renal stone and E-sarn combination syndrome

contemporary medicine

Renal  stone  Screening  and E– sarn  Metabolic  Syndrome

Orthosiphon ,  local  name:Payab-mek , Bang rak pa , E-tu-dong

Major substance:high content of  potassium  salt  up to  0.7-0.8%  per one leaf

Medical usage:diuretic  with high PH property  which highly effective  on  inhibition  of calcium carbonate accumulation which originate from  water  with high content  of  calcium carbonate  consumption and high purine food intake such as is  also able to dilate the kidneys’ duct ,consequently,diminish   pain from  kidney stone,however; it   is unable to dissolve  kidney stone , but more effective  in  early  stage   of   stone formation

Symptom of  E-sarn combination syndrome:chronic symptom of dyspepsia, fatigue, headache,Frank’s paresthesia, anthralgia,sore leg  and have history of  bamboo shoot,poultry,meat,eel and fish with no scale which is cannot  be diagnosed  the root  cause ,so,to  date  the doctor can treat  these symptoms  by  supportive treatment.regardless of  these symptoms are the early sign of small low grade infection  of kidney stone because kidney stone with  diameter less than 5mm can not be detected by ultrasound, however;whatever cannot detect  doesnot  mean nothing ,so,Assoc.Prof.Dr.Amorn   Premgamon  tried  to treat  the person with these symptoms  by using Orthosiphon  with  eating habit modification and the result  showed   approval  outcome.,so the application of this research is very useful  in primary care because  it can save  many  health expenditure and be able to use in every socio-economic class.Furthermore; inhibition of small  kidney stone formation  prevent chronic renal failure in the future.

Research application  use2-3 young leaves in the  period of flower blooming  then chopped and dried with sun light

Remedy preparation   2 grams of  Orthosiphon  prepared in sachet ,soak in  a cup of boiled water(150-200 ml), capped  about  1 minute  then  massage  the sachet  with tea spoon  and drink slowly  withinin 5 min three time per day

NOTE  1.One sachet  is able to re-use  3 times  and  should not use before meal due to hypoglycemia inducible

             2.Beware of  treating in person with  heart disease and  do  not  use combine  with aspirin

                    not use  raw  leaves  because  the major substance  is too much  causing  heart block     

หมายเลขบันทึก: 294545เขียนเมื่อ 5 กันยายน 2009 11:45 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 5 มิถุนายน 2012 20:38 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: ครีเอทีฟคอมมอนส์แบบ แสดงที่มา-ไม่ใช้เพื่อการค้า-อนุญาตแบบเดียวกันจำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

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