Address Resolution Protocols

Address Resolution Protocols

You should know the following protocols that perform address resolution.



Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)

Used by hosts to discover the MAC address of a computer from its IP address.

Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP)

Used by a host to discover the IP address of a computer from its MAC address.

Bootstrap Protocol (BootP)

Used by a host (such as a diskless workstation) to query a bootstrap computer and receive an IP address assignment. A BootP server has a static list of MAC addresses and their corresponding IP addresses.

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

An improvement on BootP, DHCP is used to dynamically assign IP address and other TCP/IP configuration parameters. A DHCP server can use a static list to assign a specific IP address to a specific host. More commonly, however, the DHCP server automatically assigns an IP addressfrom a preset range of possible addresses.



Credit: Testout 640-802 CCNA Notes

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