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How could I create Sirapat Administrational Model?

Administrational Model

How could I create Sirapat Administrational Model?

            Before I create administrational Model,I would like to get the term of organization clear. It has been defined in various ways by different theorists. This is because they have emphasized different characteristic of organization. For example , Max Weber defines organization as cooperate group while Chest Bernard and his followers stressed a different basis for organization as a system of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two or more persons.  Meanwhile, John Neuston defines organization as a systematic study of knowledge about how people as individuals and as group act within organization. Although there is no settled consensus about the definition of these concepts, two notions appear relevant to the concept of organization theory are: control mechanisms and co-ordination mechanisms.

              After I have finished the coursework of Organization and Administration Theories – LA 711 at Thaksin University, I got inspiring to bring Causal Attribution Mechanisms for developing this model because the attribution theorists believe that the way in which individuals explain events can import consequences for how they choose to respond. They suggest that attributions takes place at four levels : 1) intra-personal attributions  2)  interpersonal attributions  3)  intergroup  attributions  4)  societal (organizational) attributions. Therefore, it is reasonable to bring the Causal Attribution concept for developing  ‘ Sirapat Administrational Model ’ , as shown in Figure 1.

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           The attributions at four levels mean

          1)Intra-personal  attributions give rise to the explanations that an individual makes for his or her own behavior reflecting the individual’s understanding of how his or her environment is organized.

          2)Interpersonal attributions are causal explanations for another person’s behavior,and they are important moderators of interpersonal judgments and behavior.

            3)Intergroup  attributions  depend upon actual  or particular group for outcomes involving their own group and/or members of other groups. Intergroup attributions  can increase conflict and reduce trust between group.

            4)Organizational attributions refer to casual attributions which are shared by groups of people. The investigation of organizational attributions has taken two directions. The first has explored  how leaders and strategic planning groups identify and transmit the causes of successful and unsuccessful organizational performance. The second has concerned relationships between socially shared attributions for important organizational events and the development of cohesive organizational culture. 

             As you know , at the heart of organizational administration is the relationships between administrators, leaders , employees and stakeholders. Now I will show you this model describing the relationships and the proper role of administrators in the organizational process. Apparently, the effectiveness succeeding with organizational administration emphasizes as inferred by followers based on how they depict group or organizational performance outcomes and  how they choose to respond. Therefore, Administrator and follower must adhere to the statements of expected accomplishment and seek to continuous feedback keeping on the progress toward goals. “Are the human resources committed to organizational goal? ,When you look at your workforce ,do you see the source of your organization success ?” This question turn understandable  how  to use Controlled Concept and Co-ordination/Collaboration Concept to obtain the organization goal. Accordingly to Controlled Concept in this model consists of  six  components , as follows : 1) Planning 2) Organizing 3) Directing 4)Motivating 5)Controlling 6)Monitoring & Evaluating ,and  Co-ordination/Collaboration Concept in this model consists of four  components , as follows : 1) Teamwork across Function 2) Knowledge Management 3) Power Distribution 4)Communication /Integration through Networked IT. Now, let’s look at three dimensions of relationship’s model which obviously tell you that not only Goal-Oriented ,but Power & Political  and Participation & Empowerment  also.


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หมายเลขบันทึก: 421273เขียนเมื่อ 19 มกราคม 2011 11:55 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 17 เมษายน 2013 15:43 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: ครีเอทีฟคอมมอนส์แบบ แสดงที่มา-ไม่ใช้เพื่อการค้า-อนุญาตแบบเดียวกันจำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

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