independent living centre

ผมลองบันทึกข้อมูลที่เกี่ยวข้องกับ independent living centre จากการค้น google ดู เพื่อนำเสนอทุกท่านถึงความเป็นไปได้ของการนำไปใช้ฟื้นฟูสภาพผู้รับบริการกายภาพบำบัดและกิจกรรมบำบัด มหิดล


Independent Living is a philosophy and a movement of people with disabilities who work for self-determination, equal opportunities and self-respect. Independent Living does not mean that we want to do everything by ourselves and do not need anybody or that we want to live in isolation Independent Living means that we demand the same choices and control in our every-day lives that our non-disabled brothers and sisters, neighbors and friends take for granted. We want to grow up in our families, go to the neighborhood school, use the same bus as our neighbors, work in jobs that are in line with our education and interests, and start families of our own.

There are five major programs provided in the independent living centre as follows: 

Several types of advocacy services are offered, individual advocacy is done on behalf of a single person. Systemic advocacy involves defending, or supporting a particular position of benefit to a group or class of people (e.g. people with disabilities). Self advocacy supports and enhances a consumer's ability to be assertive when faced with obstacles in pursuit of independent living goals. Consumers are empowered through education of advocacy methods and encouraged to take directing roles in advocating for their own issues as well as the issues of others. The centre trains consumers how to contact public officials and present their issues in writing, over the telephone, and by appointment. The centre keeps consumers up-to-date about their civil rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Rehabilitation Act, Fair Housing laws, and other legislation prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability. Additionally, the centre provides access on the center's computer system and network to the latest news, amendments, and legislation concerning people with disabilities on the state and national level -- sometimes even before it is published! To encourage and facilitate self advocacy, the centre maintains addresses and phone numbers of state and federal public officials and educational materials regarding effective letter writing, phone calls, and other forms of communication.

Information & Referral
The centre provides disability and community related information to all individuals with disabilities, family members, services providers, and community members who request it. I&R is a service based on a systemic method of accepting inquiries regarding independent living and using knowledge, experience, and an organized system of data and resources to provide accurate, well-informed responses. The majority of the centre's I&R is accomplished over the phone. As calls are received and requests are communicated, a staff member responds promptly with appropriate information and resources gathered from searches of computerized databases.

As a leader in independent living technology, the centre develops and continuously updates a comprehensive information and referral database containing community, state, and national resource organizations serving people with disabilities. This database is available on a system at workstations throughout the center. Additionally, the centre operates and maintains a library of independent living resources (books, magazines, audio tapes, video tapes, brochures, etc.) available for examination at the center or for loan.

Peer Support
Peer support is information, one-on-one peer mentoring, and group interactions helping people with disabilities develop mutual support, assistance, and understanding. The centre provides peer support in a consumer-directed manner over the telephone, in person when a consumer visits the center, or by visiting the consumer at his or her living site if necessary. The staff and volunteers have been trained in the philosophies and practices of independent living (IL) and communicate IL strategies to consumers in peer support interactions.

Independent Living Skills Training
Independent Living Skills Training - information and educational programming provided to a consumer or group of consumers with the intent to develop or increase skills, knowledge, or abilities needed to live more independently. The centre's goal for IL skills training is to develop and implement an educational program to provide instructions on skills needed to accomplish the daily tasks of independent living. This program will also provide persons with disabilities information and linkage with community resources and services needed to gain access to the community.

IL Research Briefs

Each of these briefs is based on a number of studies. They are designed to be concise and easy to understand. When using this information, please credit the Research Information for Independent Living project.

Advocacy for Positive Change
Elderly Care Options
Independent Living Concept
Physically Accessible Housing
Avoiding Nursing Home Care
Self Determination Assistance
Rural Transportation Solutions
Homelessness and Psychiatric Disabilities
Managed Care and Disability
ADA Literature Review
Medical Prescriptions
Substance Abuse
Disaster Preparation
Durable Medical Equipment
Family Support
Underserved Populations
Consumer-Directed Care
Olmstead & State Plans
New Freedom Initiative
Cash and Counseling
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หมายเลขบันทึก: 98820เขียนเมื่อ 26 พฤษภาคม 2007 14:45 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 29 เมษายน 2012 12:08 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: จำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

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