Top 7 Internet Marketing Time Saving Tools

One of the biggest obstacles facing anyone involved with internet marketing or online promotion is finding enough time in the day to accomplish all of the tasks required to be successful. There are hundreds of micro-tasks involved with various internet marketing strategies, all of which consume precious amounts of time, the secret to getting things done is finding ways to automate these tasks as much as possible. This article describes some of the best tools that you can use to automate several of these time consuming tasks.

1. Password Managers. If you are like most people trying to make a living from the internet you will no doubt be required to enter username and password information into online forms for dozens if not hundreds of sites. Whether it's checking your email, logging into an online web stats service, updating social bookmark sites, posting to your blog or anything else, filling out login details can be a real time waster. Password managers such as Roboform and others automate this process by storing and auto-filling your password info on the sites that you choose to setup. This can help save you several hours per month in repetitive, mundane tasks.

2. Email Autoresponders. If you aren't already using an autoresponder system to manage your emails you are wasting your time. Autoresponders such as AWeber and others handle the maintenance of your email lists, send pre-written and pre-scheduled messages to your subscribers and handle any unsubscribe requests that might occur. You simply setup your messages in advance, determine when you would like your email messages to be sent and the autoresponders does the rest of the work for you.

3. Blogs. You might not think of blogs as internet marketing automators or time saving tools but they really are. Instead of spending countless hours learning HTML or going back and forth with web designers to make page updates, blogs allow you to have a site up and running in minutes. Changing the look of a blog, adding an image to a page and updating content can all be done in very little time. There are also several plugins available for blogs that automate your marketing further such as pinging your posts to Twitter and Facebook at the push of a button for example.

4. Outsourcing services. Just about any routine internet marketing task from forum posts to building back links can be outsourced and there are a growing number of outsourcing services available to choose from. Search online for these services and compare services and prices. You will find that you save a great deal of time outsourcing tasks that you are less efficient at than others are.

5. Bots. Bots are scripts or software that automate tasks. There are bots available today that handle several repetitive and time consuming internet marketing tasks such as posting links to social bookmarking sites, submitting your site to web directories, updating your blog, adding rss feeds to feed aggregators, submitting online press releases and many other. Search for these things online and explore ways to integrate bots into your marketing routine.

6. The Internet. This one is so obvious that it is constantly overlooked. The internet itself is a time saving tool. Learn to use the internet to conduct research efficiently, use bookmarks within folders to organize your browsing activities, manage files and projects, Also you should consider upgrading to the fastest internet connection that you can find, this alone will save you untold time.

7. Your Brain. Last but certainly not least on this list, is your own mind. Use it to determine which tasks chew up the most amount of your time, which tasks provide the greatest amount of results for your internet marketing efforts, outsource or automate any task which is at the bottom of your list and pay special attention to any tasks which eat away large amounts of your time and produce the least amount of results.

คำสำคัญ (Tags): #internet marketing
หมายเลขบันทึก: 391965เขียนเมื่อ 7 กันยายน 2010 20:32 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 18 พฤษภาคม 2012 20:53 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: ไม่สงวนสิทธิ์ใดๆจำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

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