9 - Big, Bad, Loud, Rude and Red (PSE)

So, there are words that are not nouns and are not verbs. We will look for these words and collect them too.

9 - Big, Bad, Loud, Rude and Red (PSE)

We will look at English words again. This time we look at words that go with other words. Can you read the following aloud?

This dog 'is big'.
That doughnut 'is bad'.
The demonstration 'is loud'.
Some protestors 'are rude'.
Many balls 'are red'.

I 'am short'. But I stand on a 'tall building'.

We see many 'big people'.
We see some 'bad people'.
They make 'loud noises'.
They make 'rude gestures'.
We kick 'red balls'.

So, there are words that are not nouns and are not verbs.
We will look for these words and collect them too.

We will get another box to put these words in.
What will we call this box?
(I will leave it to you to label this box and to put in  words like: big, small, short, tall, good, bad, loud, quiet, nice, rude, red, green, ...

If you have words that do not go into 'nouns' box, or 'verbs' box and this box, you should get another box to them in. You should try to find the best word to label this box. You should be able to explain what words go into this box and why.

[Dear Teachers

Two more boxes should set up. Label one box "adjectives". Label another "?".
Put all words that we learn in this session in there.
Ask students to 'look out' for words that are not 'nouns' and not 'verbs' and not 'adjectives'.
We will now collect more words and we will put new words in the boxes.
Any word we do not know if it is a noun or a verb or an adjective, goes in "?" box for now. Together, we will look at the words in "?" box again and try to put them into other boxes.
(This is an exercise in mathematics of 'Set Theory'.
We are learning to see what 'are same' and what 'are different'. Then we learn to use the words in any box as if they are the same.) ]

Note. There are words that can go into 2 boxes or more. For examples: bowl, can, show, spot, and so on. What do we do with these words? For now, we will copy the words, each on another piece of paper, and put the copies into the boxes they can go into.
(These English words are not special. Many Thai words are like this too. For examples: กา สี รำ สระ )

หมายเลขบันทึก: 470669เขียนเมื่อ 8 ธันวาคม 2011 12:12 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ 2012 22:53 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: ครีเอทีฟคอมมอนส์แบบ แสดงที่มา-ไม่ใช้เพื่อการค้า-อนุญาตแบบเดียวกันจำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

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