
Elizabeth Edwards

"...there's not a single person in America that should vote for me because Elizabeth has cancer... Do not vote for us because you feel some sympathy or compassion for us. That would be an enormous mistake."

Elizabeth Edwards was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004 after John Kerry & John Edwards's presidential bid defeat. She wrote a best-seller book Saving Graces;
"From Publishers Weekly
  .... Edwards's memoir is not about cancer, politics or even unbearable loss (though the description of her grief is heart-wrenching). It's about the value of people coming together to support each other."
In the past, illnesses in leaders were not disclosed to public, we didn't know about  president John F Kennedy's chronic back illness until well after his death.
She has received more than 12,000 emails of support since announcing of her recurrence, incurrable, but treatable cancer. She and her husband could easily exit the presidential race by citing her illness. But she has chosen to be in the campaign.
PS. I'm not an American citizen, therefore can't vote. But US political news are intriguing that's why I keep reading and listening.
Update from TIME Magazine

Wednesday, Apr. 04, 2007

I’ll be constantly trying to change the subject to the bigger issues. I don’t just want to be the wife with cancer.

wife of presidential candidate John Edwards, whose cancer has turned out to be more curable than originally thought
คำสำคัญ (Tags): #women
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