มไปด้วยขยะยังกะว่าย้ายภูเขาขยะแพรกษามาไว้ที่นี่ ทั้งธงชาติ และทั้งพระบรมฉายาลักษณ์ ที่ประดับตามเสาหงส์ มากต่อมาก ถูกยื้อยุดฉุดกระชากไปกองทิ้งข้างถนน น้ำในคู ในสระ ทั้งเศษภาชนะ ทั้งสิ่งสกปรก ทิ้งลงไปโสโครกจนเปลี่ยนสี
นี่คืออนารยะที่พวกคุณทำกันไว้ทั้งนั้น แล้วไหนล่ะที่ว่า "เสร็จงานจะจัดการให้สะอาดเรียบร้อยดังเดิม?"...

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