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How could I decorate the leadership of my high-leveled leaders ?

How could I decorate the leadership of my leaders ?

Q : How could you decorate the leadership of your high-leveled leaders ?

      After I developed the model that point out administrational components and methods of high-leveled leaders of mine that could answer how about their prominent physical characteristics , their dominant personality , their important leadership skills ,and their strength / weakness. I would like to propose  decorating these leaders, as following:


                             How to decorate these leaders?

Dr. A(Task-Oriented Behavior)

-To correct a mistake in the action :

- Providing  vision and mission

- Operating on the emotional and

        spiritual of follower

- Increasing friendly

- Positive order that are easy to understand

            - Fit his order

            - Concentrate a point

            - Develop his  style

Dr. B(Task-Oriented Behavior)

-To stop the action :

- Authoritarian

- Rebellious

- Inflexible / rigid

-To correct a mistake in the action :

      - Motivate people to do their  work when

        they know exactly what their job are and

        when they know exactly what Dr. B want

        them to do

- Simple plan and simple order



                             How to decorate these leaders?


Dr. C(Relation-Oriented Behavior)


-To  correct rule by work :

- Give everyone a specific job to do ;

   get them all involved

- Organize people ,so Dr. C should exercise

   Control of them

- To lead people - Dr. C must first be

   a leader


Dr. D(Participative-Oriented Behavior)


-To develop a mistake in the action :

- Respecting for the dignity of every

        other person

- Develop skill of sociability

- Above all—be sincere



          However, I wish to apply “The Leadership Practices Inventory-LPI  Workbook” recording their leadership score ,then interpreting/ summarizing/Action-Plan work sheets for them ,after that proposing through Walailak university’s Personel Department which is responsible for scheduling  staff development.

          As you know , at the heart of organizational administration is the relationships between administrators, leaders , employees and stakeholders. The effectiveness succeeds with organizational administration emphasizes as inferred by followers based on how they depict group or organizational performance outcomes and  how they choose to respond. Therefore, Administrator and follower must adhere to the statements of expected accomplishment and seek to continuous feedback keeping on the progress toward goals.

          Leaders should ask themselves “Are the human resources committed to organizational goal?” in order that they can choose  what administrational concepts. For example, choosing controlled concept(Planning /Organizing /Directing /Motivating /Controlling /Monitoring &Evaluating) or choosing co-ordination(collaboration) concept (Teamwork across Function / Knowledge Management / Power Distribution /Communication & Integration through Networked IT). I strongly believe that it is important to decorating the leadership of all staff level ; therefore, I wish to take this idea into the consideration of this institute for applying “The Leadership Practices Inventory-LPI  Workbook” to Action-Plan work sheets for developing all staff level.

คำสำคัญ (Tags): #decorate#leadership
หมายเลขบันทึก: 421250เขียนเมื่อ 19 มกราคม 2011 11:01 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 17 เมษายน 2013 15:46 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: ครีเอทีฟคอมมอนส์แบบ แสดงที่มา-ไม่ใช้เพื่อการค้า-อนุญาตแบบเดียวกันจำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

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