contemporary medicine

national health examination survey

        National Health Examination Survey  is conducted to examine the distribution of health status by time, geographic region, age,sex and related factors by determining  health and nutritional status,prevalence of major diseases and risk factors for diseases through  personal interviews and  examination in their household .The goal of National Health Examination Survey  is to provide  the information  for  developing health  service system,planning   strategies to promote health and  prevent diseases, furthermore; health science research can be developed from these information.

         As  usual,they use stratified  multi-stage cluster method  for  sampling ,at first  stage;they randomly selected the  province then they divided  each sample into urban and rural areas, the second stage;enumeration units were randomly extracted from  each urban area  while village units were  randomly extracted from each rural areas,finally;subjects were randomly selected  from each units  as  following group: men and women whose age between 1-14 year,15-59 year  and equal to 60 year and more. The tools  designed for collecting data  are questionnaire contains core questions that remain essentially unchanged over time, plus additional items added as supplements each year to provide more in-depth coverage of core subjects and/or information on new and emerging health issues. Core questions cover major topics such as health conditions and status, health care access and utilization, limitation of activity, immunizations, health behaviors and lifestyle, HIV/AIDS knowledge and attitudes, health insurance, income resources, and sociodemographic information. Questions  including subjects’ mental health, chronic health conditions, cancer, complementary and alternative medicine. The result of  survey are showned  via  web of  National Health Examination Survey Office (NHESO)  and reported  paper.

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หมายเลขบันทึก: 292758เขียนเมื่อ 30 สิงหาคม 2009 20:50 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ 2012 09:07 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: ครีเอทีฟคอมมอนส์แบบ แสดงที่มา-ไม่ใช้เพื่อการค้า-อนุญาตแบบเดียวกันจำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

ความเห็น (1)

This is an important data for improve status of health for the citizen in Thailand so when collected data finish, should be to make a project to promote. This is in my view that the key for explore the true of health conditions in the field.

พบปัญหาการใช้งานกรุณาแจ้ง LINE ID @gotoknow
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